Tuesday, 28 October 2014

JoePlummer.com News 10-27-2014

StopTheLie.com News update 10-27-2014

Obama Has Sentenced Whistleblowers to 10x the Jail Time of All Prior U.S. Presidents Combined
Source: BenSwann.com
In a 2006 article from Risen, which includes excerpts from his book, he addressed the fact that although President Bush had insisted Iran should not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons, the country received blueprints to build a bomb in 2000, which came directly from the CIA.

According to Democracy Now, because of his revelations, Risen has been "pursued by both the Bush and Obama administrations in a six-year leak investigation," and he has vowed to "go to jail rather than testify at Sterling's trial, which is set to begin in January."

When it comes to prosecuting whistleblowers, the Obama Administration holds the record with eight, which is more than double the three who were prosecuted by previous presidents.

The three journalists who were indicted prior to Obama's presidency were Daniel Ellsberg in 1973, Samuel Morrison in 1985, and Larry Franklin in 2005.
Read full article at: http://benswann.com/obama-has-sentenced-whistleblowers-to-10x-the-jail-time-of-all-prior-u-s-presidents-combined/?utm_source=new


398 Million "Salary Years" to Pay Off US Govt. Debt
Source: ZeroHedge.com
--German astronomer and mathematician Friedrich Bessel managed to successfully measure the distance from Earth to a star other than our sun in the 19th century. But he realized that his measurements meant nothing to people as they were. They were too abstract.

So he came up with the idea of a "light-year" to help people get a better understanding of just how far it really is. And rather than using a measurement of distance, he chose to use one of time.
Read full article at: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-10-22/it-will-take-398879561-years-pay-us-governments-debt


1976: Antony Sutton Explains Who Empowered the Soviets and Hitler (Audio)
Source: YouTube.com
21:43 in: 

"I submit that our larger corporations - the corporate socialists - were no more interested in the Russians dying in the early 1930's than they were in Americans dying in Korea and Vietnam with technology that they had installed in the Soviet Union... And yet the way this world is put together, it's the Harrimans and the Hammers, and the Morgans and the Rockefellers who are admired and lauded. And those who plead for human decency and state the facts of dictatorship are slandered and insulted...And we find, regrettably, academics fall over themselves to perpetuate the myths." 
Listen to audio at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEipMmxSlGU

COMMENT: Without help from "the West," neither the Bolsheviks in Russia, nor the Nazi's in Germany, could have come to power. 

For more information on the Network of elites that, to this day, continue to create our enemies, check out www.TragedyAndHope.INFO


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Previous Week's News 10-20-2014

CIA Whistleblower Told to Stand Down
Source: Canada Free Press
The questions asked by Mr. Plumlee that the government wants so badly to censor remain, at least for now, on his Facebook page. They are reprinted here for your review. I suggest that everyone reading this demands answers, if not for the sake and future of Mr. Plumlee, then for the sake of our future.

1. Is the United States secretly arming and supporting various factions of the Syrian Rebels with high caliber impact weapons from The United States arsenals?

2. Is the United States little known Direct Commercial Sales Program, also known as ʻ'The Blue Lantern Report", being used as a ʻ'cutoutʼ' to secretly aid both sides of a Middle Eastern civil war?

3. Is America again playing both sides against the middle for corporate gain as previously demonstrated by the Cuban Project of the fifties and sixties, as well as the Iran Contra fiasco of the eighties and the South American—Mexican Drug Wars of the nineties?

It has been established via some field reports from the Middle East and some isolated media reports that the Direct Commercial Sales Program (DCSP) an American international program, which legally allows the United States to sell weapons to a host of foreign countries without monitoring those weapons after leaving our arsenals, stockpiles, and jurisdiction, has shipped High Impact weapons to Syrian Rebels during the last two years.

