Tuesday, 19 May 2015

accuser has to prove case

The Common Law Society

Educate People to Protect Themselves

MABS Solicitor smiles at misfortune of others ...


The latest print run of the book "The Gary Dole Order" is almost out of stock. We have noticed of late a resurgence of interest in "Minor Criminal Matters". We have been told by some relative new People (to The CLS), that they have taken the Solicitor that they had/were using off record (sacked), and have successfully run and won their own cases.


Despite the fact that some Judges are very reluctant to give/issue a Gary Doyle Order to them as lay Defendants. Nonetheless, more and more People are cottoning on to the FACT in LAW, that the ACCUSER has the "Burden of Proof".


The ACCUSER has to PROVE their CASE.


In most cases; Traffic Wardens, TV Licence Inspectors and members of An Garda Siochana do not stand up to thorough Cross-Examination. They are simply not educated or knowledgeable enough about the law, which kind of makes sense. If they were educated and/or knowledgeable then they would not have become, wardens, inspectors of Garda would they?


It is shocking really: A couple of weeks back, we spent a day in Court, specifically observing and noting down the behaviour of one particular Judge. Throughout the day, there were over Forty (40) plus cases of Women only, being persecuted for allegedly having no TV licence. Absolutely NONE of the Women sought a "Gary Doyle Order" (For FULL Disclosure of the Evidence against them), so they either bought a licence and/or received a hefty fine. 


In those cases alone, the Court and/or the State turned over at least eight thousand euros alone for the hour that it took to process these Women. Just think about this, if ALL forty Women had sought a Gary Doyle Order, they would have held up and delayed all proceedings in the Court for months and months, if not years.


Why did absolutely NONE of the People in court that day, know what a "Gary Doyle Order" was or is? … Why did the Judge not inform them? Why did NONE of the Solicitors/Ba*risters present inform them? It's all about the administration and process of business. The process and business of fleecing People that are, ignorant of the law. It is the perfect scam.


Even if you do not wish/want to procure a copy of "The Gary Doyle Order", we would suggest that you go to the two sites listed below, and research the material therein, and then pass on this email and/or the links to your family and friends, and ask that they do the same:






(Note: Sections 8 and 9 are particularly interesting).


The CLS Books: www.TheCLSbooks.eventbrite.com/

The Gary Doyle Order: www.GaryDoyle.eventbrite.com/


All the best,

The CLS.

Last Summer School and Stuff

Civil Bills For Possession:


Last Books Print Run


The Gary Doyle Order


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