Friday, 12 February 2016

winners only poker rules



Game on: Monday 28th. March 2016

Book Your Place(s)  >HERE<

Unless you have been living under a rock for your whole life, or you are not "on the system" per se, you will have had an encounter of some sort with Revenue, or the Revenue Commissioner(s).  


For most People, at least at the outset, an initial or first encounter with Revenue is pretty innocuous. If you are compliant with Revenues every whim, then you may come away from the experience unscathed to an extent, but certainly you will be lighter in the pocket for that experience.


Please read on below ...



The backbone of survival for the or any State for that matter, is how effectively they administer and collect Tax, and in this case "Income Tax".  


Without Income Tax/Revenue they cannot survive. Without the compliance of People to pay the said "Income Tax" or "Revenue" they cannot collect. And without the tools to enforce or coerce People into complying, they cannot collect. FEAR and intimidation are the tools of their trade.


After all, who in their right and critical mind, would willingly pay "Income Tax"?  Well perhaps their are some that would, and that is fine.  For those that really wish and want to support "the State" in this way, that is absolutely their choice, and we would never be critical of any Man or Woman that wishes to express their own free will in this way, by declaring and paying "Income Tax".


So why do People who on the face of it, willingly chose to declare and pay "Income Tax", often verbally assault, attack and/or deride those who chose of their own free will, to not declare and/or not pay "Income Tax"?  


We do not currently have a logical answer to that question, although we suspect that those People who deride People in this fashion, simply do not have any critical sense or real knowledge of the law pertaining to "Income Tax" and the declaration and payment of same.


Sometimes we use the term or word "Ignorant", and this can often put Peoples back up, or get their agitated or annoyed, as if to infer that we are calling them stupid or dumb. But this or that is not the case. When we use the term or word "Ignorant", we mean it in the most literal sence, that their is a lack or want of knowledge, of which we have all had this experience.


We all, from time to time are "Ignorant", of the information, the facts, the knowledge etc.  So therefore we are ALL "Ignorant", depending on the subject or subject matter.  It should not ever be taken as a slight or insult.


Until we and others read, studied and critically researched the law and laws pertaining to "Income Tax" we were ignorant, but not so much any more. Every day we learn a little more, and are a bit less ignorant, to the extent that, over the years we have become relatively skilled and adept at dealing with Revenue on such subjects.


For example ... have a quick listen to this (REAL) recording to Revenue (below). Whilst the caller is perhaps not the brightest tool in the box, he is endeavouring to gain knowledge by speaking to Revenue.  The question(s) being asked is not a complex one, but he struggles to get the Revenue Officer to commit to giving a clear answer.  You have to wonder why? Listen >HERE<


Critically listening to this and many other recordings of calls to Revenue over the years, has given us a tremendous confidence and knowledge. Not confidence in an arrogant sense, but confidence in terms of gaining, seeking and finding the most appropriate knowledge and information to use, when working with People who are being attacked, intimidated, treatened and harassed by Revenue in relation to "Income Tax" and the Declaration and/or non-payment of same.


In some matters, cases or issues, Revenue may ultimately take Court action against you. This action can be taken as a Civil or a Criminal case, and in many cases both (Civil and Criminal).


For the upcoming School, we are not so much concerned with a/n Civil action that they may take, but are more concerned about any Criminal action they may take, albeit at the hands and facilitation of a "State Solicitor" and/or the "Department of Public Prosecutions" (DPP).


This can or could result in a massive fine, and/or a lengthy Prison Sentence, or perhaps both ... the result of which is the ruination of your life as you know it.  


Now we are not saying that Revenue will not facilitate a settlement in any case, but certainly, if they suspect that you are not going to be a "good little compliant slave" from there on in, they will seek to persecute and punish you to the fullest extent. They cannot have People running around in the public, letting everyone know about the "Income Tax Scam" ...


After all; if People thought that they did not have to Declare and/or Pay Income Tax, who in their right and critically thinking mind would?



If you are intending to attend this particular School, please book your place(s) with plenty of time to spare.  And, in preparation for this particular School, please find, read and research the "Department of Public Prosecutions Guidelinds for Prosecutors, v 2010"  specfically SECTIONS 8 and 9.


Print off the above referenced document for yourself.  It will be the keystone to preparing and building your case, when or if Revenue come gunning for you, so to speak.  This referenced document is important, in that it tells you what Revenue can and cannot do, and what they must and must not do, if they are attempting to persecute or prosecute you.  Its akin to playing a game of Poker (cards), and getting to see your opponents hand, whilst at the same time being allowed to chose your own hand from the deck.  Without it, in most cases you will lose the game or the case.






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