Tuesday, 25 November 2014

JoePlummer.com News 11-24-2014

StopTheLie.com News update 11-24-2014

Flashback: Radiation Experiments on US Citizens (Video)
Source: YouTube.com
73 disabled children were fed oatmeal laced with radioactive isotopes. 829 pregnant women were served "vitamin cocktails" (so they thought) containing radioactive iron. An eighteen-year-old woman believing she was being treated for a pituitary disorder, was injected with plutonium. These are just some of the secret human radiation experiments that the U.S. government conducted on unsuspecting Americans for decades.
Watch video at: http://youtu.be/VkMNfRxKQLs


Source: Infowars.com
Biotech giant Syngenta may have single-handedly ruined the US corn industry with their GMO corn variety, and now they face a billion-dollar class action suit in three states after China has refused US corn exports repeatedly.

Syngenta released its variety of GMO corn prior to it being approved for sale in China while making US farmers think it was going to be accepted.

--This billion dollar lawsuit comes on the heels of another. Cargill, the Big Ag giant, filed a lawsuit against Syngenta for $90 million this past September for damages against export trade losses due to China's refusal of more than 1.4 million metric tons of corn when regulators there found traces of GMO Agrisure Viptera (MIR162), designed to create its own insecticide.

Syngenta is also the same company that Anthony Gucciardi reported on which hid animal deaths caused by additional strains of their GMO corn.
Read full article at: http://www.infowars.com/biotech-hit-with-billion-dollar-lawsuit-for-ruining-corn-industry/

COMMENT: If you're new to the topic of GMO food, there is a short video available at www.AvoidGMO.com 


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Previous Week's News 11-17-2014

New Texas Bill Would Ban Enforcement of Federal Gun Control
Source: TenthAmendmentCenter.com
AUSTIN, Tx., November 13, 2014 – A Texas state representative has introduced a bill to thwart enforcement of virtually all federal gun control measures within the state.

Introduced by newly re-elected Representative Tim Kleinschmidt (R-Lexington), House Bill 176 (HB176) declares all federal restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms to be "invalid" and "not enforceable" within the state of Texas. It reads, in part:

A federal law, including a statute, an executive, administrative, or court order, or a rule, that infringes on a law-abiding citizen's right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution or Section 23, Article I, Texas Constitution, is invalid and not enforceable in this state.

If passed into law, all government agencies and employees within Texas would be banned from enforcing any federal law in violation of the act.  
Read full article at: http://blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2014/11/new-texas-bill-would-ban-enforcement-of-federal-gun-control/


Source: InfoWars.com
Despite claiming that he spoke "off the cuff" when he said that a "lack of transparency" was key in fooling 'stupid Americans' to accept the passage of Obamacare, a third video has emerged of MIT economics professor Jonathan Gruber in which he admits that the administration exploited Americans' "lack of economic understanding" to hide the fact that ACA was a direct tax on the customer.
Read full article at: http://www.infowars.com/third-gruber-video-reveals-how-administration-sought-to-hide-obamacare-tax/


"ObamaCare" Architect Admits Deceiving the Public to Pass Legislation (Video)
Source: WesternJournalism.com
On Monday, Western Journalism, along with other conservative media outlets, reported on a recently surfaced video with a chief architect of ObamaCare smugly admitting that the law passed only because America was duped and deceived.
Watch video at: http://www.westernjournalism.com/watch-outraged-megyn-kelly-just-blasted-the-smoking-gun-exposing-obamas-lies-deception/

COMMENT: It goes without saying: this type of arrogant manipulation of public opinion isn't anything new. The elite believe that they have the right to shape the world as they see fit, regardless of what the masses think. Deception is a fundamental tenet of their philosophy. 

"No serious sociologist any longer believes that the voice of the people expresses any divine or specially wise and lofty idea. The voice of the people expresses the mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by the group leaders…and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion." --Edward Bernays


World Health Organization Secretly Sterilizing Women Again? 
Source: Kenya-Today.com
"--With the help of Catholic faithful's who put their own lives at risk, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association managed to access the tetanus vaccine used during the WHO/UNICEF immunization campaign in March 2014 and subjected them to testing. The unfortunate truth is that the vaccine was laced with HCG just like the one used in the South American cases! Further, none of the girls and women given the vaccination were informed of its contraceptive effect.

This proved right our worst fears; that this WHO/UNICEF campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but is a well-coordinated, forceful, population control, mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine.

When word went round that there was a third round of immunization that was to be conducted in August 2014, the Catholic Bishops again went to the Cabinet Secretary requesting for suspension of the exercises and this time presented to him evidence of the laboratory reports. For the second time they were ignored."
Read full article at: https://www.kenya-today.com/news/catholic-warning-neonatal-tetanus-vaccine-wto-deadly-bad-women-reproductivity

COMMENT: Here is an older article that covers spermicidal GMO corn and sterility vaccines:

Here is a short video by Infowars where they also tie in some other pieces of information (like NSSM 200; Kissinger's plan, turned official US government policy, to depopulate nations) 


And another article that covers many aspects of this topic:

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