FREEDOM OR SLAVERY Freedom or Slavery: Part 1. It is difficult to know if everyone reading this is a friend. Perhaps after reading it we will have more friends, or at least some more People that are People, and they might have a better understanding of what is really going on here on this Island of Inis na bhFiodhbhadh. In our own way we are trying to understand for ourselves and paint a picture for others about what is going on and what to do about it. What is next? And where do we go from here? The question today is, do you want or wish to remain within the State of Ireland as a Citizen upon the Financial Slave-Ship called CitizenShip, or do you want Freedom? Just so we are clear for those who are reading this, some People on this Island are free, and they are few. A great many live under the illusion that they are free, when indeed they are not free. They are Citizens of the State. You cannot be free and be a Citizen of the State. A Citizen of the State is a Slave; a Slave of the State. There is no point beating about the bush. You are either free or you are a Slave. You can choose to be one or the other. The time has come to choose which one you want to be. Freedom or Slavery? For me no choice remains. My own studies, acts, actions and intentions have led me to freedom and out of slavery, and out of being a citizen and slave of the State. My mind, my heart and my spirit are no longer enslaved, and that is where this all begins; in your mind, your heart and in your spirit. The State have locked up your minds and encased your spirit and hearts, they have enslaved our People, they have tortured our People, they have starved our People, they have exported our People and they have and continue to do so at the behest and at the command of their financial masters. Dividing and Conquering. People on this Island identify with and call themselves Catholics, some call themselves Protestants and Anglicans and Muslims and Gnostics and Atheists and Pagans and Unionists and Republicans and Left wing and Right wing, and Rugby fans, and GAA fans, and Soccer Fans, and Telly Addicts, and all manner of divisions and sects and cults and secularists and on and on and on. Subdividing and sub-secting themselves until there is nothing left of them, their minds, their hearts and their spirits are confused and divided. These People are all Slaves. Slave's to religion, Slave's to Politics, Slaves to Economics, Slaves to Business, Slaves to Sport, Slaves to the State and its vices and devices. There is no other way to look at this. ., this is critical thinking. This is the way the State works. The State divides and conquers your mind, your heart and your spirit. The State has successfully split, divided and conquered you and me both. It is time now to change all that. Pull yourself together and take back that which has been raped, pillaged and plundered from our People for millennia. This writing is not about economics, religion or politics, and we are not trying to change your mind or your beliefs. We don't care a jot for what you believe in. In fact it would help enormously if you would suspend all your beliefs, leave your beliefs on the shelf while you read. When you are finished reading you can take up your beliefs again, and continue on your merry way. Although we don't think you will. We Are Common People and … We all share a common problem. We are all being spun the same lies, over and over, by the same People that sold and told the same lies to our Parents, our Grandparents our Great Grandparents going back millennia. The common problem we share is that the lies have been told so many times, over and over, that a great many People now believe the lies. Beliefs again; they get you into trouble every time. If you are still holding on to those beliefs then we have a problem. Your beliefs are keeping you Politically oppressed and ignorant of the facts. Your beliefs are facilitating your economical exploitation, and your beliefs are keeping you down and locked to the belly of social degradation, and at the mercy of your masters. Your beliefs if you keep holding on to them, will continue to keep you and your children and your children's children enslaved forever … All of our People have suffered immeasurably at the hands of consecutive puppet Governments, since the inception of the Crown instituted State, and they still plunge and twist that knife, and they are not going to stop, unless you and me and we stop them. Antidisestablishmentarianism: You might get the impression from our language that we are anti-Government, or anti-State, or anti-Politics, or anti-Economics, or anti-Religion. For absolute clarity and for the record, we are not anti-any of the above. We are anti-Oppression, we are anti-Ignorance, we are anti-Exploitation, we are anti-Degradation, and we are anti-Enslavement. We do however recognise that the Government, the State, the Economics, the Politics and the Religion are just the tools and devices that are used to enslave your mind and spirit, and these are all the things that you can educate yourself about, and learn to let go of and remove from your life, in much the same way a drunk, or an addict would have to do if they are serious about living again. In fact, it is probably easier for a drunk or an addict, than it is for most People to remove the above addictions from their lives. The addiction is not to the vice or device, the addiction is to the belief, the belief that a Government, State, Politics, Economics or Religion can fix us or give us the cure or antidote. They can't and they won't. If we don't do something real soon, about our addictive and self-destructive, self-delusional beliefs in Government, State, Economics, Politics and Religion it will destroy us. If we don't start dropping our beliefs in these tools and devices they will destroy us all completely, and it will be nobody's fault but our own. We have to start removing these vices and devices from our lives before it's too late. Realistically speaking none of us should give air to, listen to or engage with this stuff and the People that preach this stuff. We have nothing in common with these People. They do not care for you, so why would you listen to them or give them air in your space? 