Thursday, 26 March 2015

pay it forward and win against possession



The Common Law Society

Educate People to Protect Themselves

Contact: 089 495 6505



YOU WILL RECALL: We sent out an email some weeks back entitled "PAY IT FORWARD". On foot of that email, we asked YOU our readers/contacts to commit to sending this article (herein), to at least ten (10) of YOUR own contacts, that have agreed to "PAY the ARTICLE FORWARD" to at least ten (10) of their contacts. This is the ARTICLE (below): We have taken you all at your word/agreement that you will forward this article to at least ten (10) of your contacts, and your contacts will honour their agreement with you, and do the same and so on.   … REMEMBER --- PAY IT FORWARD !!!



Before we get into the main body of the article, we have had some excellent news, which is well worth your while cogitating upon, as follows: One of the People we are working closely with, has had an outright win in the Circuit Court in relation to a Bank seeking to REPOSSESSION in the form of a possession Order. We are now in possession of the Order that the Judge granted STRIKING OUT the BANKS case in its entirety for the said Possession.


The process of how this was achieved is far too detailed to explain here, and WILL be discussed at length and in detail in our/the upcoming publication "EVERYMANS LAW", pending the kind permission of the (said) party/Defendant involved. That same week we had another case in another Circuit Courts that heard up to ninety-seven (97) cases for Possession, wherein the only case (as far as we know) that was adjourned to the Judges list for three (3) months was the case we were working on. In the other possession case above, the winning one! the named Defendants were not ever present in the Court. NOT ONCE over the past two (2) years which the case ran for, and yet still won their case. Some will tell you that this is impossible, but we can guarantee you that these persons are completely wrong and we have the proof, the law and the Court Orders on our side which cannot be refuted.  


IN RETROSPECT it behoves us to comment on some of the "other" processes that People are using in terms of their approach to finding "Solutions" to dealing with Banks, their Legal representatives and/or for that matter the Courts, in respect of potential Orders for Possession etc.


BROADLY SPEAKING there are still People out there, when they get letters/notices from Banks, Solicitors, and/or from the Courts, are sending back the letters/notices without reading them, and in many cases without even opening the envelopes. Putting "Return to Sender" on an envelope and putting back in the post box may be an appropriate thing to do, if you are in receipt of mail etc. that is not relevant to you, and/or anyone in your household. But if you are blindly putting "Return to Sender" on everything, and sending it back through the post, when it may be relevant to you and your family, and more to the point, if you have not read the contents of the letter/notice, then you may find in your ignorance, that the/a Court may have granted a Possession Order on your home/property etc., and the first time that you find out about it, is when the Bailiff/Sheriff are knocking on your door, possibly in tow with An Garda Siochana, and worse still with an armed response unit to evict you from your home/property. This is not funny, and is of course a very serious situation, that could have been avoided in almost all cases.


THERE ARE PEOPLE out there today, that blindly sending ALL mail back to the Banks, Solicitors, Courts etc. as "Return to Sender", without opening and/or reading it, and may now have possession orders against them, which they have no knowledge of (yet). Since October 2014 many people now have possession orders against them after blindly following the assurances of persons whom offer NO actual or physical proof that their groundless teachings work. These unfortunate and extremely vulnerable people have been SOLD a pig in a poke, and by the time these unfortunate and extremely vulnerable people realise they have invested probably their LAST "shilling" into these delusional schemes they are so broke and indeed broken that they no longer have any fight left in them. We are saddened and disgusted at how many of these people have found their way to our door days before eviction begging us to intervene still with the belief that we might have the magic bullet they had tried to purchase elsewhere.


