On the January 8,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Rob Dew breaks down his experience behind the scenes at Alex Jones appearance on The Piers Morgan Show.
News Covered:
Alex vs Peirs: The Thundercrack of Liberty in the putrid halls of The globalist media dinosaur. Dershowitz: I don't want that man to have a gun. Alex Jones is Number one on twitter after Piers Morgan . Gun Statistics don't lie. Court Filing: Cops Seized Prescription Meds Belonging to 'Batman' Shooter.
Click here to watch now!
Suggested links:
http://www.infowars.com/alex-jones-vs-piers-morgan/ http://www.infowars.com/i-dont-want-that-man-to-have-a-gun/ http://www.infowars.com/alex-jones-number-1-twitter-trend-after-cnn-confrontation/ http://www.infowars.com/statistics-prove-more-guns-less-crime/ http://www.infowars.com/court-filing-cops-seized-prescription-meds-belonging-to-batman-shooter/  On today's show, Alex Jones confronts the thinly-veiled threats against his life as so-called pundits joke about killing him on nationwide television. He'll continue to explore the media's fascination with his impassioned speech on Piers Morgan Tonight, and also continue to break down their attempts to demonize himself and all law-abiding gunowners. On today's show, Alex welcomes exiting Congressman Ron Paul to speak about the establishment's attempt to "brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way," to quote Eric Holder. He'll also welcome Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, Mr. Larry Pratt, to chat about their respective interviews with the British citizen engaged in subversion of the Constitution - Click here to watch  The first issue of 2013 has been printed and is now also available online!
This magazine's cover asks "2013: The Year America Dies?"
The question mark in the title is critical as it poses the questions: will the American public wake up to and fight against the great danger facing our freedoms, or will they continue their mass mind-control coma?
Since the Sandy Hook shooting, gun grabbers from both sides of the political divide have made concerted efforts to impose stricter gun regulations, the Obama Administration has continued to stay silent on their illegal drone war that has killed hundreds of innocents – including American children, and local and state police are becoming increasingly abusive of their authority, using their power to intimidate members of the public.
These are not exaggerated claims. They are all covered and broken down in depth in the January issue, making it more of a call to action than an informative magazine.
Will you stand idly by as politicians continue to ravage our Bill of Rights and Constitution that was once held to such high regard? Or, will 2013 be the year the sleeping giant that is the American people wake up, get mad, and do something?
The choice is up to you. Please forward this email to your friends and family so we can unlock minds worldwide. Here are the links for the last 5 issues: If you want to find out more about our launch of the magazine, read my article here. If you were forwarded this email and want to keep receiving features issues, sign up for free here Alex Jones |
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