2013 promises to be an extremely volatile year on this our Island. In the first half you will see the Banking cabal, their henchmen and their solicitous accomplices, turning out to disavow and dispossess your family, friends, neighbours and community of their homes, businesses, property and livelihoods, and their lives. Towards the latter half, we will see the Political crooks re-emerging from out under their rocks that they squirm and live below. They will be lining up and vying for position, back in your face and back in your community with their false promises, their vitriol and their trickery and treachery. This year will surely end in tears; make sure it is their tears this time and not yours. Let's not continue be so stupid as to hold out our cheeks for them to strike us down again. Less of the Cheek. You may be so misled as to think that the odds are against you. Stop listening to their propaganda. It is the same propaganda that tells you to "turn the other cheek", be a good boy, pay your taxes, sit down, do what you are told, hold your hand up if you want to beg permission to go to the toilet. Well the next time you feel like going to the toilet, just get up and do it without permission and see what happens. By your public and open act of defiance, you are empowering your own People to do the same. We are only 5 Million People on this Island; it won't take too long for the epidemic of open and public acts of defiance to take hold and grab the imagination. You are not and will not ever be alone. The Writings on the Wall. If you don't like what we are saying here, if what we are saying is not whetting your appetite enough, then go and try and eat from the same trough that the Bankster pigs are eating from, or the Political pigs are eating from, or the Legal, Judicial, or Religious pigs are eating from. See how long they will suffer you being at their trough and in their company. See how much they will serve up to you. Don't keep fooling yourself about any of this, you are not one of them, you are not one of their equals, you are not one of their peers. You are subservient to them. You are still a peasant as far as the swine's are concerned, and they will continue to denigrate you and treat you as a peasant as long as you continue to take the scraps and the leftovers from their trough. Are you not reading their signs, not reading their latest legislation, which every day entitles you to less and less, and every day gives them more and more from your table, more and more from your labour, more and more from your life and energy. Never Forget; History Repeats. Have your short term memories faded so much so, that you have already forgotten, that your parents, your uncles and aunts, and your relatives were literally brutalised, sodomised, raped, tortured, murdered and then buried in shallow graves by the Pigs of the Church and with the blessing of the Pigs of State and the so called Guardians of the Peace. You have got to ask yourself, whose peace were the "An Garda Siochana" of the State protecting? It is clear now that they were protecting and still are protecting the Pigs of the State and the Pigs of the Church, and now protect the interests of Pigs of Politics, Economics and Law. The same patterns, the same crimes, the same victims and the same perpetrators of the crimes, over and over. When are we going to see to it that the perpetrators be given picks and shovels to dig up our murdered People that they have buried in very shallow graves, behind the walls and in the grounds of every School, Convent, Monastery, Church and State Institution in every County and every town throughout our Island? You Get What You Vote For. Most People are running around blaming the Political Pigs for the problems, well not me, and not any man or woman that has truly awoken to what is really going on. If you voted, then you are the only one that you can blame. You always get what you deserve. If you vote for Pigs, then you get Pigs. In fact it doesn't much matter who you vote for, you will still get Pigs, because Politics only attracts the corrupt and the corruptible Pigs of society. There is no lack of corrupt Pigs in Politics, and those that are not fit for a certain level of corruption don't last the course. They are rooted out by the other corrupt Pigs, attacked, destroyed and get eaten up. It's a Pig eat Pig world in Politics, make no mistake about it. Next time there is any form of an election or a vote, return the Pigging card, and stay at home and do something that you enjoy. That way, you can have a good laugh at all the State Citizens that voted for the corrupt Pigs, when they complain about what they asked for. You will have the last laugh, and you won't care too much either. You will realise "who the hell do these Political Pigs think they are, trying to tell me what is good for me, with their snouts into my life?"; and you won't be prepared to take their muck any more. You will run them from your doorstep and you will run them from your community and your life. Wake up From the Celtic Nightmare. There are five million victims living on this Island, and they are beginning to finally wake up. They are waking up from the Celtic Nightmare. They are beginning to see history for the reality that it is. A litany of financial hate crimes against the People of the Island, perpetrated by the Crown and latterly the State and Church on behalf of the Crown (City of London), the Vatican and now the EU/IMF and the One World Bank. If you stay a Citizen of the State, you can go back to sleep, and remain in the nightmare. Otherwise wake up and grow up, and see history for the reality that it is. The State Don't Need You. There you have the so called Pig leaders, Kenny, Noonan, Hogan and the rest of their mob, wining and dining with the dignitaries of the Church, the State, the EU, the IMF and One World Bank, when the People of this Island are starving in their own homes, losing their homes, businesses and livelihoods. Having once again to export their poverty and children to another land, while at the same time, economic emigrants from other countries are being shipped in, housed and gifted with the benefits of the State and slipped in through the back door. That is what the State want and need right now, another dumbed down race of People that are more subservient than the Oirish, and are more than willing to work for nothing, and glad and perpetually grateful to the State, for putting bread in their mouths and a roof over their heads. The State do not need the Oirish People. The imported People are far cheaper and malleable, and easier to manipulate and control, and if they get out of hand and don't do what they are told, we can always deport them back to where they came from. Integration is the new game. The State doesn't want People, the State want Mr. & Mrs. Citizen-Slave. It's a Dirty Job. So when you see and hear these Pig leaders approaching you, beware, they are conspiring to hurt you. They are conspiring to rape, pillage and plunder you. They are conspiring to export you. They have no choice but to do this to you, otherwise they will be eaten alive by the other Pig leaders and they will be slaughtered by their masters in Germany, in Europe, in the Vatican and in Washington. They are getting massive rewards and payback for the dirty job they do, so they will not let real People like you or me stand in their way and ruin it for them. When you see or hear them coming, let them know that you are aware