Saturday, 26 April 2014

Alex Jones News Update 250414

Judas Goat Glenn Beck Colludes With CIA and CFR to Take Down Patriot Movement
Police Recruitment Video Shows Cops in Military-Style Ghillie Suits - Top U.S. Diplomat: Russia Has Betrayed the "New World Order" - Intelligence Head Who Lied To Congress Bans Employees From Talking To Media - New Low Price on Super Male Vitality™  +more
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Hello my fellow patriots, and thank you for being a part of the newsletter. Don't forget to forward this email to your friends and family. As you know, it's been a very busy week in the world of news, with lots of important information being pushed off the homepage. Here are a few articles you may have missed:
Judas Goat Glenn Beck Colludes With CIA and CFR to Take Down Patriot Movement
The pedigree of Beck's circle reveals he is not a libertarian and does not believe in the Constitution
Intelligence Head Who Lied To Congress Bans Employees From Talking To Media
"Henceforward, the only news about intelligence is to be authorized news."
Police Recruitment Video Shows Cops in Military-Style Ghillie Suits
Disturbing sign of militarization of domestic law enforcement
Top U.S. Diplomat: Russia Has Betrayed the "New World Order"
Moscow's refusal to acquiesce to NATO over Ukraine signals new cold war
Unedited Video Shows Bundy Making Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican Comments
Media censors footage to spin remarks as racist
Cher Says Tea Party "Plague on Mankind," Ends Tweet with Bomb
Washed up pop music icon espouses hatred and violence.
Black Soldiers: Cliven Bundy Is Not Racist
"Who the heck are we to determine another man's perspective on the world around him?!"
New Low Price!
As men age, they may often experience a slow down in vitality, energy, sexual drive, and overall wellness. Super Male Vitality™ is specifically designed to assist the body in regulating proper hormone balance to create superior vitality in males, and has been used by Alex Jones in order to maximize vitality when working up to 12 hours a day or more in the fight for freedom.
What are the Health Benefits of Super Male Vitality™?
Click here to learn
Police Nearly Get Peep Show After No-Knock, Late Night Raid on Wrong House
Young mother says her children are traumatized and have had nightmares since the raid
Hillary Clinton: Make the Russian People Pay for Resistance to Ukraine Junta
Establishment political class cranks up rhetoric as ruling elite prepare for World War III
Naked Man Runs Down Road: Mind Control Zone
Zombie-like Americans never noticed naked man running down the street.
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