Monday, 31 August 2015

the freemen stuff or stuff of free men


The Freemen Stuff or the Stuff of Free Men?

In the past few years ...


a great many People and/or groups have been stereotyped and labelled as being part of what is dubbed as "the freeman movement", by the populist media, press and many agents of the State. 



This is a very convenient pigeonhole in which to stick a hell of a lot of People who think differently, to each other and to that of "the State" (Apparatchik). In other words, if you do not think the way the Apparatchik think, then you must be one of them "freemen" types.


Not only is this a form or type of discrimination, it is also in direct contravention of the Apparatchik's very own Constitution, the European Convention of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) on several levels.


Wherein: Part 1 of the ICCPR (Article 1); "recognizes the right of ALL PEOPLES to self-determination, including the right to "freely determine their political status", pursue their economic, social and cultural goals, and manage and dispose of their own resources. It recognises a negative right of a people not to be deprived of its means of subsistence, and imposes an obligation on those parties still responsible for non-self governing and trust territories (colonies) to encourage and respect their self-determination".


How much clearer can such a thing be?  


ANY and EVERY Man, Woman and/or People have the absolute right to self-determine and to self-govern. Of course this is not something that the Apparatchik agree with and/or wish or want to promote, encourage, recognise or respect.


The "freeman" label created by the Apparatchik, and the connotations drummed up to be attached to it, is a convenient way to reduce People thinking about the meaning of the word FREE and/or what it means to be FREE. If you associate the word FREE with terms and words like anarchy, lawlessness, crazy, immoral, weird, unclean or even crazy, then People are less inclined to engage in any manner of critical though and/or discussions on such matters.


FREEDOM has become the dirty word!  


The essence of FREEDOM is contained in some of the wording above i.e. "Self-Determination", "Self-Governing" and even the term "Self-Actualisation". Who amongst us does not wish to pursue and/or attain such things?  


Who/m specifically or broadly gains/benefits from the suppression of all/any People attaining "Self-Determination" being "Self-Governed" and/or reaching the heady heights of "Self-Actualisation"?  


Violent aggression has been supplanted by suppression, repression and oppression.  


Who/m gains from suppression, repression and/or oppression? Who/ manages, controls and disposes of the resources on this Island? Who/m deprives the People of the Island of their means of sustenance? As far as we can tell, most People don't go about purposely suppressing, repressing and/or oppressing themselves, and for that matter others. Most People are too busy surviving and trying to cater for their families day-to-day needs, and don't have time to think, let alone get involved in such clandestine behaviour and acts.


"First the slave masters gave us collar and chain, then employment, then holidays and then mortgages". Slaves are kept ignorant and busy. Having little time, results in little time to think about your plight in a critical sense or manner.


The slave-master relationship has not dissipated or gone away. It has evolved into that of being the relationship between employer and employee. Employment is legally defined as the relationship between Master and Servant. People that are not in "employment", may often find themselves in the "temporary" employ of "the State", wherein from "the State" they may derive such benefits as dole and welfare etc.


All "the State" do here is take what the employed earn, and give/hand over a percentage of their takings (tax), to those on benefits, after they have skimmed their own take, off the top of course. This is nothing more than legalised theft, but nonetheless it still is theft. If the People en-masse ever realised how this tax scam is being perpetrated against them, things would change pretty quickly.  


Are the People in employment FREE? Do they feel FREE? Are the People on benefits FREE? Do they feel FREE? Why don't you ask them about this thing called FREEDOM? Why not have an open discussion with them about their FREEDOM?


Perhaps ask a Dunnes Stores, Tescos or McDonalds employee to sit down with you for five minutes because you want/wish to ask someone that is in employment about the "terms and conditions" of their employment? Will they even have five minutes to spare?


Perhaps this is where the Apparatchik excel, while the People are tied up or busy in employment, and/or spending their hours and days claiming benefits, they will not have time to discuss such trivialities as FREEDOM, and therefore the Apparatchik can concentrate on changing the meaning of words, by associating the word FREE as being something dirty and to steer clear of.  


A Garda once stated at me, after he was asked, "is this a FREE Country?" He unbelievably said: "Yes it's a FREE Country, but you can't just do what you want". The proles and agents of the State are so literally programmed and conditioned, they automatically talk without thinking. How can you respect this ignorance?  


This is a very frustrating proposition to be faced with. There is no discussing with someone who knows everything. This may seem flippant and funny, but on the contrary, it is very serious and disturbing, and demonstrates how deep rooted the rot actually goes. Incidentally this Garda was a Sergeant, not that this matters, as ignorance knows no bounds.  


We are often concerned, that People we are in touch with through these writings, are not reading them, discussing their contents or passing them on to others to view, debate and even argue with.


We would rather see/read/hear of heated debates and discussions than to think you would not read the contents or just delete the email ad hoc, or simply keep silent on the issues and matters raised.  


Apparently, at least one in seven of the world's population check in and/or make some sort of a contribution on social media every single day of the week. That is now approximately ONE BILLION PEOPLE. How many of these one billion People are discussing the terms of FREEDOM or that of what being FREE really means, or is it now too dirty a word to mention? If it is, then what exactly are People living for?  


In this writers view, if we are not going to discuss FREEDOM or being FREE, it is already too late, so why bother attempt to be "Self-Determining", "Self-Governing" and/or "Self-Actualised"? After all is this not what People are all about, or does this all seem a bit crazy, as the Apparatchik would have you think?   What do you think?  




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