and awake to their little piggy shenanigans, and just listen out for that sweet piggy squeal of discontentment, as they realise that they are going nowhere, other than onto the spitfire for a good roasting. Give all them little piggy's a good (verbal) roasting and they won't be back too soon for another. Yes … ruin it for them. Tell them to go away and pedal their dirt, lies and trickery somewhere else. You are awake and don't deal with Pigs any more. It was acceptable in the eighties. Who can forget the eighties? When Sir Bob Gandolf and Sir Bono were shouting and singing from their own petards about the starving People of Ethiopia, and then latterly shouting at the Political Pigs about debt forgiveness for African nations. Well Sir Bob and Sir Bono are not shouting now about the People of this Island starving and committing suicide and having to leave, and about debt forgiveness. They are both silent. They are not signing or shouting now. Why not? Well it's easy give out about African atrocities; it is not close to home and not close to the bone, and there is no risk in giving out about something that for most People is a world away. If they started calling it as it really is here on this Island, the Pigs of Power would strip them of their wealth and celebrity, and in the end probably kill them, like they do with anyone that steps up to the plate, and calls it the way it is. In summary, Sir Bob and Sir Bono have too much to risk, and too much to lose. They aint going down that road any day soon. Compliance is Required. So we hear you say, well why would anyone stand up and be counted, and stand up and be heard, and step up to the plate, and stand up to Pigs of Power, and we would say, that you will have very little choice but to stand up to the Pigs of Power, because they are coming to get you anyhow. They think that you and me both are surplus to requirement. They don't care about our welfare, or what we think, or how we live, or that we live. As far as the Pigs of Power are concerned, they own you, you are chattel, there are lots of you and you are dispensable. The likes of Sir Bob and Sir Bono will keep their mouths shut because they will be allowed to keep what they have for the moment anyhow. But you; you have no power, you have nothing they need, except your continued compliance, and your willingness to work like and as a Citizen Slave. The Dam Will Break. We all need to develop a new set of skills. We all need to re-educate or perhaps de-educate, or de-programme our thinking form here on in. There is a big game being played, it is a con-game, and a hustle, and we are the ones being conned and hustled. This has gone on for millennia. It is a deeply rooted lie, so deep and so pervasive that most People just simply will not listen to, or read, or examine this con in a logical, critical or reasoned way or manner. Most People get scared or frightened at this point. What happens when you call up the Revenue/Tax collector's office, and ask them to point out "where in THEIR legislation is it mandatory to pay Income Tax?" They end the call by hanging up on you, or by directing you to put your query in writing. Now how much more logical, reasoned or critical thinking is involved in working this out? When you do put it in writing, they will NOT answer your questions on any scale or level. Do you think the Revenue/Tax collectors would feel as insecure and scared as you do, if five Million of the People of the Island were to call them up and start demanding answers to their questions? Do you think the tide would start to turn if this happened? You are damned right it would. It would scare the life out of them, in no time at all. Who do They Think They Are? Who are these Revenue and Tax mongers that think that they can continue to get away with scaring the People of this Island into giving them more and more? Well because they have gotten away with their behaviour and robbery for so long, they are now taking you and their perceived authority over you for granted. They do actually now see you as their Citizen-Slaves, and their chattel, and can just continue to prod and poke you, and you will continue to capitulate to their whims and every need, until you die of fear, exhaustion and desperation. They are on top of their game, and they are good at it. They will continue playing you so long as you let them. Keeping You in Line. Not that it much matters, all of these power and control mongers are violating the so called Constitution and Human Rights Conventions on a daily basis. Hell, they are even breaching and in contempt of their own Acts, Codes, Statutes, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and it doesn't matter a jot to them or the so called regulators and watchdogs. All of this stuff is to keep you in line anyway and not them. None of it applies to them, and why would it? Sure they wrote it so they can break it or simply ignore it, and they do so, all the time and every day. Yes! It is a Conspiracy. What we are trying to impress upon you, in essence is this: We are faced with a deeply rooted and engrained conspiracy. It is a conspiracy designed to deprive you of the ability of making a living for yourself and your family, and your community, or have any form or standard or quality of life. Let's face facts, if you are reading this, then you are feeling the noose tightening. It is a conspiracy to transfer all and any of your perceived property, business, land or assets out of your control and into the hands of the State, the Eurocrats, the EU, the IMF and the One World Bank masters, and what's more, it is working. They are adept at using the tools of their trade, and their tools of extraction, their tools are oppression, exploitation and degradation. Dame Edna Kenny or Lord Pillage Hogan, or Sir Bob or Sir Bono are not going to help you out. They cannot help you, and wouldn't be allowed to help you even if they wanted to, and they don't want to. You will have to help yourself. After all this is an equal opportunities Island isn't it? Remove the Problem. It is always easier to do the things you want, and get the stuff you need when you have some friends and some allies, and maybe even a community of People who have the same needs, wants and desires as you. You will have something in common, and can therefore work together easier. Getting what you want and need is a two way street. In order to get, you will need to stop giving stuff away. This is an idea that few People have historically discovered: The idea of identifying and removing the problem. Here is a few ideas … Michael Collins removed the British Government's grip on communications and information. He removed their informants and key communicators. This created an information vacuum, which he replaced with his own network of communications and communicators. In the end, the Crown didn't have any