In the same challenges that are behind and are ahead of the People of this Island, the biggest problem we face is that of the continuing temptation of the People to act as Citizens (Slaves), and to replace the current "Puppet Government" of "the State", with that of another "Puppet Government" of "the State". Let us explain: Sometimes we use the term Slaves and/or Citizen-Slaves, as a conjoined and/or replacement term for "Citizen". We are not saying that People are slaves; after all, are the People of this Island not free? What we are saying is this: As a People that are free, when and/or if you vote, you are giving away your authority to "Self-Determine" and "Self-Govern", to that of "the State" and the incumbent "Puppet Government", as would or does anyone in the service or employ of another. Given what we already know, and have established about what "the State" is, and what they are about, why would you hand over "Your Authority" for their "Puppet Government" to govern, rule and make determinations about your well-being? Are you not free and responsible enough to determine that for yourself? If you are not free and responsible to "Self-Determine" and to "Self-Govern", then you will be governed, and "the State" will determine your destiny as a Citizen, as would a slave-owner for his or her Slaves. In recent years the terms "Free" and or "Sovereign" have been demonised and/or twisted by the populist media and the political puppets of "the State", as being stigmatic and negative. The problem in my view stemmed from those Citizen-Slaves that profess to being "Free" and/or "Sovereign" and have been and still maybe drawing benefits of sorts from "the State". How can any Man or Woman claim or profess to be "Free" and/or "Sovereign", when they are dependent upon hand-outs, welfare, allowances, grants or benefits from "the State". This is a contradiction in terms. We have noted one or two Judges commenting on this; wherein beneficiaries of "the State" claimed to be "Free" and/or "Sovereign", whilst still being in receipt of "State Benefits/Welfare". The Judges simply called and labelled them "Spongers", and locked them up for a year (another benefit for a Citizen-Slave of the State). Incidents like this have greatly sullied the use of the term "Free" and/or "Sovereign". Equally a Man or Woman (People), that are TRULY "Free" or "Sovereign" do not go about declaring it so. They have no need. After all a Man or Woman does not go around shouting, advertising, announcing and proclaiming to the world "I am a Man/Woman". They have no desire or need to make such a declaration. They just are what they are. Similarly, a Man or Woman, or People that are truly "Free" and/or "Sovereign" have no desire, want or need to make any such declarations or announcements. They just are what they are, and conduct themselves accordingly. Getting to the point where you are truly "Free" and/or "Sovereign" is not something one automatically stumbles upon, and all of a sudden has or is in possession of. It is an organic journey of a thousand miles. You grow into being so. Very few, if any of us grew up on this Island in a community/family and/or tribe that was not attached and/or dependant in some way or fashion on "the State". The vast majority of People (possibly reading this), were and have been conditioned from a very young age to pay homage to and/or in some way respect "the State". As they say "you don't bite the hand that feeds you" do you? "the State" provides you with the "Right" to education, marriage, expression, drive, work, earn an income, travel, vote, divorce, fish, hunt, own pets, watch the telly, religion, family, water, life and so on. A whole plethora of rights that otherwise would not exist without "the State", and all they demand in return for giving you these "rights", is that you do what you are told, and give up your "FREEDOM" to "Self-Govern" and "Self-Determine", and do all of these things for yourself. That all seems fair and equitable, doesn't it? Yes, and it is fair and equitable for quite a substantial amount of People who chose to be Citizen-Slaves, and we respect their choice. After all it is of your own choosing. Should you chose to take "the Rights" offered by "the State" in relinquishment of FREEDOM i.e. "Self-Governance" and "Self-Determination", you cannot complain when "the State" taxes and charges you to the hilt, takes back its property, exports your/their children, makes private clandestine agreements and allegiances with the Church, the EU etc., ... and/or when they persecutes you in whatever way it deems fit. After all, as a Citizen-Slave that is what you signed up for, and with every benefit comes a liability. If you chose the journey to FREEDOM, to "Self-Governance" and/or to "Self-Determination" it is fraught with problems, challenges, complications and difficulties. From time to time, and on occasion you may well have to engage with "the State" in some way or manner, for the times we live in, that is practically unavoidable. Remember though; it is a Journey that starts with only one step, the first step. What that step is YOU DECIDE! Thanks for reading. 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