Monday 21 January 2013 News 01-21-2013 News update 01-21-2013

Case Dismissed! Texas Ends 15-Year Fight Against Cancer Doctor Burzynski (with Video)
--To summarize Dr. Burzynski's story: He developed a cancer treatment that surpassed all other treatments on the market, and the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry knew it. They also knew he was the sole owner of the patents for this therapy, and these two facts combined, threatened the entire paradigm of the cancer industry.

So they decided to steal his invention. The problem is, they cannot actually use the stolen patents as long as Dr. Burzynski walks free and has the ability to defend his rights to them.

So, for the past 15 years, they've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at him in an effort to tuck him away in jail for the remainder of his life, or at the very least, make sure he doesn't have a license with which to practice any kind of medicine. Without a profitable career, making and raising the needed cash for patent defense would be tricky. Sadly, you and I have all been paying for the brutal opposition to his cancer treatment this whole time. The US government spent $60 million on legal fees for just one of his trials alone...

Still, Dr. Burzynski has prevailed against enormous forces so many times it's enough to make one believe in a higher power. Certainly, many of his patients would call him a God-send. Now, with the TMB finally dismissing their case against him, let's hope that's the end of the absurd witch hunt against Dr. Burzynski.
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Previous Week's News 01-14-2013

Rolling Stone: Secrets and Lies of the Bailout
--In the end, there was no lending requirement attached to any aspect of the bailout, and there never would be. Banks used their hundreds of billions for almost every purpose under the sun – everything, that is, but lending to the homeowners and small businesses and cities they had destroyed. And one of the most disgusting uses they found for all their billions in free government money was to help them earn even more free government money.
Read full article at:

COMMENT: It's a long read, but it covers the "standard operating procedure" of our fraudulent banking / "regulatory" system pretty well. 


Phony vs. Earned Self-Esteem
--A fixed trait mindset is one where you think of yourself in terms of set qualities such as intelligence, talent, attractiveness, etc.

When kids learn to think of themselves in such terms, there are consequences. A fixed trait by definition does not change. So if you have a fixed trait self-concept that is negative, there is no hope for improvement. If you have a fixed trait self-concept that is positive, there is nothing you need to do to maintain or improve it; in fact, all that can happen is that you can lose it – so you become very risk-averse.

With a fixed trait mindset, your positive self-concept becomes fragile. Let's say you think of yourself as "brilliant." What happens if you do poorly on a test at school? You're brilliant, right? How can a brilliant kid do poorly on a test? Brilliant kids do brilliantly on tests, without having to do much work, since they're so brilliant. If you do poorly, then by this logic it must mean that you're not so brilliant, and your inflated self-concept can be crushed.
Read full article at:

COMMENT: For me, it boils down to this: 

Be grateful for what you were given, be proud of what you have earned.

And if your ego ever needs checked, it's easy enough to say to yourself: "I'd have nothing if not for what I was given."


Survey: Vaccinated children five times more prone to disease than unvaccinated
--Released as its own preliminary study back in September 2011, the survey includes data on 8,000 unvaccinated children whose overall disease rates were compared to disease rates among the general population, the vast majority of which has been vaccinated. And in every single disease category, unvaccinated children fared far better than vaccinated children in terms of both disease prevalence and severity. In other words, the evidence suggests that vaccines are neither effective nor safe.

"No study of health outcomes of vaccinated people versus unvaccinated has ever been conducted in the U.S. by CDC or any other agency in the 50 years or more of an accelerating schedule of vaccinations (now over 50 doses of 14 vaccines given before kindergarten, 26 doses in the first year)," wrote Louis Rain back in 2011 for Health Freedom Alliance about the survey.
Read full article at:


Ben Swann - Reality Check: Alex Jones vs. Piers Morgan (Video - Recommended)
Watch video at:


India Signs Mandatory GMO Labeling into Law
Paving the way for other nations to introduce similar legislation and inform consumers what they're really putting into their mouths, the labeling of products containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) within the nation of India is now mandated by law. The country's Ministry of Consumer Affairsmakes declared in a June 5, 2012 notice that all GMO-containing packaged foods must be labeled by January 1, 2013 or face legal repercussions.

Each package containing GM ingredients will clearly be labeled directly on the prime real estate of the package as 'GM'. A warning that many heads of organizations and even bodies within the Indian government are praising for its ability to inform individuals as to what they are really feeding their family.
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