reliable sources or access to information about any matters whatsoever. It was very crude, but very effective. In the end, the Crown realised that Collins, and the way he thought was deeply strategic, so they set about setting up the "Free State" and perceivably had "one of his own People" murder him. Ghandi removed the Peoples of India's financial dependence upon the Crown. Although widely symbolic, the message was clearly understood by the Crown. In India salt means life, and up to a point every Indian in India paid a tax to the Crown on every grain of salt that was traded or exchanged. When Ghandi asked the People of India to refine their own salt, and trade it amongst themselves without paying a tax to the Crown … the Crown got the message. India would no longer pay financial homage to the Crown. The Crown left. Malcolm X removed and disavowed racism and intolerance from his own lexicon, and therefore became an immediate threat to the "Powers that be". Up to that point Malcolm X was not a problem, but almost as soon as he awakened to the Power that is inherent in the principal of removing the source of their power, he had to be removed and so he too was murdered. Martin Luther King removed violence from the "Civil Rights Movement", and deprived the Police and the Authorities of the day of an enemy. In the end King was successful and like Ghandi, Collins and Malcolm X he also met with a violent death. Gaddafi Removed and Replaced Stuff. More recently (2011) the collective American, British and French Imperialists (NATO) murdered Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya. Colonel Gaddafi had removed western Banks from Libya, and was happily printing a national currency of Libya backed by the Peoples Oil, Gas, Mineral and Gold reserves. Muammar Gaddafi had removed usury from the system, making it unlawful to charge interest on or for the use of money. Muammar Gaddafi removed the need for People to pay for electricity; electricity was totally free. Muammar Gaddafi removed the need to pay for Education or Healthcare, again it was free. Muammar Gaddafi removed poverty and ignorance from Libya and was beginning to spread this moral ethos to other African nations … therefore he was murdered. Leave a Legacy. All of these People were very strong and very independent, and they all recognised the power of removing stuff from the system or the "powers that be", openly and publically. Equally their ideas were all very simple, although not easy to implement. Nonetheless they persevered and they left a legacy of success and hope for us all. This year (2013), what can you remove from the State, the Government, the System or the Powers that be, that will make the changes we all need? Stop Thanking Them For Nothing. We all need to realise that this Island is our Island, and all and every one of its resources are ours, the People. There are Citizen-Slaves running around thanking the State and the Pig Politicians and Power Mongers for giving them stuff, giving them benefits. Thanking them for giving them the stuff that they already have and have a lawful entitlement to. How stupid is that? The New Paradigm. We are all facing into a time of extreme volatility. The Citizen-Slaves are beginning to awaken from the Celtic Nightmare and wake up to what the Slave masters have been doing to them and putting them through. There is a lot of anger and a lot of fear and a lot of confusion out there. There are a lot of pressure points, and many are on the brink of an explosion. Empathy and sympathy for the Pig Politicians and Power Mongers is waning, and fading fast. There is a new paradigm emerging, and when anything new is coming about, it is unstable and unpredictable. They Got Wealthy Off OUR Backs. There are some extremely rich and wealthy Political Oligarchs and Aristocrats inhabiting our Island, most of which are not reading this article, or listening to these words, so that tells you who you are. How did these Oligarchs and Aristocrats get so rich and become so wealthy? Their richness and wealth grows every day. Even in this so called economic depression. It is not a depression, it is an economic REPRESSION. The People that are being repressed are you. These Oligarchs and Aristocrats are rich and wealthy on the backs of you and your forefathers. Well these Oligarchs and Aristocrats are now faced with five million People of the Island who have nothing whatsoever left to lose, and everything to gain, and People are now prepared to let you know how they feel, and what you can do with your Acts, Codes and Statutes. It's a very leaky powder keg that we are all sitting on. The vast majority of you that are reading this text are poor, and getting poorer by the day. If you stuck 100 of us into a room and totted up our yearly earnings, it would only cover any one of the Oligarchs and Aristocrats weekly expenses without much change left over. We are expected to live on the scraps and leftovers from their troughs, and be glad of it and know our place. You may be glad of it, and glad to get their scraps, and irrespective of this, they are still going to hammer you further into the ground. Unless we figure out how to remove stuff from them, they will continue to take from us forevermore. … this story will continue Freedom or Slavery: Part 2. Empathy or Apathy? We are seldom accused of using big words, and it is never our intention to wilfully use big or complicated words or wording, in order to sound or read grander than we are. Once in a while one or two fancy words accidentally slip in. The word empathy has slipped into some of our writings recently. Empathy simply means the ability to recognise emotions that are being experienced by another. The thing with empathy is that, you cannot empathise with someone unless you too have experienced those same emotions. So if you extend that idea, then the only People that can empathise with you, or you with them, are your own family, your own friends and your own community or communities and peer groups. People that are your equals can empathise with you and vice-versa. How can you empathise with an Oligarch or an Aristocrat? How can they empathise with you? 85% of the People on the Planet Own NOTHING! As children we went to the toilet in the field. We knew no better. We had no indoor toilet and we had no running water. We had an open fire that burned very brown turf, with no central heating, and barely had electricity. This is not some far distant memory for me. It was seventies rural Ireland. This is not a moan or a gripe, it was survival, and we just took it for granted; that was our lot. We were not aware at that young age that other People lived in homes that had proper heating, hot and cold running water and an indoor toilet, and didn't have to wash their heads under an outside cold water tank, that in the summer was filled with frogspawn and