Monday 16 September 2013 News 09-16-2013 News update 09-16-2013

Gun-Grabbing Senators Face Colorado Voter Firing Squad In Recall (Video)
In an unprecedented backlash, two state lawmakers who helped stiffen Colorado's gun laws were ousted Tuesday in a recall that turned into a nationally watched referendum on gun control.
Watch video at:


Reality Check Video: More Americans are ReThinking 9/11?
Did you know that a 3rd building fell on 9-11? That billboard is today over Times Square. It was placed there through donations to a campaign called Rethink 9/11.

In fact, that group has placed posters and signs across the world, from Australia, to Canada, from San Francisco to right here in New York City.

So what is Rethink 9/11? Wouldn't only a fringe group of people would still question 9/11? Perhaps not, because today we will tell you about new polling that shows a majority of those polled either question the official 9/11story or don't believe it at all. 
Watch video at:

COMMENT: Ben says COLUMN 79 was pushed off its seating, when actually it was a GIRDER attached to column 79 that supposedly was pushed off...other than that "technical" error, it's a pretty good report.  

Additional info here:


People Resisting Corrupt Evil Govt Hits All-Time High (Video)
Alex welcomes the founder and host of Freedomain Radio, Stefan Molyneux, to discuss the global awakening to tyranny rapidly taking place in large thanks to independent and alternative media sources.
Watch video at:


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Previous Week's News 09-09-2013

Calls to Congress 499 to 1 against Syria War
Americans are slamming at least 22 members of Congress with thousands of phone calls and emails, urging lawmakers not to approve a military strike on Syria – by a margin of as much as 499 to 1.

A national debate is raging on Twitter. Tweets and statements from members of Congress – both Democrat and Republican – show tremendously strong opposition to President Obama's call for an air strike on Syria:
Read full article at:


The Federal Data Hub - Are Privacy Rights Dead in America? (Video)
It is called the Federal Data Hub. Massive amounts of information gathered on every American and shared between government agencies. Agencies ranging from the the IRS to the Department of Defense, Homeland Security and Health and Human Services. The best part there is no opting out.
Watch video at:


--Even the Department of Education, though, admits that privacy is a concern, and that that some of the data gathered may be "of a sensitive nature."  The information collected will be more than sensitive; much of it will also be completely unrelated to education.  Data collected will not only include grades, test scores, name, date of birth and social security number, it will also include parents' political affiliations, individual or familial mental or psychological problems, beliefs, religious practices and income.

In addition, all activities, as well as those deemed demeaning, self-incriminating or anti-social, will be stored in students' school records.  In other words, not only will permanently stored data reflect criminal activities, it will also reflect bullying or anything perceived as abnormal.  The mere fact that the White House notes the program can be used to "automatically demonstrate proof of competency in a work setting" means such data is intended to affect students' futures.
Read full article at:

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