REALITY CHECK, and For The Avoidance of All Doubt, there is NO magic bullet out there, but the ONLY bullet anyone should seek is the bullet of critical education and absolute knowledge of the LAW(S) and RULES which Control the BANKS and the COURTS. This is NOT that difficult to obtain and we have cast iron and irrefutable proof that this method works spectacularly well when the education and knowledge are used properly. As we have said we have documental and verifiable proof that what we teach works if applied properly and timely, now it must be said that NOT every case is winnable, but it Must also be said that even in a unwinnable case, if the other side have Broken the Law(s) then even that unwinnable case becomes WINNABLE. It is our experience that the "Other Side" have BROKEN the Law(s) on several fronts in ALMOST every case we have ever seen, actually on reflection in absolutely Every case we have ever seen. It's all about learning what to look for in your specific case, and then learning how to use the Law(s) which are already there, and which must be noted are your friend, and once you become acquainted with your new friends they will protect you like you cannot believe just yet! It's NOT all doom and gloom, but you will only ever get out of something, what it is that you have put in there in the first place. Drinking beer and watching football matches and films can be great "craic" BUT… will not put a winnable case together. What we feel makes a successful litigant is the will and the strength to turn their legal journey into a vocation. This litigant is and will be a worthy opponent for any team of legal eagles consisting of  Senior Barristers, Junior Barristers, and Solicitors, whom it must be noted have and are on a regular basis breaking and flouting the law(s) of Ireland on a daily basis, and continue unabated and unchecked by the inexperienced and lacklustre lay litigant.


Some if not most possession orders allow a stay on the execution of the order in the region of three (3) to six (6) months, in order to allow the home/property owner to get their affairs in order, and/or to find alternative accommodation. Unfortunately for those that have trodden the path of sending all the letters/notices back as "Return to Sender", they will not know what is going on until the dreaded knock on the door.


TAKE NOTE: This information is not relayed in order to cause panic or stir:


WHAT IS HAPPENING is that, for some reason, many of the People that blindly followed the process of "Return to Sender", and after being round the houses to groups/individuals who purport to know what they are doing, are now knocking on our door, to get clarity as to what next to do, and how to deal with possible/potential Orders for possession, when they were assured and/or guaranteed by certain groups/individuals that the Court(s) would NOT be able to achieve Possession Orders, if they sent the letters/notices back as "Return to Sender", and/or they could show/prove that they were "Performing" upon the alleged contract by paying the Bank/Financial Institute a part of what the Bank/Financial Institute allege was "due and owing".


THERE IS NO ISSUE with People contacting us, and seeking to be educated in how to legally/lawfully protect themselves. Some People we have willingly worked with in good faith, and after getting what they perceive they need and/or want, shoot off to "other" groups and/or individuals outside of The Common Law Society, and share what they have been given or learnt. Then those same groups/individuals package that same information up, and pass and/or sell on to other People. Again we have no problem whatsoever with People sharing information, what we have an issue with is, People using information that pertains to SPECIFIC CASES/ISSUES that is not applicable and/or appropriate to be used on a broad brush basis, and/or on other Peoples SPECIFIC CASES/ISSUES. Using template and/or copycat material is legal suicide. Every single case is fought on its own merits. Every single case is absolutely unique, and if the Man and/or Woman that is fighting the case is simply using template/copycat material as their letters, notices, submissions, motions etc. the other side will see/read this, and if they challenge you, and they will … that is the end of your case. Using template/copycat material facilitates you remaining ignorant of what is going on. You cannot beat research and critical thinking and analysis. Using template/copycat material keeps you in ignorance.


ON A LIGHTER NOTE: When a playground Bully is taking your lunch money, and you agree to give the Bully any amount of money whatsoever, you are facilitating the Bully on an ongoing basis. You are encouraging the Bully. You are recognising his/her implied/alleged right to have/take your Lunch money. In LAW, you cannot challenge the Bully's right to not have/take your money, if you continue to give them the Lunch money. When the Bully brings you to the Principal, in order to get the balance of money that he/she reckons you owe, and/or to get possession of your property, the Principal WILL NOT side with you in any context, if the Bully can PROVE PERFORMANCE i.e. that you have and continued to recognise the implied/alleged Right (Contract) of the Bully, wherein you have capitulated to the Bully, and did give the Bully the Lunch money. The Bully can show/prove performance.



