Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Monday, 29 July 2013
Mark Tighe / The Sunday Times: 28th July 2013.
Sunday, 28 July 2013
The Gold Bulletin 28th July 2013
Colm McCarthy / Sunday Independent: 28th July 2013.
Friday, 26 July 2013
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
"The Surveillance State - What Does It All Mean?" with Jon Rappoport
Solari Update |
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"The Surveillance State - What Does It All Mean?" with Jon Rappoport
By Catherine Austin Fitts Jon takes on a very serious topic this week. What is the chilling effect of living in a surveillance state? Indeed, our challenge is not just that there may be no privacy. Our challenge is that we are literally not allowed to speak freely. Among other examples, Jon talks about the Texas teenager who has been in prison since March as a result of making a joke while playing an on line video game. Helping understand the psychology created by surveillance, can also help you understand how to navigate it with the minimum cost to you in terms of losing time, attention or the ability to exercise your freedom and creativity. Just as you carry an umbrella in the rain, we want The Solari Report to help you be able to put up your psychological and spiritual umbrellas and proceed to enjoy your life come what may. As always, Jon's insights are original and profound, reflecting as rich an understanding of the phenomenon we are dealing with as exists today. It's Jon's show this week - so no Money & Markets. Do post your questions for us on the blog! |
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Subscribe to the Solari Report and receive printed copies of "Coming Clean in 2013: The 2012 Annual Wrap Up" and the "Third Quarter 2013 Equity Report." | ||
Just A Taste - Earnings Season Questions Get a "taste" of The Solari Report with this video excerpt from last week's report: "This is the time every few months when most companies report their quarterly earnings. There's a lot of nervousness around expected earnings this time. I'll tell you why. Investors are getting their 2nd quarter statements to see how they are doing for the second quarter of 2013 and everything is down." Watch the video... | ![]() | |
About The Solari Report A live, weekly one-hour briefing with Catherine Austin Fitts and specialized experts, The Solari Report helps to navigate you through the shifting political and financial climates while building your wealth. Here is what one listener says about Catherine Austin Fitts: "Wow, Catherine! This chick is thinking way outside the box. Catherine Austin Fitts on the ramifications of the G7s latest clampdown on all that loose offshore money." | ![]() | |
Nothing in this Solari Update should be taken as individual investment advice. Anyone seeking investment advice for his or her personal financial situation is advised to seek out a qualified advisor or advisors and provide as much information as possible to the advisor in order that such advisor can take into account all relevant circumstances, objectives, and risks before rendering an opinion as to the appropriate investment strategy. © Solari, Inc. 2010-2012 | ||
Monday, 22 July 2013
JoePlummer.com News 07-22-2013
School Officials End RFID Tracking Program
Source: LibertyCrier.com
SAN ANTONIO, Texas — After a drawn-out battle waged in court and within the community, school officials with the Northside Independent School District have announced their decision to stop using a student tracking program that relied on RFID tracking badges containing tiny chips that produce a radio signal, enabling school officials to track students' location on school property. According to school officials, the decision to cease the "Student Locator Project" was due in part to low participation rates, negative publicity, and a lawsuit by The Rutherford Institute. Rutherford Institute attorneys had filed suit against school officials in November 2012 on behalf of Andrea Hernandez, a sophomore at John Jay High School's Science and Engineering Academy, who was expelled from the magnet school in January 2013 after objecting to the badges based on religious freedom and privacy concerns. The question of whether Hernandez will be permitted to return to John Jay has yet to be resolved.
"This decision by Texas school officials to end the student locator program is proof that change is possible if Americans care enough to take a stand and make their discontent heard," said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State. "As Andrea Hernandez and her family showed, the best way to ensure that your government officials hear you is by never giving up, never backing down, and never remaining silent—even when things seem hopeless."
Read full article at:http://libertycrier.com/san-antonio-public-school-officials-end-rfid-tracking-program-citing-civil-liberties-lawsuit-negative-pu
Raisin thieves
Source: Breitbart.com
Horne violated Marketing Order 989, passed during the Truman administration, "a federal regulation meant to solve a problem from the era after World War II, which created the national raisin reserve. The program gives the U.S. government a heavy-handed power to interfere with the supply and demand for dried grapes" and takes "away a percentage of every farmer's raisins" without paying for them. The law has been described as one that gives the government the power to operate a cartel.
The government can save the raisins, sell them to foreigners, throw them away, or even feed them to animals -- so long as they are off the domestic market.
The Post notes the government can "use those proceeds to pay its own expenses and to promote raisins overseas" in addition to paying for overhead. And in one recent year, the program generated $65,483,211, and all of it was spent. Horne described the program as the "rape of the raisin growers" and said it made him feel like "a serf."
Read full article at:http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/07/11/CA-Farmer-Faces-Bankruptcy-Gov-t-Wrath-for-Refusing-to-Contribute-to-National
Experts Contradict Obama On Global Warming
Source: Forbes.com
--During yesterday's Environment and Public Works hearings, Sen. David Vitter asked a panel of experts, including experts selected by Boxer, "Can any witnesses say they agree with Obama's statement that warming has accelerated during the past 10 years?"
For several seconds, nobody said a word. Sitting just a few rows behind the expert witnesses, I thought I might have heard a few crickets chirping, but I couldn't tell for sure. We'll give Obama the benefit of the doubt and count the crickets in the "maybe" camp.
After several seconds of deafening silence, global warming activist Heidi Cullen, who formerly served as a meteorologist for the Weather Channel, attempted to change the subject. Cullen said our focus should be on longer time periods rather than the 10-year period mentioned by Obama. When pressed, however, she contradicted Obama's central assertion and said warming has slowed, not accelerated.
Read full article at:http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamestaylor/2013/07/19/senator-barbara-boxers-own-experts-contradict-obama-on-global-warming/
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Other sources for alternative news:
Previous Week's News 07-15-2013
The Truth About George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin (Video)
Source: FreeDomainRadio.com
Watch video at:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bF-Ax5E8EJc
COMMENT: ...Some stuff the media didn't talk too much about.
Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Talk to the Police
Source: Kirkpiccione.com
--REASON #4: Even if you are innocent, and you only tell the truth, and you don't tell any little white lies, it is possible to give the police some detail of information that can be used to convict you.
For example, a suspect is being questioned about a murder. He is truly innocent of the murder. But in the course of explaining his innocence, he makes the statement that he never liked the victim, because the victim was not a nice guy. A statement like that could be used to prove motive.
Or in the course of the statement, the suspect might admit that he was in the area of town where the murder was committed at the time it was committed. Although he's innocent and although this statement is true, the prosecutor could use that statement to suggest that the suspect had the opportunity to commit the crime, which looks very bad in front of a jury.
Read full article at:http://www.kirkpiccione.com/10-reasons-not-talk-police/
COMMENT: ...and if the cops start giving you a hard time about not wanting to answer their questions, maybe that's when you should ask them a question of your own:
"Hey, have you ever read this law professor's 'Top 10 Reasons You Should Not Talk to the Police?' It's pretty good, here's a copy."
PLEASE forward this newsletter to anyone you think might be interested. Those who'd like to be added to our news list can sign up at:http://stopthelie.com/stl_newsletter.html
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Colm McCarthy / Sunday Independent: 21st July 2013.
Friday, 19 July 2013
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Thursday, 18 July 2013
Monday, 15 July 2013
The Gold Bulletin 15th July 2013
WHISTLER-BLOWER WARNING - Reveals the Massive NSA Spy Grid and Why the Bankers WANT Him DEAD - read the last paragraph
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