Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Alex Jones News Update 220414

MSNBC Smears Bundy Supporters as "Insurgents," Attacks Infowars, Drudge
Homeland Security to Purchase 25 Million Shotgun Rounds - The True Story of the Boston Bombing -  Common Core Tests Plug Nike, Pepsi Products in New York State - XXX MEN: The Raping Of HollywoodSuper Sale at InfowarsLife! +more
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Hello my fellow patriots, and thank you for being a part of the newsletter. This edition still includes the free Monthly Downloadable PDF for the April 2014 issue of Infowars Magazine. You can also support our print 2.0 campaign by purchasing the hard copy of Infowars Magazine at cost by clicking here. As you know, it's been a very busy week in the world of news, with lots of important information being pushed off the homepage.
Here are a few articles you may have missed:
SPLC Admits U.N. Losing Battle With Grassroot Activists Over Agenda 21
More Americans now realize that Agenda 21 expands government power at the expense of individual liberties
Common Core Tests Plug Nike, Pepsi Products in New York State
Your child's education, brought to you by Nike
Homeland Security to Purchase 25 Million Shotgun Rounds
DHS likely gearing up for mass panic in America with perpetual ammo purchases
"This Is A Problem For All Of America"
David Knight talks to two different Utah County Commissioners about the federal crackdown in Nevada and what it means for the rest of America.
The True Story of the Boston Bombing
Infowars showed the blatant inconsistencies and breaking news about the Boston Bombing false flag attack and the subsequent police state takeover from day one.
Is Lithium Orotate Good or Bad for You?
The health benefits of lithium orotate are causing an explosion in its popularity.
Video: TSA Agents Pat Down 2 & 6 Year Old Children
Infants allegedly targeted because mother's name was on a watchlist
MSNBC Smears Bundy Supporters as "Insurgents," Attacks Infowars, Drudge
Host Chris Hayes laments "Alex Jones-ification of the GOP"
Save 15% off the already discounted price. Act now, limited time offer.
As men age, they may often experience a slow down in vitality, energy, sexual drive, and overall wellness. Super Male Vitality™ is specifically designed to assist the body in regulating proper hormone balance to create superior vitality in males, and has been used by Alex Jones in order to maximize vitality when working up to 12 hours a day or more in the fight for freedom.
What are the Health Benefits of Super Male Vitality™?
Click here to learn
XXX MEN: The Raping Of Hollywood
Jon Bowne explains the current state of affairs and delves into the 32 billion dollar global sex trade industry that claims 1 million children per year.
Biden Backs Ukraine Junta as State Department Offers Weak Evidence of Russia Meddling
Questionable photos of Russians in eastern Ukraine permeate corporate media
School Calls Cops On Runaway Special Needs Kid
Boy, 8, Faces Two Felony Charges, Forced Counseling
Man Attacked By Cop For Asking Question
"It's sad to think he will probably get away with it too."
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