A serious issue on the same Principle was discussed. Wherein a WOMAN that worked in the Medical Profession argued that, if Women wanted and/or wished to progress through the ranks of the Medical Profession, and attain senior positions, they should just accede to the whims of s*xual harassment, rather than report the harassment and/or abuse. In other words, when their male counterparts and/or superiors demanded/wanted s*x etc., they should simply comply without complaint. This would increase their chances of success, and in attaining promotion etc.


"What I tell my trainees is that, if you are approached for s*x, probably the safest thing to do in terms of your career is to comply with the request," - Dr Gabrielle McMullin.


GIVING IN TO A "FINANCIAL RAP*ST" (BANK), and continually recognising their alleged Contract, is analogous (similar) to the matters outlined above. You cannot complain when the Bully or Rap*st, does eventually "Financially Ra*e" you, when all along you have given and shown that you have CONSENTED to this. You have "PARTLY PERFORMED" upon the alleged Contract, and you have not said "NO". By "PARTLY PERFORMING" upon the said alleged Contract, you are STILL in breach of the "Terms and Conditions" of the alleged Contract/Agreement that the "Financial Rap*st" is relying upon, and "the Court" WILL and DO look favourably upon their claim. You may not like it, but that is precisely what happens. Anyone that says/states otherwise had better show you their PROOF (an Order to have the matter struck out), otherwise you may end up with a Possession Order, that you may have assumed/presumed you would not get, without first checking the LAW or the facts.


IN SUMMARY; if you are not opening and are sending back the post/letters "Return to Sender", and/or if you are basing your Defence upon "Part Performance", in the short to medium term, it may look like you are having success, but in the medium to long term, according to the Law of Contract, you may well be on a hiding to nothing, and you may not find out about it until the Bailiff and/or Sheriff are knocking on your door, with Garda in tow. Perhaps the "Financial Rapists" have not come gunning for you yet, and perhaps you may still have some time to educate yourself in these matters? If so, we do not purport to have the exact solution that you need or require, but equally, we are not here to help you bury your head in the sand, when perhaps what you need is to educate yourself in how to legally and lawfully stand on your own two feet, without resorting to anecdotal ideas, such as return to sender, and/or part performance, as a way to solve the problem.


TAKE NOTE: In recent days and weeks, we have had certain People come to us, who have been left flapping in the wind the night before their Court cases/hearings, by the groups/individuals that they were supposed to be working with. In one specific case, a Man that was due in Court (the next day) was told by a certain individual from a group, to stand down the back of the Court and not come forward when the case was called. In other words, be in the Court and not be in the Court; to stand at the back, where he could not hear what was going on, and where the Court would proceed in his absence and grant an Order against him.


THE SHEER STUPIDITY of the information the Man was given, is only offset by the information that they did NOT know to give him, or worse still, wilfully withheld from the Man, in how to handle himself in Court, how to address the Court, how to not give Jurisdiction to the Court, and how and what letters/paperwork/notices/motions etc. that the Man could or should have lodged/sent to the Court. In the end, all fires were put out, but for want of a bit of cop-on and common sense, that the said group/individual did not give and/or have to give to the Man involved. We ended up working through the night on the Man's case, where the ones that were purportedly helping him left him high and dry. 


IN A NUT SHELL, from this point forward, it is time for People to wake up and make up their minds. We do not have the time or energy to work with People that are working with "other groups/individuals". It is very confusing for all concerned to have a foot in different camps. Conflicts do and will arise in relation to the information and interest, which only adds to the pressure, and WE for some reason always seem to end up with clearing up the messes created by others. The Court is too dangerous an arena to deal with, and/or inappropriately ignore, when you have been blindsided with bull*hit, and/or some group/individual has failed, refused and/or neglected to provide you with clear guidance on what is going to happen, and/or how to deal with it properly, so you don't in up in Contempt of Court and/or a Committal Order (for Prison), or something worse. People are either working with The Common Law Society or they are working with another group/individual, there is no half-in half-out.


THIS HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO OUR ATTENTION: There are a few individuals that we have worked with, that are sharing what we are doing for/with them in the PRIVATE with other groups/individuals. This is, as they are fully aware, A BREACH OF TRUST. Perhaps the said BREACH OF TRUST is not important to the individuals? If so, then the same individuals from this point forward need to stick with the other groups/individuals that they are involved with and not The Common Law Society. We reiterate: Anything and Everything that we do in working with the People we work with, is in a wholly PRIVATE capacity, which also extends to and includes the Schools and Tutorials etc., which is made demonstrably clear to all People.