later turned to tadpoles. We did not empathise with People who lived and raised their children and families in relative comfort, and they did not empathise with us. Latterly we awoke and became aware of the possible living conditions that we could have, and we worked hard, and aspired to get them, and eventually we got a warm home, running water, and the facility and luxury of not having to poo in a field. More recently we have awoken to and become acutely aware of the way and the absolute luxury and wealth in which a small percentage of People have always lived. These few are as far removed from you and me, and growing father and farther removed every day. Every day, they grow immeasurably wealthier, as you grow poorer and poorer. We have not gone back to pooing in the field just yet, but it sure feels like its heading in that direction, especially now that Pillage Hogan is going to start charging you for the use of and the so called benefit of having a septic tank or cess pit. He has obviously found his true calling in life, his niche. Queen Elizabeth II of the UK Legally Owns 6,698,146,531 Acres of Land. We don't imagine that the Oligarchs or Aristocrats will be having their septic tanks or cess pits examined in any great detail by Pillage Hogan and the rest of the Political Pigs. In fact it might just be true that these People don't even have arseholes, so therefore they have no poo, and as a consequence have no stink, so have no need for septic tanks or cess pits in the same way the peasants do. Therefore we cannot empathise with them and their ways in any manner whatsoever. Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do or die. Once they have their way, with the full withdrawal of their unbaked monopoly money called the euro, from their economic system, we will all be soon back to pooing in a field and scrounging in the hedgerows for food and for shelter. None of the People will be able to access the euro monopoly money in order to pay for taxes imposed by the Political Pigs, like property tax, like water rates and like septic tank taxes. So you will have no water, nowhere comfortable to poo, no home or shelter. So you can live and die in the ditches, or export your poverty, as far as Pillage Hogan and the Political Pigs are concerned. Where have we seen this before? Is this ringing any bells? 21% of the Planet is Owned by 26 PEOPLE. If you think this is not real, then you really need to wake the hell up. There are soup kitchens and feeding houses popping up all over the place. There are homeless People all over the Island. We take and get calls every day from People who are being turfed out of their homes, by estate agents, accountants and solicitors turned debt collectors and receivers, just to make a quick buck. None of which have gone to the Courts or through a lawful process to evict the People from their homes. If you want to meet the worst sort of Criminal that exists, just look in the yellow pages under, Solicitor, Accountant or Estate Agent. These Criminals are even turning on the People that were once their own clients. If the label of "turncoat" was ever applicable, it is broadly, widely, generally and specifically applicable to Solicitors, Accountants and Estate Agents. They would sell their Grannies Dead or Alive, if any of them had any Grannies left to sell. 37.5% of the Planet is Owned by 147 States (NOT People). Do you think that any of the Pigs of Power, Banking, Politics, Law or the Church are going without anything at all? Do you suppose that the Pigs are pooing in a field, or going cold, or not able to wash when it suits them, or have to shop for basic food on a budget? Are they queuing up at the soup kitchens or food halls? Are they exporting their children? Do you think the Pigs pay or contribute towards you or your family's upkeep in any way, shape or form? Where do you suppose that they get and derive their homes, their cars, their wealth, their land, their titles and their power from? It is off your back and off the back of your murdered ancestors, and still you continue to make rich the Pigs? 41.5% of the Planet is Owned by less than 1% of the Planets Population. Yes, some People will give out to us about calling the Pigs of Power, Banking, Politics, Law and Church "the Pigs", but we are doing our best here to be remain polite. It is getting increasingly harder to remain calm and polite. To be fair, calling them "the Pigs", is quite an appropriate comparison and analogy to make. Tell me this … what do you say to a Man or Woman who write or call, on the verge of losing their home, or on the verge of killing themselves, or are texting you to call them back, because they have little credit on their phone, their electricity has been cut off and they are sitting in the dark with no means to get food or fuel? All the while the Pigs are living off Peoples misery and poverty that they have caused and created by design. We know none of this is proving or providing solutions, to find a solution, you first need to identify the problem. This takes critical thinking, and looking at the facts of the matter in the very cold light of reality. Pigs Hate Critical Thinking. As we suggested earlier: People like Michael Collins, Ghandi, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya were critical thinkers. They ALL critically analysed their respective situations and were very quick to discover the stumbling blocks that were purposely laid in their path towards solving the problem and regaining ultimate freedom. They all identified that they had to REMOVE STUFF. They ALL removed the little stumbling blocks that were laid before them as they went along their (own) roads or paths. Very soon they realised that by removing the small stumbling blocks, there were actually no stumbling blocks that could be put in front of them that they couldn't remove. Soon they were removing all of the stumbling blocks, including the imperialists and the Pigs themselves. Yes the Pigs were not very happy, at the same time, very few Pigs if any got hurt or slaughtered. Whilst Collins, Ghandi, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya were not violent, none of them were passive either. Ultimately they all followed a non-violent mantra, which does NOT mean being passive, and does NOT mean allowing the Pigs run roughshod over you, or going through you for a shortcut. It might mean, "if you strike me once you might get away with it, but don't expect me to allow you to do it again". They all simply identified the stumbling blocks to progressing freedom, and removed those stumbling blocks by the necessary means available to them at that particular time and place. Stop Raining on Your Own Parade. What are you trying to achieve here and now? What is it you want? What are you going after? You are going after and taking back something that is already yours, and that