Friday, 20 June 2014

Alex Jones News Update 190614

U.S. Military Blocks
DHS to Pay For Illegal Immigrants to be Escorted Into U.S. - Michael Hastings: A Real War Journalist In An Era of Controlled Press - CNN Steers Blame for Terror Away from CIA and United States  -  The Answer to Water Fluoridation +more 
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Hello my fellow patriots, and thank you for being a part of the newsletter. This edition features the monthly downloadable PDF for the June2014 issue of Infowars Magazine. The downloadable magazine is always free for newsletter subscribers. You can also purchase the hard copy of the magazine at cost by clicking here. Together we can wake up our brothers and sisters in humanity. The time is now. The choice is yours. 
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DHS to Pay For Illegal Immigrants to be Escorted Into U.S.
Minors up to age of 17 to be brought in "with dignity and respect" at taxpayer expense
CNN Steers Blame for Terror Away from CIA and United States
Erin Burnett propaganda hit piece blames Qatar for terror charities
Border Agents Quitting Over Catch and Release of Known Gang Members
Desperate agents' pleas for help ignored, as DHS bankrolls invasion
U.S. Military Blocks
Website censored for over 700,000 active duty servicemembers worldwide
Texan Told To Remove American Flag Because It's A "Threat to Muslims"
Apartment management suggests removing flag will help "provide for the safety of all residents"
The solution to addressing the accumulation of toxic fluoride substances within the body.
Introducing Fluoride Shield, an Infowars Life exclusive blend of key herbs and ingredients specifically infused within the formula to help support the elimination of toxic forms of fluoride and other dangerous compounds like mercury, chlorine, and bromine from within the body. Learn More..
Watch: The Answer to Water Fluoridation
ISIS Domestic Terror Threat Created by CIA and U.S. Military
CIA facilitated 9/11 terrorist visa mill in Saudi Arabia
Michael Hastings: A Real War Journalist In An Era of Controlled Press
Unlike many journalists, Hastings showed courage in reporting, which likely led to his death one year ago
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