IN THE MEDIUM TO LONG TERM, we have ended up working with a great many People that have at one stage or another, run aground with every group/individual on the Island. When People have come to us, we do not turn them away and/or complain too much, and we certainly do not leave them flapping in the wind, to get crucified in Court, while giving it loads outside the Court, and/or on the Radio, the Telly or in the Papers, on the internet or facebook for that matter. We don't give a damn about twitter, media hype or attention, and we only stay in touch or contact with those who wish to stay in touch or contact with us. We continually work on, investigating, studying and researching huge volumes of data, information and facts, which we are consistently and freely putting out, in one form or another to all who stay in touch with us, which of course always remains optional :)





We have spent considerable time studying this area/subject matter, and have several case studies under our belts, that back up all that we write about herein:   


TO SUMMARISE: NO Man/Woman can be jailed/imprisoned and/or have their Personal Liberty removed by way of and/or of on foot of not being able to, or not having the means or access to settle/pay/fulfil a Contract/Debt/Obligation, and to imprison someone/anyone for same is an "Infringement of Human and/or Constitutional Rights".


Where at any point in ANY and/or ALL proceedings/cases, and more specifically where the matters involve are an alleged "failure and/or inability to fulfil a contractual obligation", the VERY INSTANT and/or MOMENT that matter turns to that of being a THREAT to your LIBERTY/FREEDOM, wherein it has now been Converted into being a CRIMINAL CHARGE, it would be and is an "Infringement of Human and/or Constitutional Rights" under Article 34, Article 40.3 and Article 40.4.1 of the Constitution; and under Article 11 of the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).


Constitution – Article 34: "Justice shall be administered in courts established by law by Judges in a manner provided by this Constitution, and, save in such special and limited cases as may be prescribed by law, shall be administered in public".


Constitution – Article 40.3: "The State guarantees in its laws to respect, and, as far as practicable, by its laws to defend and vindicate the personal rights of the citizen".


Constitution – Article 40.4.1: "No citizen shall be deprived of his personal liberty save in accordance with law".


ICCRP - Article 11: "No one shall be imprisoned merely on the ground of inability to fulfil a contractual obligation".  


A KEY POINT TO REMEMBER; in relation to the way Courts view these matters, is to consider the term "MEANS". In the cases we considered, we found that "the State" went after People that by all accounts could not read/write very well, or did not have any understanding of what was going on, or were not represented legally or sufficiently by themselves, and by may accounts ignored, and/or were not aware/were ignorant of the processes that were happening to them, up to the point that An Garda Siochana called to take them away to prison, for their "failure/inability to fulfil a contractual obligation", after "the Court/State" issued committal orders to IMPRISON them, and take away their LIBERTY/FREEDOM. The cases reviewed, were specific cases, where the said ACCUSED/DEFNDANTS latterly challenged the validity of "the Court(s)/State(s)" Order/Decision on the above grounds, and the decisions of "the Court/State" were reversed, and/or were found to be invalid/illegal/unlawful on Constitutional grounds alone, but the Court FAILED, REFUSED and/or NEGLECTED to address the issue/aspect of HUMAN RIGHTS violations/abuses.


TAKE NOTE: There are still, and there may still be tens of hundreds, if not tens of thousands of People that have served Prison sentences based upon INVALID, ILLEGAL and/or UNLAWFUL Court Orders, and that are still serving Prison sentences on foot of same Orders, without having MEANS and/or KNOWLEDGE to Challenge said sentence(s). These People both past and present, have potentially had their lives, livelihoods and personal and family lives destroyed because of the UNLAWFUL actions and profiteering of "the Courts", "the State", "the Judiciary" and the "legal profession". ABSOLUTELY ALL of these PEOPLE (past and present), that have been Illegally and Unlawfully persecuted by "the Court/State", have the absolute right in LAW to reopen and have these cases readdressed on grounds of them being HUMAN RIGHTS and CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATIONS and ABUSES (the process of which is for another day/email and/or maybe covered in our upcoming publication "EVERYMAN'S LAW").


