Monday 22 April 2013 News 04-22-2013 News update 04-22-2013

Tragedy And Hope Made Easy - Chapter 4
--The vast majority of people – people like you and me – never think of money as a weapon. For us, it's simply something that we earn and then use to purchase products and services. The network, on the other hand, has a much, much deeper understanding of what money is and how to wield its power. For them, money isn't about acquiring more material goods or services; it's about acquiring more control over the resources and instruments that govern human behavior. When viewed in this light, their seemingly insatiable desire to accumulate money makes more sense. (More money equals more control.)

However, this doesn't mean that personal ownership of money is the network's most effective monetary weapon. In fact, we could take away the personal fortunes of all of its members and, if that's all we did, their power would remain undisturbed and they would rebuild their fortunes in no time. This is because the network knows something that most of us do not: Control of money, not actual "ownership," is what truly matters. Where you and I cannot imagine having the ability to control money that doesn't belong to us; the network cannot imagine having it any other way.

In this chapter, we'll cover the three primary mechanisms that the network uses to perpetuate its monetary power. They are: 1) The ability to combine and control the earnings of others, 2) The ability to directly confiscate the earnings of others, and 3) The ability to create money out of thin air.
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Supreme Court Strikes Down Warrantless Blood Tests In DUI Cases
Police following up on drunk driving investigations will no longer be able to draw their suspect's blood without a court order authorizing the search, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday.

In a 5-4 decision, with Justices Sonya Sotomayor, Antonin Scalia, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Anthony Kennedy and Elena Kagan making up the majority, the court ruled that the natural expiration of alcohol in the bloodstream does not constitute "destruction of evidence," which would otherwise give officers cause for a warrantless search.
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Previous Week's News 04-15-2013

Italian Supreme Court President Blames Bilderberg For Terrorist Attacks
--The "strategy of tension" refers to a policy under the auspices of Operation Gladio, a NATO cold war "stay behind" project that sought to create an expedient political climate in Europe by having its agents carry out terror attacks which were then blamed on both far left and far right political groups.

Gladio was designed to demonize political opposition and "force the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security," according to the testimony of former Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra. In 2000, an Italian parliamentary investigation found that the 1980 Bologna train bombing, which killed 85 people, was carried out by "men inside Italian state institutions and … men linked to the structures of United States intelligence."
"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game," Vinciguerra explained in sworn testimony.

"The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security. This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened," he added.

Imposimato stated that he was given the document by a former Ordine Nuovo terrorist. Members of Ordine Nuovo (Italian for "New Order") participated in numerous deadly terrorist attacks, including the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing, the 1970 Rome-Messina train attack, the 1974Piazza della Loggia bombing in Brescia, and the Italicus Express bombing in 1974.
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DIY Multi-Purpose Tractor (with Video)
Marcin Jakubowski didn't study fusion physics to become a farmer. But the Polish-American scientist grew more disillusioned with academia the longer he worked toward his doctorate. Researchers withheld data to compete for grants, he says, instead of collaborating to solve big problems. "The further I went in my Ph.D. program, the less value I felt I was contributing to society," he says. Seeking a fresh start, Jakubowski bought 30 acres of Missouri farmland and a tractor. Life in relative seclusion proved uneventful until, one day in 2008, his tractor broke down for the second and last time, spurring him to start an open-source industrial revolution.

To Jakubowski, the tractor seemed designed to fail. Why should he sink more money into fixing it or buy a replacement? He wanted a simple and useful machine, and one he could repair and upgrade on the fly. "It boiled down to lower cost in the long run," he says.

Jakubowski built the first LifeTrac, as he calls his DIY tractor, in three months for $6,000—about $30,000 less than a comparable mass-produced model. Seeing room for improvement, he built a second prototype in just six days. He posted his progress on the tractor and other machines to an online wiki, which attracted followers, who suggested their own design tweaks. Some even visited in person to help with builds—and Open Source Ecology took off.
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School: Americans Don't Have Right to Bear Arms
The father of a Connecticut child is furious after discovering that his son's school is teaching students that Americans don't have a Second Amendment right to bear arms.

--"This means that the rights of this amendment are not extended to the individual citizens of the states," the worksheet reads. "So a person has no right to complain about a Second Amendment violation by state laws."
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Bitcoin Goes Parabolic
Bitcoin is a powerful, game-changing crypto currency that may literally change the world. It's a huge threat to centralized banks and government currency controls because it's entirely decentralized, anonymous and virtually impossible to track. Bitcoin is the "underground railroad" of money, and it has an important role to play in the epic battle between liberty vs. slavery.

But because bitcoin is a currency whose value is based on the psychology of human beings, it is subject to booms and busts. Bitcoin has enjoyed a meteoric rise from roughly $20 per bitcoin in February to almost $200 per bitcoin today. (Yes, nearly a 1000% return in less than two months.) This has happened for several reasons, but primarily because the Cypriot bank thefts taught people that "money in the bank" isn't any safer than money anywhere else. So why not invest in a crypto-currency that can't be stolen by the banks?

As Europeans and Russians were funneling unprecedented sums of money into bitcoin over the past few months, Asians began to dump speculative money into the system. Today, Chinese investors (i.e. "gamblers") are pumping huge sums of cash into bitcoin, hoping to double or triple their money as the currency continues its red hot rise.
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Early Neutering: We'll Call This Myth Busted...
--My goal with regard to pet sterilization is simply to provide information to pet owners about the risks, since there is much information readily available about the benefits. In this case, where early spaying has been widely promoted as a way to prevent mammary tumors in female dogs, in light of the findings of the U.K. systematic review, I feel compelled to let pet owners know there is scarce scientific evidence available to back up that widely held belief.

If your dog is not yet spayed or neutered, I can offer some general recommendations for timing of the procedure:
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Vote Rigging = Big Money and Big Power
--When you understand that whoever controls the Internet server controls the election, and that with online voting, the public loses its ability to see or authenticate any of the essential processes; when you learn that a technology official who has admitted to taking $860,000 in bribes,[2] planned to set up his own Internet voting system for New Orleans; when you discover that around this time, the same guy setting up the Internet voting system was making ten-thousand-dollar bets on election outcomes[3], you realize that Internet voting is nothing more than a large number of people acting dumb in the dark. 

But that's not all. While the New Orleans bid-rigging and kickback scheme focused on Nagin, Meffert and St. Pierre, money flowed through Ed Burns, in his position as president of state and local government contracts at Ciber, Inc.,[4] a company that in addition to acting as a conduit in the New Orleans technology money, acted as the "Independent Testing Authority" -- ITA, that handled testing for most of the voting systems in use in America today, and signed off on them, enabling election officials everywhere to tell us not to worry, the machines are safe, they have been "tested and certified." 
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