4. I have to ask. What happens to those weapons after legally being sold via this program and they leave our control?

5. Are they being monitored, traced, certified, and inventoried after arriving in other countries?

6. Will our troops one day again face these American made weapons on some foreign battlefield?

7. Is this Direct Commercial Sales program a secret cash cow for many US Corporations, International arms merchants, its insiders, or affiliates?

8. Is it possible this could be another ʻ'off-‐‑the-‐‑booksʼ' secret covert operation ran by the CIAʼ's Special Tactical Unit, similar to the Iran-‐‑Contra operations of the eighties and the old Cuban projects of the fifties and sixties, where we supplied both sides weapons and escalated the conflict for personal and corporate gain?

9. Could we be selling and supplying dangerous high impact weapons, while aiding and financing both sides of a Civil War in Syria?

10. Could we be escalating the Middle East conflict either knowingly or unintentionally providing weapons to both sides of the Syrian conflict? These are simple questions. I'm just asking:

11. Did our Ambassador and others, weeks before they were murdered, notify our State Department and CIA that Syrian Rebels had obtained US Weapons, including "Stinger missiles' from Jordan, Turkey, Pakistan, shipped from CIA safe houses?

12. Were they told to "Stand Down?
Read full article at: http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/62819


Gitmo force-feeding manual reveals gruesome practices
Source: America.Aljazeera.com/
Last week the U.S. government submitted to the District Court in Washington, D.C., the most recent standard operating procedures (SOPs) for force-feeding in the Guantánamo Bay detention facility. What remains of the documents, after redactions, is a shameful exercise in doublespeak that attempts to disguise what is really happening in the prison.

The SOPs were submitted in a case brought by Abu Wa'el Dhiab, an inmate represented by Reprieve, the international human rights organization that I head. Dhiab is a 43-year-old Syrian and father of four who has been held without trial or charge in Guantánamo for 12 years. The U.S. government told Dhiab four years ago that he was cleared for release, and yet to this day he remains behind bars. In a last resort to get back to his wife and children, he, along with many others, embarked on a hunger strike.
Read full article at: http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2014/10/guantanamo-forcefeedingtorturehumanrights.html


Flashback: "Population Control" 
Source: TheAge.com.au
World-famous microbiologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet, the Nobel prize winner revered as Australia's greatest medical research scientist, secretly urged the government to develop biological weapons for use against Indonesia and other "overpopulated" countries of South-East Asia.

-"In a country of low sanitation the introduction of an exotic intestinal pathogen, e.g. by water contamination, might initiate widespread dissemination," he said.
-"Introduction of yellow fever into a country with appropriate mosquito vectors might build up into a disabling epidemic before control measures were established."
-"Its use has the tremendous advantage of not destroying the enemy's industrial potential which can then be taken over intact."
Read full article at: http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2002/03/09/1015365752044.html

COMMENT: Once you've seen the world through the ruling elites' eyes, once you understand how they think and what they're capable of, things like biological weapons, depleted uranium generously spread across the globe, wars of choice and false flag operations; they all start to make a little more sense.


Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters (Video)
Source: TED
Glenn Greenwald was one of the first reporters to see — and write about — the Edward Snowden files, with their revelations about the United States' extensive surveillance of private citizens. In this searing talk, Greenwald makes the case for why you need to care about privacy, even if you're "not doing anything you need to hide."

Watch video at: http://youtu.be/pcSlowAhvUk

COMMENT: Greenwald does a good job of pointing out the insincerity and hypocrisy of those who support unchecked government surveillance. But just for fun, here is one final argument: 

Let's assume that the "mind-reading" technology (currently in development)  becomes everything that scientists hope it can be. Does the government have the right to "see" every activity you've ever engaged in? Does it have the right to know every thought you've ever held; every feeling you've ever felt? 

The mere threat of losing the most sacred privacy to which we are entitled (the thoughts, memories, and feelings that we choose NOT to share with others) would create a prison in every mind...it would be more destructive of freedom than anything that has ever existed. 

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