Monday, 8 July 2013 News 07-08-2013 News update 07-08-2013

'Pay the Farmer, or Pay the Hospital'
--Vani brings up a point that I too have shared on countless occasions, which is that you can either spend your money on healthy foods now, or you can spend it on medical bills down the road. According to Vani:

"There's this great young individual Birke Baehr, a 14-year-old genius who wants to be a farmer. He's spreading his message. He came up with that. He says, "You can either pay the farmer, or you can pay the hospital.

I think people, when they start to eliminate processed foods, eliminate GMOs, buy organic food, eliminate the toxins and the chemicals in their food, and start feeling well... the people around them are going to say, 'I want some of that. I want to feel like that person. Wow, look at her. Look at all the energy. And look what she's giving back to the world.' There is no way I would be able to have become a consultant, live that lifestyle, and started a blog, had I not been taking care of myself 100 percent. There's no way I would have been able to give back to society that way. I wouldn't be able to do it.

I think feeling good should be everyone's kind of number one priority in life. What's the point of living life, traveling the world, and doing things that you want to do, if you can't feel good?"

As someone who has spent the greater portion of my adult life making my health a priority in my life, I cannot think of anything that could possibly compete with feeling good and aging well. What's your take?
Read full article at:


Colloidal Silver + Antibiotics
--The use of silver in the battle against pathogenic bacteria goes way back into antiquity. Hippocrates was one of the first to describe its antimicrobial properties in 400 B.C. Over the past few years, several studies have demonstrated the fact that silver is indeed one of the most effective agents in the battle against antibiotic-resistant super pathogens. Yet conventional medicine has largely dismissed such claims, relegating colloidal silver to the "woo-woo" section of medical myth.

They may be inclined to change their tune however, in light of the latest research11, 12 which shows that low doses of silver can make antibiotics up to 1,000 times more effective, and may even allow an antibiotic to successfully combat otherwise antibiotic-resistant bacteria. As reported by Medical News Today:13

"...[N]ot only did silver boost the ability of a broad range of commonly used antibiotics so as to stop mice dying of otherwise lethal infections, but it made at least one resistant bacterium succumb to antibiotics again. The addition of silver also broadened the effect of vancomycin, an antibiotic that is usually only effective at killing Gram-positive bacteria like Staph and Strep; aided by silver it killed Gram-negative bacteria such as those that cause food poisoning and dangerous hospital-acquired infections."
Read full article at:


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Previous Week's News 07-01-2013

Georgia Strapping DUI Suspects Down and Forcibly Taking Blood (Video)
Source: Fox 5 Iteam
As shown in this video, every driver who refuses to give the police a blow, even for misdemeanor offenses, is strapped to a table, put into a headlock by a police officer, and their blood forcibly taken. 
Watch video at:

COMMENT: Just remember folks: You still have "rights" in this country (for instance, the right to refuse to provide evidence against yourself), but those rights disappear the moment you actually try to exercise them.

So, yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what the founders had in mind..."These rights are inalienable, unless you try to use them, then they're immediately void."


Steubenville's tangled web of injustice
The Anonymous video quickly went viral, not least because of its placement on a local Steubenville Big Red sports fan website that another Anonymous member/comics geek by the handle of "BatCat", had hacked in to. And when no apologies or confessions emerged, Anonymous began delivering data dumps with more "lost" evidence and highlighted the ties between the investigating sheriff and the perpetrators' very protective football coach, as well as organizing online and public rallies. A masked and anonymous Lostutter even allowed himself to be interviewed on CNN, in a segment that included clips from a 12-minute "lost" video.

Suddenly, Steubenville, its local officials and everyone involved in the case found themselves in possession of a lot of evidence and sitting under a very bright national spotlight.
Read full article at:

COMMENT: ...Gotta love the part with the armed SWAT raid. Because, let's face it, a hacker who is trying to secure justice for a covered up rape is obviously a very dangerous criminal. 


Tragedy And Hope Made Easy - Chapter 5
So far we've covered how the network uses money to control governments, businesses and trusted institutions. We've touched on how it developed ingenious ways to control other people's financial resources; their savings accounts, their insurance payments and even their income. We've also gone over its greatest swindle of all: Granting itself the legal authority to create money out of thin air.

With all of these monetary tools at its disposal, the network has secretly and systematically consolidated its power over global policies that affect the lives of billions of human beings. Unelected, its members operate beyond the reach of voters; unaccountable, they violate national and international laws with impunity. Obviously, if we intend to unseat them, we cannot continue playing by the rules of the system that they have created. We must be prepared to think and act in unapproved ways and that begins with striking the root of their power…money.
Read full article at:

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