Back to "MEANS"MEANS Being defined as: (14c) 1. Available resources, esp. for the payment of debt; income – Also termed means of support. 2. Something that helps attain an end; an instrument; a cause.


There are some key words/phrases used in the above definition which are worth further exploration in more broad terms. If you are NOT a Man or Woman of MEANS (which in our view nobody should ever be, and/or admit to being); this can mean that you have NO "Available resources" and/or do not have access to "resources" for the payment of the alleged "debt". MEANS is also defined here as "income".



"Income" ONLY becomes "income" when YOU declare it to be so. In other words, the wages, salary, commissions and/or tips that you get in exchange for your labours are not defined as "income" (MEANS), until YOU declare them/it to be so to Revenue and/or another State/Judicial body etc., through "income tax" declarations/forms and/or through a "Statement of Means", which of course "the Court" will/may direct you to fill out, although to force you to fill out a "Statement of Means" would be an "Infringement of Human and/or Constitutional Rights", as they would be FORCING YOU to GIVE EVIDENCE AGAINST YOURSELF, and NO Court of Law and/or of Competent Jurisdiction can FORCE YOU to GIVE EVIDENCE AGAINST YOURSELF and/or would give such an Order in writing. That is not to say that the Court/Judge and/or the State would not imply and/or strongly suggest and infer that it is MANDATORY for you to fill in/out a "Statement of Means".


Nonetheless, they (the Courts/Judges) would still not cross the line and Make such an Order in writing, which is what you could seek. You could declare FOR THE RECORD that "I AM NOT A MAN/WOMAN OF MEANS", and that "I AM MORE THAN WILLING, TO FILL OUT/IN 'A STATEMENT OF MEANS', SHOULD THE COURT SO ORDER THAT IT IS MANDATORY TO DO SO, AND SHOULD THE COURT SO ORDER IN WRITING, THAT SAID ORDER, IS NOT AN 'INFRINGEMENT OF HUMAN AND/OR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS'".


IN OTHER WORDS, you are verbally and/or in writing telling the Court that YOU ARE NOT a Man/Woman of MEANS, and that you are more than willing to work with the Court should they make AN ORDER that in LAW they cannot make, as this would be "the Court/State" admitting in and to the Public, that you are not FREE, not a FREE Man or a FREE Woman, and that they regard you as a Slave/Employee/Ward of "the State" and/or of "the Court", and as such you MUST comply with their Orders, and you must obey/do what you are told as a only Slave would. The Cat would be out of the bag then.


For there to be a "Debt", there MUST be a "Debtor".

This is something that in all the cases reviewed, for some strange reason, was not ever discussed, reviewed and/or considered by the Court and/or by presiding Judges, and neither was the issue highlighted by any of the Legal Representatives of the Accused, and/or noted or reviewed by the "HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION". All parties to all of the cases assumed and took it for granted that the said Accused was "the Debtor" in question, and nobody took the position of challenging the legal and/or lawful validity of "the debt" per say, or considered challenging the validity of the presumption that the said Accused was or was not the alleged "Debtor".


The only issue the Courts were on the face of it considering was whether or not the Accused had means, and/or access to means to pay "the debt", which the Court concluded that they did not, and therefore it would be an "Infringement of Human and/or Constitutional Rights" to jail them for want of "MEANS", which was not just a reference to their "inability to pay" but also a reference to "the accused personal circumstances" and/or that  they "suffered from depressive illness" and/or that they had "educational inadequacies". The term "MEANS" was/is extended to mean the Accused "Mental Capacity" and/or "Educational Capacity".


