Next School ... The next School of Commonology is for Beginners ... it is on Monday 26th. August 2013 and can be booked in advance here: The next "Attack The Tax" update ... is on Sat. 7th. Sept., from 2pm to 5pm, at St. Finbarrs Hurling & Football Club, Togher in Cork. It will feature talks from the TCCA (Turf Cutters & Contractors Association), The Common Law Society, Attack The Tax and possibly one or two other guest speakers + the Cork release of "Irish Life ANd Me". Book Release ... Here is an extratct from one of the forward chapters of the book "Irish Life And Me", by The Common Law Society. The fr*e digital version is planned for release for Monday 19th. August. The printed version should be available for Mon. 2nd. Sept.: Advance copies can be obtained here: YOUR CALL ... During the past few days, weeks and months, we have heard a great many rallying calls, from various individuals, groups, organisations and campaigns. Many campaigns when you look at and examine them critically, have been and are politically motivated, and geared towards misinforming, misdirecting and misleading the People into actions that inevitably end in (legal) tears. Some are intentionally designed, most are simply misinformed or currently lack the relevant knowhow or knowledge to assist the People in peacefully and legally protecting themselves. Some campaign organisers/managers prefer to bury their heads in the sand, whilst actively encouraging the People that are supporting them to go out and march, and roar, and shout and protest without taking the time to study anything whatsoever about the law, or the legislation that will inevitably strip them of everything. The same campaign managers will turn up outside of the Court on the day of a hearing and will march up and down outside of the Court whilst YOU are inside the Court being legally nailed to a cross, because you may not know anything about the law, and or the campaign organisers/managers have just not bothered to take the time to study, understand and explain the law to you. We know this to be true, because in the recent past we have actively tried to engage with a great many of these so called campaign managers and organisers, only to be told that "this legislation (law) cannot be legally challenged". When we asked why they would say such a thing, we are consistently told that "we have had opinion from the top solicitors and or barristers". Well therein lies the problem, it's not really the opinion that we are concerned about here; it is whom is expressing that opinion. As my Father used to say, "Opinions are like arseholes, in that, everyone has one". We would be very concerned that any Man or Woman would be seriously considering taking on the opinion or advice of a Solicitor, Barrister or any member of the Legal Profession or Judiciary. After all, we don't know of any Man or Woman in this modern age who has won a case in any Court, because a member of the Legal Profession has done the job that they are perceivably paid to do. Perhaps there are some, but none immediately spring to mind. You must remember that EVERY Man or Woman on this Island has the legal right to litigate, and EVERY Man or Woman on this Island has the legal right to challenge all or any Law, Acts, Codes or Legislation etc. that they feel are unjust, repugnant to the constitution, are an infringement on human rights or contrary to their indigenous way of life, and all or any natural law on this Island. EVERYONE!!! To be told by any Man or Woman, or any campaign manager or organiser that any of these laws cannot be legally challenged is an out and out LIE, and panders to the ill-conceived notion or idea, that People who are in perceived positions of authority should always be believed, simply because they have letters or titles in their names. Look where that idea has gotten us all. We have ended up in quite literal terms, with our People being terrorised, tortured, raped, abused, murdered and exported to foreign lands, and we are not talking here about stuff that happened centuries ago, this is the stuff of recent times, and we are still listening to their opinions? Come on, pull the other one. FOR AND ON THE RECORD: There is nothing inherently wrong with Protesting, Demonstrating, Campaigning or Marching. We have collectively and individually done plenty of it in our day. At the other end of this spectrum, there is nothing inherently wrong with chaining yourself to a rail, going to prison on principle, doing a dirty protest, going on hunger strike, setting yourself alight and or dying for your principles. We do not disagree, abhor, lambast or castigate any Man or Woman that has the bravery and commitment to do any of the above. We openly commend them and their bravery. Critically Examine Everything. More to the point, what we would say now, is that, if you are going to do any of the above, do so in a conscientious manner. In other words do such things in an educated and informed way, and do such things having critically examined as many angles and aspects of the subject matter and law as possible. Look at it like this. If you are going to do any of the above, and simply join in with a crowd, without educating yourself in the subject matter at hand, then you are essentially doing and carrying on in a way that the State, and the Puppet Government expect and want you too. There is nothing strategically challenging for the State and the Puppet Government in this behaviour. They can and will eventually deal with you, and they can and will pick you off over time. Study Your Subject. In this writer's opinion, if you do not critically study your subject matter, you will eventually run out of energy, enthusiasm and commitment. This is what the State and the Judiciary wait and prey for. Then they will pick you off as a vulnerable individual, and or simply wait for your numbers to diminish to the extent that you're protesting perceivably looks "a bit mad" … and in come the press or media to publically ridicule and polish you or your group off. You can avoid all this by knowing the law and your specific subject matter in relation to law. Observe The System. Probably one of the greatest educations you will ever get, and it is essentially free of charge, would be for you to attend any Court session on any given day, be it the High, Circuit or District Court as an observer. Just plank yourself down in the Court in the Public seating area and watch, and observe justice at work. Learn to Argue. Essentially what you will see and observe is that the Court, any Court is just like a meat processing plant. The meat being processed is the People that are summonsed or brought to Court, and sometimes in chains. Very rarely will you observe or be witness to any Man or Woman (People) standing their ground, or making an argument in their own defence. It would also be fair to say that no Solicitor, Barrister or Liar make arguments for and in defence of their own alleged clients