Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Alex Jones News Update 120514

NSA Intercepts Computer Hardware And Fits It With Surveillance Equipment
Danish Police Confirm Marriott Hotel Site of Bilderberg 2014  - Killing the Internet: A Blizzard of New Taxes in the Wings -  Mexicans Create Their Own Second Amendment -  #BringBackYourDrones: Obama's Stunning Hypocrisy - The Top 5 Reasons For Lung Cleansing +more
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Hello my fellow patriots, and thank you for being a part of the newsletter. This edition features the monthly downloadable PDF for the May 2014 issue of Infowars Magazine. Please forward this newsletter to your friends and family. Together we can wake up our brothers and sisters in humanity. The time is now. The choice is yours. You can also purchase the hard copy of the magazine at cost by clicking here.
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Danish Police Confirm Marriott Hotel Site of Bilderberg 2014
Protesters to be located in parking lot opposite hotel
1776 Worldwide: The Second Amendment Comes to Mexico
Mexican citizens defy gun bans in order to defend themselves against violent criminals
#BringBackYourDrones: Obama's Stunning Hypocrisy
White House responsible for murdering hundreds of children all over the world
Indiana Gets New Military Helicopters for "Homeland Security Missions"
Choppers capable of spotting guns without being detected
CIA, FBI and Now Academi Mercenaries on the Ground in Ukraine
Not known if mercenaries took part in shooting of voters in Krasnoarmeysk.
The Drug War Is A Massive Slave Trade Operation
David Knight discusses how the unconstitutional war on drugs targets the peaceful pot smoker while letting the dangerous cartels go free.
Greenwald: NSA Intercepts Computer Hardware And Fits It With Surveillance Equipment
US government tampers with routers before "factory sealing" and sending them on
Killing the Internet: A Blizzard of New Taxes in the Wings
Federal, state and local governments desperately seeking fresh venues for taxation and wealth confiscation.
Infowars Life Lung Cleanse™ – It's Time to Cleanse
The Infowars Life Lung Cleanse™ is the result of ancient wisdom combined with herbal science reinterpreted in the light of modern day herbology.  Finding that our toxic air and environment was leading to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body, this led us on a journey to create the most powerful herbal lung cleanse and respiratory support product on the marketLearn more
-The Top 5 Reasons For Lung Cleansing-
Boko Haram, the IMF and Globalist Designs on Nigeria
Boko Haram has nothing to do with anthropomorphic climate change
Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Warns of Humanity at the Edge of a Cliff
Alex takes the microphone and is joined in studio by David Knight and with renowned international author and activist Alice Walker.
Mexicans Create Their Own Second Amendment
Brave Mexican farmers and ranchers are defeating better equipped drug cartels and corrupt government and restoring order in a collapsed system.
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