THEREFORE: If you are not of "MEANS" as in, you do not have the Mental, and/or the Educational Capacity (means) to deal with the matter, and/or the Financial Capacity (means) to Pay the alleged "Debt", then for "the Court/State" to imprison you, the Party taking the action (the accuser) MUST PROVE that You do have the MEANS to deal with the matter, and the capacity to pay the alleged "Debt". Because the issue now moves from being of a "Civil" nature, to that of being a "Criminal" matter, whereby they the/your "Accuser(s)" are now attempting to get an Order for Committal, and/or to send you to Prison, and/or take your Liberty/Freedom away, the BURDEN OF PROOF shifts to and is now FIRMLY on the ACCUSERS and NOT the ACCUSED shoulders.



"The BURDEN OF PROOF shifts/moves FIRMLY to, and is FIRMLY with the ACCUSER and NOT WITH or on the ACCUSED in ALL CRIMINAL MATTERS".


They the ACCUSER(S) MUST PROVE that the ACCUSED has the CAPACITY and/or "MEANS" in ALL its forms and guises to deal with, understand and pay the alleged "Debt", and that they have and are wilfully failing, refusing and/or neglecting to pay the alleged "Debt". In other words, they must PROVE INTENT, which in LAW is a virtual impossibility, unless you admit it, or state categorically that it was your DELIBERATE INTENTION to NOT PAY the alleged "Debt".


Of course the Court/State and/or the said ACCUSER have all sorts of devious ways and tricks, to pull you in under their umbrella, in order to attain/get a Committal Order. In almost all cases when and/or where someone is being accused of a "Criminal Act", the accused will and does unwittingly give evidence against themselves, which for all intents and purposes means that their case is over, all bar the shouting, and the sentencing.  


Whilst the rulings referred to above were not inherently bad, and neither was the reversal of Committal Orders, at the same time the Court was duplicitous in playing down the real and more important and relevant issues at hand. Since the rulings, the legislation in relation to this has been amended, purportedly to reflect the said Case Rulings. But even with said amendments, the legislation still stands as an "Infringement of Human and/or Constitutional Rights", and needs to be challenged as it stands. The State under the current (amended) legislation, still have the capacity/facility to IMPRISON DEBTORS. That FACT in and of itself has not changed, and the ignorance (lack of knowledge in the context of law), of People that are being Accused has not significantly decreased. The Courts and the State are still ploughing ahead with their Profiteering and their Illegal and Unlawful Committal Orders for alleged "failure/inability to fulfil a contractual obligation". This includes a huge variety and a very large spectrum of alleged "contractual obligations", from things such as tv licences, parking tickets, credit union loans, road traffic offences, rates and a whole load more; way too many to list in one sitting.


Primarily "the State", "the Court" and the associated "Legal Professionals" con/scam People into giving evidence against themselves in a variety of ways, on the way towards getting/achieving COMMITAL ORDERS. The "Populist Media" are also complicit in facilitating "the State" propaganda machine, in misleadingly promulgating the idea that "you cannot go to jail for a contract debt obligation", as are a great many other media outlets and sources. In a nutshell that is all BULLSH1T and LIES. If you do not have and keep your wits about you, make no mistake, "the State" will take away your FREEDOM/LIBERTY in a flash, and if necessary, they will throw away the key, especially if it is in their interest to keep you quiet.


SOME GOOD NEWS: At EVERY stage in any proceeding/case in relation to the above matters, there are a great many ways, means, methods, tools etc. to stop, slow down, strike out, reverse and FREE People from Jail, prior to going to Court, during the Court proceedings, and/or after a "Committal Order" has issued, and even if People are in prison. They are too numerous to mention here, but we will list some. Obviously the earlier you engage with some of them in the case or matter the better the outcome:


1. Do not ignore letters/notices etc. from the party making the allegations.

2. As discussed above, do not "blindly" send material/letters/notices back as "Return to Sender", as it may also be used in evidence against you that you are wilfully failing, refusing and/or neglecting to address the matter/problem/issue.

3. You could engage with the party making the allegations, ONLY in the context where you are asking them questions, and NOT EVER MAKING STATEMENTS of any sort or type.

4. Keep ALL your paperwork/correspondence in order and up to date.

5. Keep ALL correspondence/communication in writing ONLY.

6. It is NEVER EVER in your interest to fill in and/or sign a "Statement of Means" as discussed earlier.

7. It is seldom if ever in your personal and/or a family members interest to sign for registered mail/post.

8. It is NEVER in your personal and/or a family members interest to accept service, and or identify yourself to "strangers".