either. Justice is metered out at a rate of knots. Most cases are over long before they are begun. Justice as they say "has to be seen to be done". Which does not mean to say that "justice has to be done" … and it seldom is. The Long and the Short of it. The State and the Judiciary play what is colloquially called "the Long Con". The Puppet Government that they employ and control with a long lead and manoeuvre with short strings, are playing what we call "the Short Con". In other words, the State and the Judiciary intend to CON you for a long time, and out of a massive amount of money and wealth. The Puppet Government intend to CON you for a shorter time, but still for a relatively large amount of money. Then it's the turn of the next Puppet Government to carry on the CON under the auspices of the State and the Judiciary. The Long and the Short CON. Many "ordinary" Academics, Professionals and most Politicians and members of the Legal Professions just don't see the game or the CON for what it is, for two reasons. ONE: If you are being used as a pawn in a CON game, it is very difficult to see and accept such a thing. It is very difficult to objectively and critically analyse your circumstances, when you are being used, and are in the game. TWO: They do not want or wish to recognise where they are and what they are doing. They are making their livelihood from the CON themselves, and don't want anything to rock their world, or disturb they living or way of life. If they go against the CON-machine, they could lose everything. They have perceivably "too much to lose". They are being held captivated by the CON-machine and even if they wanted to break free, would probably not know how. Education and critical thinking is required by these folk also. American History. A crude analogy would be that of the slavery period in American history, whereby there was what was colloquially called "the House Slave" and "the Field Slave". Slaves that worked in the masters House, and Slaves that worked in the masters Field(s). The Slaves that worked in the masters House were better treated, better dressed and better fed, and sometimes educated, nonetheless they were still slaves. On the other hand, the Slaves that worked in the masters Field(s) were worked hard, were badly dressed, were badly fed, purposely not educated and treated as surplus to requirement. House Slave V Field Slave. In other words what we are saying here, is that the principle of "House Slaves" and "Field Slaves" still applies and exists today, in the so called "modern society". More often than not, the "House Slaves" would betray the "Field Slaves", in order to not get punished by their masters, and would keep the "Field Slaves" in line and in toe, in order to protect their own place of privilege at the foot of their masters table. In the modern context the "House Slaves" are now represented by the many "ordinary" Academics, Professionals, the Politicians and members of the Legal Professions. Think Critically. This might seem like a very shocking analogy, but for those of you out there that are able to read and think critically for yourselves … the analogy upon further analysis and examination rings true. Every day, People who perceive themselves to be above others in the so called social fabric of society i.e. the House Slaves look down upon the Field Slaves … and not because the Field Slaves are dumb, stupid and cannot think, but because the House Slaves have been told by their master that they as "House Slaves" and "as Professionals" are better than Field Slaves. Because they as "House Slaves" are fed better, dressed better and are educated, and that is a sure sign that they must be better than the ordinary "Field Slaves". The real sadness is that in today's reality … this distinction is still in operation and still exists in practice. Opportunity for Enlightenment and Education. We would see this divisive divided between House and Field Slaves, or between Professionals and Non-Professionals, as the greatest opportunity for enlightenment and education. People from all walks of life have something to offer and to teach each other. Specifically where the LAW is concerned, which is one of the most fundamentally important matters EVERY Man and Woman can and should be up to speed on, irrespective of background, upbringing, feeding or breeding. People teaching People. An Educated People. As a point of note: We have been attacked, lambasted and labelled by ALL of the above Professionals (House Slaves) at one time or another. Over the years we have been accused of being Right Wing, Left Wing, Socialists, Marxists, Anarchists and Freemen. To a certain extent we can and do understand why this would be, and why they would attack us with such vitriol and venom. After all, we are making great headway in educating ALL People, from all walks of life, to protect themselves, without the need to defer to legal eagles, and or politics of any form or sort. An educated Man or Woman, or People is the greatest threat to the Status Quo of the State and the Puppet Government, to Politics, to the Legal Eagles way of life and to the Judiciary. We Can Empathise. Some simply do not understand how we can have no Political, Secular, Religious or Spiritual attachments or affiliations whatsoever. They find it very difficult to reconcile the fact that we cannot in reality be pigeonholed, labelled or stereotyped. This is a bit of a psychological barrier and a mental inconvenience for them. We on the other hand can understand and can empathise with their confusion. A Better Way to Live. The simplest way to explain this is that, we have consciously decided NOT to live as either House Slaves or Field Slaves … we have decided that there is a better way to live. It is far nicer to live in your own home, and or your own field. We have become Masters of ourselves … and Masters of our own destinies. The Consequence of Knowing. If in the final analysis, when or if you end up knowing/learning the LAW, what real or practical need do have of Politics, the Legal Eagles, the Judiciary, the State or the Puppet Government? By knowing the LAW are you not already empowered and well equipped to Self-Govern and Self-Determine, and thus leave the grip or hold that you might perceive any other body might have over you? With Knowing Comes Responsibility. We hope you enjoy reading this book, and will share and send it to others. Especially those that have in the past perhaps quite innocently lambasted and labelled or mistakenly berated or castigated what we do, and how we do it. We would hope that this work clears up any confusion that People might have about us. After all, we are just trying to "Educate People to Protect Themselves" … and by all accounts, this seems to be working very well, much to the consternation of some, and to the bewilderment of a great many others ... See you all in Togher, Des: of the family Carty.  |
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