you have somehow forgotten about. Actually, you haven't forgotten about it, it is just that the Pigs have conned you, and programmed and conditioned you with their religions, their schooling, their rules, their work and their propaganda. Whenever you are going after something that already belongs to you, anyone that stands in your way, or tries to deprive you of that thing is a criminal. Understand that, they are criminals and are breaking the law. It all boils down to removing stuff. A good place to start removing stuff, is to start by removing ignorance, oppression, exploitation, degradation and enslavement. Start by removing this stuff piece by piece from your life. After all it is your life: You are not a Citizen-Slave. If you are not a Citizen-Slave the Law is on your side. By not being a Citizen-Slave, and by not answering to or as a Citizen-Slave the Law is on your side. The Law cannot be on your side if you act as a Citizen or as a Slave, and cow-tow to the Acts, the Codes, the Statutes, the Policies, the Procedures and the Rules of the Corporate Puppet Government Pigs of State. You are raining on your own parade when you comply with all or any of their stuff, and in the end it is not worth it. You will pay a heavier price than you can ever imagine, you enslave your own Children when you comply. Remove ignorance: The Pigs love you to be ignorant, ignorant not in the sense that you cannot read or write, but ignorant in the sense that your mind is so full of beliefs, propaganda and spin that you are mentally confused and unable to discern reality from fiction. The Pigs want to keep you ignorant of history, and ignorant of your self-worth. They want to keep you ignorant of the ability to think about things in a critical or logical manner or sense. Remove your laziness and remove your apathy and remove indifference and you will remove your ignorance, and you will render them and their propaganda and nonsense redundant. Stop being lazy; get up and study, get out and talk to People. Stop being indifferent; form an opinion, have an opinion and express that opinion by whatever means are necessary. Have your opinions, for what they are worth heard. Form your opinions from your studies, from your readings and from asking questions and debating your points. Openly and publically challenge all or any assumptions by any and all perceived authorities, all of the time. Stop letting the Pig authorities off the hook on anything whatsoever. Never stop asking questions, and never stop challenging their perceived authority. Demand answers to all your questions. Very soon you will realise that they cannot answer your questions, and the only authority that they have, is the authority that you have previously so easily given them. Remove ignorance; educate yourself every minute, every hour, every day. Challenge authority publically and openly. Copy everyone in on the removal of your ignorance, and you will be helping everyone. Always ask why? … and never accept their answers as being the truth. The truth is already inside you yourself. This is critical thinking. Remove oppression: Who is it that is oppressing you in you doing the things that are lawful? If the Pigs of oppression want a lawful or legal battle in the Court, it will do you no good to use their legal henchmen that call themselves lawyers, solicitors or barristers. None of their henchmen or henchwomen will work or fight for you in any real or lawful way. NONE of them! They are not your slaves or servants to command. They are the slaves and servants and officers of the Law Society, the BAR Council, the Courts, the Banks and the State. You will have to remove them from oppressing you, by removing them all from your employ. Do not discriminate; sack them all. Even if you have not paid them for past indulgences, do not pay them now, and tell them, that if they wish to get paid, they will need to sue. Render them redundant, take them off record, and demand all information and files returned immediately. Cut them off and cut them short. They have been and are oppressing you, even if they are supposed to be working what is called pro-bono, get rid of them. They were never going to fight for you or what you perceived to be your rights. None of them do, and none of them have ever beaten the State. If the Pigs of oppression want to take the battle out of the Court, then fight them lawfully out of Court. If they knock on your door with five thugs, meet and greet them with ten People that are prepared to advise them about the law. There is nothing wrong with staying within the bounds of the law, and lawfully protecting yourself. Anyone that has the audacity to attack you or your family, or trespasses on or in your home or property is breaking the law, they are NOT representing the law. They are oppressing you, and they will not stop until you can demonstrate to them that you know the law better than them. If any criminal comes and changes the locks on your property and closes down your business and drives away your customers, then you will need to remove his criminal locks, and bring him to the attention of the so called Guardians of the Peace as a criminal. That way if he returns, the law is on your side to be able to protect and defend your property and business against this criminal. You can then lawfully remove the criminal and depose them in a lawful manner. Lawfully removing oppression is a simple thing, and is made all the easier by being organised, and by being prepared to take the appropriate steps, where and whenever necessary. We say there is no time like the present, so start your preparations today. Help can be found within your family, friends and community. "Oppression is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel or unjust manner". It is unlawful to oppress any man or any woman. Therefore if or when you feel you are being oppressed, the Law will support your acts and actions, in defence of your position. The law is on your side, use it. Remove exploitation: who are those that would and do use you in an unjust and cruel manner in order to benefit from your efforts and your labours? If you critically think about this question, you might well be here for some time, drawing up a list. Most People that work, and there are two sorts of People that work, those that are Citizen-Slaves and those who are free People. All of the Citizen-Slaves are working hard, and they work long, and they have vast sums of monies exploited and extracted from them in the form of direct and indirect taxes. None of the taxes that are exploited and extracted from them, their labours and efforts are lawful. Are you reading this out loud? INCOME TAX IS NOT LAWFUL. None of the taxes they pay on their labours and efforts go towards the benefit of the Citizen-Slaves or towards the few free People that there are, or towards the welfare of the