9. It is NEVER EVER in your interest in regards these matters to SIGN ANYTHING WHATSOEVER.

10. It is NEVER EVER in your interest in regards these matters to GIVE EVIDENCE and/or make a STATEMENT.

11. TAKE NOTE: You cannot be LAWFULLY compelled/forced to sign anything, and/or give a statement.

12. At any stage YOU CAN write to the party making the allegations, and or directly to the Court/Judge/Registrar etc. seeking CLARITY as regards to the LAW.

13. You can/may seek "appropriate" and/or necessary adjournments.

14. When and/or if the matter turns into a CRIMINAL MATTER, then YOU ARE ENTITLED to see and have a copy of ALL the alleged EVIDENCE that the other side are relying upon, and may not be relying upon … ALL OF IT!!!

15. You can, if the case turns Criminal seek as "Gary Doyle Order" as per the DPP Guidelines for prosecutors (ALL the EVIDENCE).

16. Depending on the matter and the sage the matter is at, you can seek a "NOTICE FOR PARTICULARS" and latterly a "NOTICE FOR FURTHER AND BETTER PARTICULARS".

17. You can at any stage in the proceedings lodge various types/sorts of "MOTIONS", to move/order that the Court do/carry out various things in your interest and in the interest of justice being served, again this depends on how far along the whole process is.

18. You could lodge a Counter claim (which in most cases has to be heard ahead of the case itself).

19. Should you "lose" the case, then you can seek a Judicial Review, a Stay on Proceedings, or an Appeal into a Higher Court, and/or eventually into the Supreme Court and/or the European Courts.

20. You could lodge you own action/proceedings separate from the proceedings, wherein you can argue that to proceed in the current action would be unsafe.

21. Should you and/or anyone else find themselves in the unenviable position of being in Jail/Prison, another person (per say), could lodge a complaint/writ to any judge of the High Court that you have been unlawfully imprisoned, wherein the Court are LAWFULLY compelled to bring you before them to address the matter. This is called a "habeas corpus", and is covered in broad terms under Article 40.4.2 of the Constitution as quoted below.


22. And Finally ... Remember: "The only time you lose, is when you give up".


Constitution – Article 40.4.2: "Upon complaint being made by or on behalf of any person to the High Court or any judge thereof  alleging that such a person is being unlawfully detained, the High Court and any and every judge thereof to whom such complaint is made shall forthwith enquire into the said complaint and may order the person in whose custody such person is detained to procure the body of such person before the High Court on a named day and to certify in writing the grounds of his detention, and the High Court shall, upon the body of such person being produced before that Court and after giving the person in whose custody he is detained an opportunity of justifying the detention, order the release of such person from such detention unless satisfied that he is being detained in accordance with law".


We could go on and on writing about this issue, but for the moment this information should be enough to be going on with. We shall of course cover a more detailed and comprehensive explanation of most if not all of the material contained in this article in our upcoming publication "EVERYMAN'S LAW" (MORE ON THIS LATER).


TO CONCLUDE: There is absolutely no need whatsoever for any MAN or WOMAN to be imprisoned and/or to have her or his liberty or freedom stripped from them, for any alleged "Contractual Debt Obligation(s)", if they take heed and cognisance of the material(s) contained in this article, and the support of the LAW conveyed in the Constitution and the Human Rights Conventions and Articles as discussed. Study and preparation is everything. ALWAYS check the sources and legal validity of the data/information/proofs/evidence/material etc. that you may be relying upon, and that includes ours.





There is only so much material and time we can put into any (short) article/email. This article is a snippet of a much greater and larger volume of work entitled"EVERYMANS LAW", which shall be released in 2015. In the interim, you might read, re-read and re-read the material herein. If you cannot assist yourself now in slowing down and/or stopping any legal matter proceeding and/or progressing, then you need to re-read the material.




Feel free to pass this email/article on to your friends without alteration, edit or adaptation.


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