Friday, 19 September 2014

Alex Jones News Update 180914

Kiss Your Grass-Fed Beef Goodbye! GMO Grass About to Be Approved
Cali. Lead Ban to Triple Ammo Prices - House Approves Plan to Arm and Train ISIS to Fight ISIS - Ferguson Mob Threatens World Series - #Declassify: Campaign to Reveal the 28 Censored Pages of the 9/11 Commission Report - It's Time to Cleanse +more
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Hello my fellow patriots, and thank you for being a part of the newsletter. This edition features the monthly downloadable PDF for the September 2014 issue of Infowars Magazine and is always free for newsletter subscribers. You can also purchase the hard copy of the magazine at cost by clicking here. Together we can wake up our brothers and sisters in humanity. The time is now. The choice is yours. 
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How NFL Scandals Are Shaping Public Opinion
Are NFL athletes being held to a unreasonable standard, or is it to be expected that they not make any mistakes because of their status
Sotloff Spokesman: Obama Admin "Bullied And Hectored" Family; "Shot Us Down At Every Opportunity"
In new ISIS video British hostage says "I've been abandoned by my government"
Mystery Surrounds Unexplained Cellphone Tower in NC
Tower not being used by any major communications company
Ferguson Mob Threatens World Series
Tensions grown as residents await verdict
Obama to Arm Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Militants?
New Senate bill would authorize $350 million weapons transfer to Kiev forces
#Declassify: Campaign to Reveal the 28 Censored Pages of the 9/11 Commission Report
Censored information implicates Saudi Arabia in 9/11 attacks
Breaking—CDC whistleblower: "I've stopped lying."
House Approves Plan to Arm and Train ISIS to Fight ISIS
Syrian "rebels" are virtually all members of ISIS and al-Qaeda

The Infowars Life Lung Cleanse™ is the result of ancient wisdom combined with herbal science reinterpreted in the light of modern day herbology.  Finding that our toxic air and environment was leading to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body, this led us on a journey to create the most powerful herbal lung cleanse and respiratory support product on the marketLearn more
-The Top 5 Reasons For Lung Cleansing-
Tech Firm: More Than 15 Stingray Phone Trackers Operating In D.C.
"I think there's even more here. That was just us driving around for a day and a half"
Kiss Your Grass-Fed Beef Goodbye! GMO Grass About to Be Approved
RoundUp-Ready Kentucky Bluegrass begins field trials
Report: Cali. Lead Ban to Triple Ammo Prices
Currently about 95% of all ammo sold in California contains lead
Former CIA deputy director says Khorasan more threatening than ISIS
Group kept under wraps until now adds new dimension to war on terror
ISIS Threatens U.S. Military
Timing suspect as House votes to fund jihadists

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