Wednesday, 20 January 2016 News 01-18-2016 News update 01-18-2016

Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention
--The email identifies French President Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with five specific purposes in mind: to obtain Libyan oil, ensure French influence in the region, increase Sarkozy's reputation domestically, assert French military power, and to prevent Gaddafi's influence in what is considered "Francophone Africa."

Most astounding is the lengthy section delineating the huge threat that Gaddafi's gold and silver reserves, estimated at "143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver," posed to the French franc (CFA) circulating as a prime African currency. In place of the noble sounding "Responsibility to Protect" (R2P) doctrine fed to the public, there is this "confidential" explanation of what was really driving the war:

    "This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA).

    (Source Comment: According to knowledgeable individuals this quantity of gold and silver is valued at more than $7 billion. French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy's decision to commit France to the attack on Libya.)"

Though this internal email aims to summarize the motivating factors driving France's (and by implication NATO's) intervention in Libya, it is interesting to note that saving civilian lives is conspicuously absent from the briefing.
Read full article at:

COMMENT: The email, referenced above, is available here:


Ron Paul: The Federal Reserve Should be Put on Notice
About Audit the Fed

Currently the GAO is prohibited by law from auditing four areas of the Federal Reserve: 
•    transactions for or with a foreign central bank, government of a foreign country, or no private international financing organization;
•    deliberations, decisions, or actions on monetary policy matters, including discount window operations, reserves of member banks, securities credit, interest on deposits, and open market operations;
•    transactions made under the direction of the Federal Open Market Committee; or
•    a part of a discussion or communication among or between members of the Board and officers and employees of the Federal Reserve System related to clauses (1)–(3) of this subsection.

Audit the Fed removes these four exemptions and is supported by nearly 75 percent of the American people.
Read full article at:

COMMENT: I've never been terribly excited about the idea of "auditing the FED." (I much prefer the idea of abolishing the central bank, just like our much-wiser predecessors managed to do with their central banks in 1785,  1811 and 1836.) 

I suppose my biggest fear is that an audit will backfire; that it will be used to legitimize this completely illegitimate institution. I can see the headlines now "Audit turns up nothing illegal, FED critics silenced!" That or, at best, the audit will lead to calls for "more oversight" which will accomplish exactly nothing. The FED was created to subvert our system of government. It's very existence is a crime. ...As long as that fact doesn't get lost in the "audit," then I'm slightly more optimistic. 

"The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control…able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled…by the central banks of the world acting in secret agreements…Each central bank, in the hands of men like Montagu Norman of the Bank of England (and) Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve…sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world. In each country the power of the central bank rested largely on its control of credit and money supply." Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, page 324

For more information on our dishonest monetary system, you can read Dishonest Money, for free, here:


The US Has Been Giving Afghan Children Violent Books to Indoctrinate them to Jihad – It Worked
--From the Cold War period until very recently, the U.S. government spent millions of dollars supplying Afghan schoolchildren with propagandized textbooks that had violent images and militant jihadi teachings. The motive behind this propaganda was to actually radicalize the Afghan children so they would be more willing to fight against the Soviets when they got older.

According to the Washington Post, the textbooks were published in the dominant Afghan languages of Dari and Pashtu and developed in the early 1980's at a cost of $51 million.

The schoolbooks were even approved by the Taliban because the teachings were not far off from their own worldview.

This propaganda effort was only made public after the U.S. government went to war in Afghanistan in 2002 and it was revealed through the media that the western curriculum being taught in Afghan schools was actually promoting jihad.
Read full article at:

COMMENT: If there's one thing the ruling elite understand, it's the need to indoctrinate the young. 


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Previous Week's News 01-11-2016

The Father of Online Anonymity Has a Plan to End the Crypto War
--Chaum is also building into PrivaTegrity another feature that's sure to be far more controversial: a carefully controlled backdoor that allows anyone doing something "generally recognized as evil" to have their anonymity and privacy stripped altogether.

Whoever controls that backdoor within PrivaTegrity would have the power to decide who counts as "evil"—too much power, Chaum recognizes, for any single company or government. So he's given the task to a sort of council system. When PrivaTegrity's setup is complete, nine server administrators in nine different countries would all need to cooperate to trace criminals within the network and decrypt their communications. The result, Chaum argues, is a new approach that "breaks the crypto wars," satisfying both the law enforcement agencies who argue that encryption offers a haven for criminals, and also those who argue that it's necessary to hobble mass spying.
Read full article at:

COMMENT: Here are some thoughts (from the "comments" section beneath the story) that are worth considering: 

Brian M writes, in part: 
"Creative but pointless. Backdoors can be built into all known communications systems - doesn't matter. The real problem is that the methods for encrypting are well published. Criminal organizations can simply bypass these so called "backdoors" by building (or paying someone to build) their own encrypted communication system, completely closed to law enforcement and governments." 

Paleh0rse writes, in part: 
"It doesn't take a genius to know that the two largest flaws in this entire ridiculous "solution" are a) the human beings "entrusted" to run the nine servers, and b) the fact you can't force anyone to use this garbage in place of ACTUALLY secure and private alternatives. Tell me again why Joe Terrorist would elect to use this nonsense, rather than something that isn't intentionally broken that they develop or obtain themselves?

You show me nine fallible and mortal human admins, and I'll break your entire system using nine special operations soldiers with heavy wrenches and guns."


Schiff: Puerto Rico Bailout Will Funnel Tax-Payer Money to Hedgefunds (Video)
Watch video at:


Why Adding Backdoors and Weakening Encryption Threatens the Internet
--To put it bluntly: the call to provide law enforcement (or, anyone) exceptional access to communications and content poses a grave threat to the future of the Internet. It is simply not possible to give the good guys the access they want without letting the bad guys in. There's nothing new or novel in this statement. Experts have been saying the same thing for 20 years. While the message is old, with the integration of Internet technologies into nearly all aspects of life, the stakes are higher than they've ever been.

--These risks are not theoretical: we know of no case where such an addition of exceptional access capabilities has not resulted in weakened security.
Read full article at:


About Those "Terrorist Acts" Committed by the Hammonds (Video)
While most of us were exchanging Christmas gifts and celebrating the start of a new year, Oregon Ranchers Dwight Hammond, Jr., 73, and his son, Steven Hammond, 46, were preparing for a return to prison on January 4th, 2016.

Among other things, the Hammonds were charged with various counts of Arson on federal property – punishable by a five-year mandatory minimum sentence according to the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996. 
Watch video at:

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