Friday, 22 August 2014

Alex Jones News Update 210814

James Foley Beheading: What They're Not Telling You
Solution To Poisoned Public Water Supplies - Rick Perry: Send Ground Troops to Fight ISIS in Iraq - Ferguson Citizens Awake to Police State Takeover - Main Ingredient in Monsanto's RoundUp, Patented as an Antibiotic, Destroying GI Tract - New from InfowarsLife! +more
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Hello my fellow patriots, and thank you for being a part of the newsletter. This edition features the monthly downloadable PDF for the August 2014 issue of Infowars Magazine. The downloadable magazine is always free for newsletter subscribers. You can also purchase the hard copy of the magazine at cost by clicking here. Together we can wake up our brothers and sisters in humanity. The time is now. The choice is yours. 
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ISIS Abducts More Westerners, Promises Beheadings
Propaganda theater ahead of U.S. invasion of Syria
St. Louis Police Release Video of Kajieme Powell Shooting
Version of events related by cops do not match video
Former CIA Officer Says ISIS and Mexican Drug Cartels Communicate
U.S. Gov. and CIA connected to drugs and terror
Solution To Poisoned Public Water Supplies
Toxins in our water are on the rise
UK Police: Merely Watching James Foley Beheading Video May Be an Act of Terrorism
Ominous pretext for freedom of information on the web
Rick Perry: Send Ground Troops to Fight ISIS in Iraq
"We need to have all of our options open"
Main Ingredient in Monsanto's RoundUp, Patented as an Antibiotic, Destroying GI Tract
"Negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time"
James Foley Beheading: What They're Not Telling You
Controversial video a powerful new casus belli for war
New from Infowars Life™
Arguably the most important sense, sight is the primary input to the brain. Combining key ingredients like astaxanthin, lutein, and Eyebright herb extract, Occu-Power™ is a long awaited 'super formula' now available exclusively through the Infowars Life™ line. Occu-Power™ by Infowars Life™ is a new formulation specifically designed to nutritionally assist the natural function of healthy eyes.  Learn more
School Kid Suspended And ARRESTED For Imagining Shooting A Dinosaur
Furious parents not informed until police had taken son into custody
School District to Teachers: Don't Talk About Ferguson
Educators encouraged to "change the subject" if Ferguson comes up
Gov. Nixon Orders National Guard to Withdraw from Ferguson
Cited continued "improvement" in security
Ferguson Citizens Awake to Police State Takeover
"Forget the Fraternal Order of Police! Forget the brotherhood!"
Hagel Flummoxed by U.S.-trained and Saudi-funded ISIS
Secretary of Defense seems clueless about ISIS origins
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