Island itself, in any direct or indirect manner or form. There are a few free People out here in the real world that when they earn a crust of bread for themselves, it goes towards feeding and keeping themselves and their families, and anything left over goes towards their own community. Any man or woman that is reading this, will need to seriously consider how they are going to remove themselves from the grip of the State and from the grip of the Revenue Pigs. For any man or woman that is "self-employed" this is simple, and it just means NOT DECLARING any income that you get on foot of your labours, and NOT PAYING tax on any income that you get on foot of your labours. For the man and the woman that are employed as an "employee" … then the exploitation is more deeply rooted, but none-the-less this will not and should not preclude any man or woman from asking an employer/maser and the Revenue difficult questions, and getting them to demonstrably explain to you how income tax on your labours is lawful. They cannot and they will not. It is incumbent us all to find a way to remove your efforts and labours from those that are exploiting you. You owe it to yourselves and your future generations. Your own children and grandchildren will be forever thankful to you for your strength, courage and fortitude, or they will forever mourn and lament your fear, apathy and complacency. You decide. Remove degradation: we are sure that you do not wish or want your every being and fibre to continue to be stripped and declined to a lower and lower position and state by the State, than that of what it already is. We have all been deeply disrespected and disregarded, and those that would assume the position of authority over us all look down upon us. If you do not start to develop an intolerance for being degraded, and if you don't immediately take an uncompromising stand against degradation then you can retire to the gutter. When you are in the gutter, you will not be too concerned about looking at the stars, there will be mud in your eyes, and you will be trampled under-foot by the Pigs. So how are you going to go about removing degradation? There is a fundamental law of physics, that states, "to every action there is alwaysan equal and opposite reaction". So by the LAWs of physics, if one of the States Pigs is ever degrading to you in any way whatsoever, naturally and accordingly to give balance to the equation, you will need to react in an equal and opposite manner. That means not being accepting in any way of their degradations, but responding appropriately and with a measure of balance. To my mind there is a lot of balancing of the so called scales of justice to be done. There is a lot of reacting in an equal an opposite manner to take place. When we were children; we were literally dragged to the Church every Sunday to listen to the local Church Pig talk down to us about how much we "as a community" didn't contribute to the upkeep of the Parish Church and all the Pigs that resided therein. Alongside that, we were also preached upon about the merits of preparing the young People properly for emigration and for leaving their own Island. These same Church Pigs that were preaching down to us from their pulpits were abusing and raping Children and young People. It is no wonder they wanted them to leave. The Church Pigs openly degraded us, and pumped guilt into us all day long, and made us ripe for the picking. Then when you would be leaving the Church with your head held low and the self-esteem knocked out of you, the local Pig Politicians would stand on the Church wall outside, again preaching down to us, about how brilliant and marvellous they were, and all the things they had achieved, and how they deserved to be voted in again, and why they were paid the big money, and drove the big State car, and why they had three homes, and why the sun moon and stars shone out their arses. Even the Church Pig stood and listened to their almightiness. All the while you looked on, and even as a child, wondered what you were doing wrong, as you walked the mile home in the rain. Incidentally the two local Pig Politicians of the day in our area were Lord Padraig Flynn & Dame Edna Kenny. If it wasn't one it was the other. As children; there was plenty we listened to, and there was plenty we were forced to put up with. That day is over. We have grown up, and will not be subjected to, or accept any form of degradation by any of the Pigs of the Church or State institutions. They have all lined up in their turn to abuse and degrade the People of this Island, and to a great extent, are still of the belief that the People will continue to take it. We say, remove your time, remove your energy and do not give them any of your hard earned wages any more. Stop joining their cults, sects, clubs, groups, chapters or rings. Remove yourself from engaging with them. Remove your energy and time. If you want to contribute to your community, go out and find someone in your own community to help. There are plenty out there that need help. Why would you degrade yourself by going to these abusers and degraders and giving them anything whatsoever, even the time of day? After all they would not give it to you. Remove enslavement: None are morehopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Very often we speak of slavery, and some People think we are talking about America, or talking about the Civil Rights movement of the sixties. Most People tune out when they hear the word Slavery or Enslavement, as if it has nothing to do with them, or that it is something remote and removed from their life and their reality. We hear People laugh at us, and smirk and say, "how can we be Slaves? … sure nobody owns us". Well that is where you are wrong. You are owned, and in actuality and in a legal context YOU OWN NOTHING! Any man or woman that says otherwise has not yet removed their own ignorance. You will not get anywhere near removing enslavement, unless you remove ignorance, or any dependence that you have on the propaganda pumped out by TV, Radio all Newspapers, by the disEducation system, by Politics, by Church, by Economists, by the Judicial system, by Liars, Soliciters and the Bastards of law and by any and all of the State and Church institutions, organisations, cults, sects, clubs, groups, chapters or rings. Here is something that will soften most Peoples coughs: "The Irish Law Reform Commission, a body composed entirely of lawyers, has made a startling proposition to the Irish Government: that direct physical ownership of land should be introduced in the country and Feudal Tenure Ended. ALL Landholding Irish Citizens (Slaves) are feudal tenants under the Irish Constitution, NOT OWNERS" – Kevin Cahill, Who Owns The World. The above proposition to the Irish Government was made in 2006: Without getting into a long diatribe