Monday 25 February 2013 News 02-25-2013 News update 02-25-2013

Top 10 Lies and Misconceptions Spread By Mainstream Nutrition (Highly Recommended)
Lie # 1: 'Saturated Fat Causes Heart Disease'

--The truth is, saturated fats from animal and vegetable sources provide the building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormone-like substances, without which your body cannot function optimally. They also act as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Dietary fats are also needed for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, for mineral absorption, and for a host of other biological processes.

In fact, saturated is the preferred fuel for your heart! For more information about saturated fats and the essential role they play in maintaining your health, please read my previous article The Truth About Saturated Fat.

Lie # 2: 'Eating Fat Makes You Gain Weight'

The low-fat myth may have done more harm to the health of millions than any other dietary recommendation as the resulting low-fat craze led to increased consumption of trans-fats, which we now know increases your risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease—the very health problems wrongfully attributed to saturated fats...

To end the confusion, it's very important to realize that eating fat will not make you fat!
Read full article at:


Rand Paul Discusses Drone Strikes Within the United States (Video)
Watch video at:


Reality Check: Growing national divide over guns and gun control (Video)
Law-abiding gun owners push back against new restrictive legislation. 
Watch video at:


Thomas Jefferson said that it was immoral to compel a man to furnish the funds for that which he abhors. The State does exactly this on countless issues. Can we ever grow beyond this?

The history of religious liberty teaches crucial lessons.

For example, a man named Tyndale was burned at the stake for distributing an English language Bible. His goal to let the plough-boy read the scriptures threatened the establishment's monopoly control of information.

Another lesson is that most colonies had established church denominations, paid for with tax dollars. Even "dissenters," were required to fund The State Church. This colonial practice continued even AFTER we defeated the British.    

Without those taxes the other side imagined anarchy and chaos."Why, if there's no established church," they asked,"how shall we ensure the development of moral character?" They claimed the decision to end state support for churches was anti-religion and would lead to their demise. The superabundance of houses of worship in virtually every city and village in our country today illustrates that the opposite happened. The absence of the tax made these churches more entrepreneurial and responsive to change. But the absence of a tax for the state denomination was a very real fear at the time, even to guys like Patrick Henry. 

Does conscience only matter when it comes to religion, or should freedom of conscience extend to all peaceful life choices? Is there some part of Jefferson's vision that we've yet to fulfill?
Read full article at:


A Brief and Bloody History of Gun Control
Taking a look back to a 1993 survey establishes a basic foundation to build upon. This was a survey involving 4,977 different households and gives us a general understanding of how frequently firearms are used in a defense situation severe enough to which individuals stated that if they had not used the firearm, they reported that they or someone else in the home would have certainly be killed. So in other words, the firearm saved the lives of one or more individuals from a hostile criminal. This excluded military, police, and security guards.

Applying the results of the 1993 survey to the United States population, we find that around 162,000 people are saved per year using a firearm. To put that into perspective, that's 152,854 more people saved per year than killed — and that's not discriminating against the 9,146 death toll that includes many self defense cases and so on.

But what about a potentially life threatening scenario diffused by a firearm? Based on a study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology, United States citizens defend against these situations an astounding 989,883 times per year. As these situations are diffused before they become lethal, there's no telling how many would have resulted in homicides on behalf of the criminal. Even if it were a fraction, it would still be hundreds of thousands more lives saved than lost each year.
Read full article at:

COMMENT: Piers Morgan ignores the violent crime rate in the UK and, instead,  focuses only on the "low number of gun homicides."

Well, there are a few other "low numbers" that he probably doesn't want to discuss: 

The "low number" of law-abiding women in the UK (zero) who were able to prevent being raped because they had a gun. 

The "low number" of law-abiding home owners in the UK (zero) who were able to protect their family from home invasion because they had a gun.

The low number of law-abiding citizens in the UK (zero) who thwarted a robbery, stabbing or even a murder because they had the RIGHT to carry and use a gun in self defense.  

...Conveniently, gun grabbers abandon their "if-it-saves-one-life" argument when the life-saving benefits of an armed citizenry are presented. 


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Other sources for alternative news: 

Previous Week's News 02-18-2013

Obama Nominates Torture Supporter; Torture Whistleblower Goes to Jail (Video - Recommended)
Watch video at:


If the leader of the free world can lie with such impunity we are doomed
--Obama's war on climate change is a war against a chimera. He is enlarging the state, holding back the economic recovery, restricting freedoms, driving up the price of energy and killing jobs in order to deal with a problem which only exists in the discredited computer projections of a shameless cabal of grant-troughing activist scientists increasingly out of touch with real world data.
Read full article at:


Is DHS and DOD 'Conducting Desensitizing Exercises' (Recommended)
Just a couple years ago we reported that the U.S. military was involved in war gaming scenarios that included training for such things as large scale economic collapse and civil unrest. Photos from the training exercises showed simulated situations that included protesters holding up "We Need Food Now" signs. It was a clear sign that the government is preparing for just such an event, and that they were training military personnel to respond in the capacity of a domestic police force.

The warnings we and others issued were ignored by most of the population and dismissed by many as nothing more than conspiracy theory and fear mongering.

A few years on, the military continues to step up exercises focused on urban deployment and as recently as last month held live exercises in heavily populated US metropolitan areas.
Read full article at:

COMMENT: Well written; covers a lot of important information that gets nearly zero MSM exposure. 

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