Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Alex Jones News Update 280714

Illegals to be Evacuated Before Citizens, In Event of Emergency
Aerial Footage Shows Massive Holes In Border Fence: The Gates Are Wide Open - Media Caught Lying About Pro-Border Demonstration Numbers - Corporate media scoffs at possibility CIA had something to do with downing MH17 -  Alex Jones: King of Reality – Dubstep - Infowars Life: Lung Cleanse  +more
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Hello my fellow patriots, and thank you for being a part of the newsletter. This edition features the monthly downloadable PDF for the July 2014 issue of Infowars Magazine. The downloadable magazine is always free for newsletter subscribers. You can also purchase the hard copy of the magazine at cost by clicking here. Together we can wake up our brothers and sisters in humanity. The time is now. The choice is yours. 
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U.S. Promises "Robust Retaliation" for Alleged Russian Troop Deployment on Ukrainian Border
Pentagon claims Russia arming separatists with rocket systems
Video: Dialing 911 Could Land You On A Terror Watch List
Feds asking paramedics and firefighters to be on the lookout for "extremists" and "suspicious activity.."
MSNBC Host Compares Illegal Immigration Opponents to Race Segregation Advocates
Melissa Harris-Perry exemplifies network's plummeting ratings
Study: Mass Government Spying Crushing Freedom Of The Press
Whistleblowers also now less likely to come forward
Whistleblower: L.A. Planning to Forcibly House Homeless Citizens in Camps
Insider: Supervisor told us citizens "cannot leave" housing facilities
Media Caught Lying About Pro-Border Demonstration Numbers
MSM engages in deceptive reporting in attempts to downplay opposition to illegal immigration..
'Coyote' Abandons Moving Vehicle Full of Illegals
Human smuggler makes daring, but futile escape attempt
Aerial Footage Shows Massive Holes In Border Fence: The Gates Are Wide Open
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs takes to the sky to demonstrate just how serious this manufactured border meltdown really is

The Infowars Life Lung Cleanse™ is the result of ancient wisdom combined with herbal science reinterpreted in the light of modern day herbology.  Finding that our toxic air and environment was leading to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body, this led us on a journey to create the most powerful herbal lung cleanse and respiratory support product on the marketLearn more
-The Top 5 Reasons For Lung Cleansing-
Alex Jones: King of Reality – Dubstep
What are you doing to help unlock minds?
Illegals Still Circumventing TSA, Claims Border Patrol Whistleblower
"They bypassed TSA and boarded first. Even before me, an armed plain clothes law enforcement agent."
Corporate media scoffs at possibility CIA had something to do with downing MH17
Operation Northwoods just another kooky conspiracy theory
North Korea Vows to Nuke White House
Dictatorship promises to fire "nuclear-armed rockets" at Washington, DC
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