about the whys and the wherefores of this situation, in summary what has gone on here on this Island is just one big massive con, perpetrated on the People of the Island by the Crown and latterly the State, and the capitulate successive puppet Governments. The State was/is created by the Crown. Under the Crown the State then inherited total and absolute legal ownership of ALL the land. The People did not! The People are not and do not have legal title of any of the lands of this Island … this is a legal fact. This is stated in the so called Constitution. Every so called "homeowner" or "landowner" has been wilfully misled and misinformed. "Homeowners and Landowners" have what is titled, 'an interest in an estate in land, in fee simple'. That sounds like ownership but it is not. It is legally defined as feudal tenancy. We are now seeing the resultant of this legal fact; whereby foreign Banks and the legal system are closing in on the People, closing down "their businesses", removing "their trade", stealing "their property" and evicting them from "their homes". We say "their" in inverted commas, because the People legally OWN NOTHING. This is serfdom and this is slavery. Slaves own nothing, and serfs subsist upon the leftovers of their master's plates. Do you see this reality yet? Yes it is shocking and for many it will send a chill down their spine. Others will not care. Banks Are Not Irish. We mentioned foreign Banks earlier. There are NO Irish Banks; no such thing exists. In reality, there is no "Irish Bank" that is printing currency under the control of and for the People of this Island. Banks in Ireland, although some have the words Irish or Ireland or National in their titles, they are not Irish banks. This is another great con and form of misdirection. In fact NONE of them have any Indigenous People of the Island running them or heading them up. We know this as a true fact, as we have carried out credit searches on all the banks that are on our Island. They are ALL run by British, South African, Canadian, American or Australian Citizen-Slaves or Subject-Slaves. Some of their Ex-CEOs have been knighted by HM Queen Lizard, as some call her. The foreign Banks in Ireland are the main mechanism of financial and feudal enslavement. The Banks direct the puppet Government, and control and own the judicial system. Legitimate Enslavement. Given the fact that the State by design in its origin and intent, have conspired to keep the land from the People, and continue their on-going theft of the People of what is lawfully theirs, the State by design are breaking the Law of the land. The State in and of itself is unlawful, and those that work for and with the State are criminals. It is not just that they want to take what they presume to be "their share", they want to take everything. So far they have gotten away with taking everything and destroying People, Families, Communities and Millions of Lives into the bargain. These are the acts and actions or criminal psychopaths. They are psychopaths because they legitimise and justify their murderous acts. Remove Your Legal Ignorance. If you want to remove yourself from slavery, and more specifically from financial enslavement, remove whatever monies, wages etc. that you might have or hold in ALL Banks and Financial Institutions. Equally remove and take back all the monies that they stole from you over the years, and let them try and use "their" legal systems to get it back from you. Once you remove legal ignorance from your lexicon, you will see how easy it is to rebut and refute and dismiss their allegations, especially if they are coming after you for what is called "unsecure debt" like loans, overdrafts or credit-cards etc. This is the cornerstone of freeing yourself from their financial enslavement. The real freemarket that we should all be participating in, has been purposely mislabelled as "the black market", as if to indicate that it was something dirty, dark and dangerous. Let us say now that it is none of the above. The Black Market is actuality is the Real Freemarket. In the real freemarket you don't have to announce or account for the monies and the commodities that you have earned or created from your own blood, sweat and tears. It belongs to you and you alone, and you can trade, exchange or sell anything that you have earned or created as you see fit. No puppet Government or State Pigs can Lawfully interfere with you, and if they do they are acting unlawfully, and should be treated as such. Treat them as the Criminals that they are. Their operating mantra is Coercion, Bullying, Threats and Harassment, and many a man or woman on this Island had buckled by their mantra, and died from the pressures that have been induced by them, or have been forced to emigrate or commit suicide. So if any State Pigs unlawfully interfere with you and your inherent and natural right to live and prosper on this, your Island, keep in mind the law of physics, to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Meet their actions with an equal and opposite reaction. This is only lawful and natural and is nature's way of redressing and balancing any unilateral or one sided actions. The real freemarket doesn't require Government, State, Legal, Economic or Church intervention or interference. The real freemarket belongs to the People, and it belongs to your Community. The only reason any of these Pigs stick their snouts in your business is to take, take and take from you. When you take a Euro out of your own community, and give it to the Pig State, that act of kindness towards the Pig State will not help your Community. Your act of kindness towards the Pig State just means that another business in your Community closes down, or another man or woman in your Community loses a job, or goes homeless or starves, or has to leave your Community and the Island. It is economic stupidity to continue to give alms to a Pig State and a Butcher Government to further facilitate them in destroying You and YOUR Community. We the People of the Island need to remove their control of our local economy and community. This action frightens the hell out of the Pig State, after all the only reason the Pig State still exists is because of the revenue stream that they get off the backs of the Citizen-Slaves. Remove the slave mentality: Remove your wages from their system, from their banks, from their regime. Let's remove, and take back that which has been stolen from us in our sleep, take back your Sovereignty. Remove your Sovereignty from the State and the Puppet Government, and you will be immediately removing their mandate to Govern or Rule you. If they presume after that to Govern or Rule you, they are acting unlawfully, and operating as the Criminals that we already know they are. … this Story is Just Beginning. |
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