Monday, 24 November 2014

the art of critical thinking



The Art of Thinking Critically:

Over the years we have had many a great many People come to us, and start the process of legally/lawfully challenging Debt Collectors, Financial Institutes, Legal Professionals, The Judiciary, An Garda Siochana, Revenue and various State bodies, institutes and Corporate bodies.


At first;

most People are initially shocked by the information and knowledge that we impart (give) to them. Most are not ready to hear the horrible reality and truth of what they were or are up against, and secondly, the fact that they never stood a chance playing the game that is behind them and ahead of them against the aforementioned bodies, if they continue to play by the rules laid before them by their so called Legal representation or advisors.


People in Control:

In most cases where People have and/or are using Legal Professionals we  suggest, if they continue on the same track, the game will be over in a jiffy, and more to the point, they will lose. In most cases, the People eventually "take the Solicitor" off record/sack them. This means now, that the People have to manage and run their own case(s). It also means that the People now have the control as well as the responsibility that comes with not relying upon a "Legal Professional".


Taking a Solicitor "Off Record"

The act of sacking or taking a Solicitor off record is a massive psychological step to take. It's akin to leaving the comfort of the parental home for the first time. You may not want to do it, but in the long run it will teach you real independence, and latterly maybe even the value of interdependence.


What's Next?

Next comes the step of writing your first letter to the "Financial Institution" and/or to a "Debt Collector" and/or a letter to the offending sides alleged "Legal Representation". Most People can, will and do manage to take clear guidance on this, sometimes with a little bit of side-line coaching from ourselves, and sometimes without. This initial set of letters can and does buy some time for the People. Inevitably the respective Institution or Legal Representative will retort and/or reply; then you are into Phase 2 of the engagement.


Tears of Insanity.

The biggest problems that can occur, is when People write their first letter(s), and they just sit on their laurels and do absolutely nothing more. Obviously they think, now the first letters are written, all that is left to do, is to sit and wait. This is far from the truth … if you want really make a difference to the possible outcome of the issue, then you have to literally stay on top of the respective Institute or Legal representative. You cannot be complacent with them; you have to drive them to tears of insanity.


War of Attrition.

We have made this analogy a great many times. Taking on a fight with any of the above institutes, corporations or organisations, is not a fight per-say, it is a set of battles, which is another name for a war, a war of attrition (look this up). The nearest comparison that we can make is this. If you think that you are playing the board game(s) "Snakes and Ladders", "Ludo" or "Drafts (Checkers)", you are massively mistaken. This game is more akin to playing battle CHESS.


Chess is a Deep Strategy game:

In other words, being logical about things will do you no good at all. You will have to learn about all the pieces you have at your disposal, and how ALL your pieces move. You will have to learn about all the pieces your opponent has at their disposal, and how ALL their pieces move.


The Rules of Engagement:

You will have to learn ALL the rules (eventually). You will have to learn to Open without giving anything away. You will have to learn to offensively Protect and Defend. You will have to learn Deception (how to be devious). You will have to learn your opponents tricks. You will eventually have to learn how to aggressively attack your opponent without getting damaged yourself.  You will need to learn how to stop the clock, after all this is not speed-chess as your opponent would like it to be, as then they can rush the matter to final judgement, and then the game is potentially over, although you can still re-start any game, turn the clock back so to speak.


Opening Strategy:

Your initial opening strategy should possibly be one of seeking time to review matters, stopping the clock so to speak. You will need as much time as possible to get down to studying and creating a long term strategy, that is robust enough to allow for all possible moves that your opponent can or could make. The amount of moves your opponent can make is not infinite, in fact the opposite is true. Although your opponent can prove to be tricky, they have to stay within the bounds of certain protocols, processes, rules and law. Whereas, you on the other hand can use the biggest and most powerful weapon know on the face of this planet. It is called YOUR IMAGINATION, and this weapon is powered by the MOST INCREDIBLE SUPER-COMPUTER called YOUR BRAIN.


REMEMBER: Your opponent does NOT have access to YOUR BRAIN;

although sometimes they give the impression, via the programming language that they use that they have. This is all just a bluff or a lie. They don't. Whereas you do have access to ALL that they know, and ALL that they think they know. After a bit of toing and froing you will begin to recognise and read their pre-programmed processes and methodology, and you will be able to develop a strategy for intercepting and dealing with what they are planning, and to nip them in the bud.


Do Computers think People don't?

You will eventually be able to think deeply and strategically. Before this process happens, you will need to get to grips with a process (thing) called "Critical Thinking" or "Critical Reasoning". This is something that is purposely NOT thought to you in School, and for the most part, your parents and/or relatives and friends will NOT be familiar with or have the facility or ability to "Critically Think" or "Critically Reason".  Please do Critically research this for yourself!


Some years ago ...

We wrote a Masters Thesis on the subject of thinking, where we postulated the idea that within a certain timeframe (and within our lifetime), Artificial Intelligence (AI) would be determining the decision making process, thinking and fate of possibly 99% of the People of the ("developed/western") world. Our studies led us to the conclusion that our study was way behind the curve, and that this fact had already occurred.  The vast majority (ALL) of People that we surveyed were process and protocol and rule driven. Absolutely NONE of the respondents examined, displayed any symptoms of the ability to Critically Think for themselves. 99% of their day-to-day decisions were process or protocol driven; processes and protocols which they had had no hand, act or part in creating and/or determining.


Draw whatever conclusions you wish to draw from this. To us it was shocking.



the brain is still a magnificent piece of hardware, and coupled with the ability to imagine, and learn new stuff, we ALL still have the potential to resolve the perceived unresolvable.


This is the massive advantage

... that the People of this Island, and the People of the rest of the Planet hold over the AI that which is "the State", their "Puppet Government" and all their "Political Pigs & Legal Pigs", and their systems.  Start (studying) reasoning and thinking critically today!




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