Saturday, 30 August 2014

Alex Jones News Update 290814

Labor Day Nazi-style Checkpoints Established
10 More Conspiracy Theories That Came True - Experts Warn of Inevitable American Fukushima Disaster - Putin's "Nuclear" Remark Checks U.S. Moves In Eastern Europe - Kissinger Admits Plan for New World Order -  Super Male Vitality +more
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Hello my fellow patriots, and thank you for being a part of the Infowars newsletter. This edition features the monthly downloadable PDF for the August 2014 issue of Infowars Magazine and is always free for subscribers. Hard copies of Infowars magazine available at cost here. Together we can wake up our brothers and sisters in humanity. The time is now. The choice is yours. 
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VIDEO: Nuclear Putin Says Don't Mess With Russia
Russian president warns of nuclear war if Russia is threatened
Vampire Cops to Establish Nazi-style Checkpoints Over Labor Day Weekend
Checkpoints, 'no refusal' blood draws now standard fare during national holidays
America Is Looking for Foreign Monsters and Domestic Industries to Destroy
The Federal government was quick to seize upon unsubstantiated reports about Russians in the Ukraine
Britain raises terror threat level ahead of introducing new draconian law
Threat level increase follows supposed beheading of photojournalist Foley
Report: Pentagon Forced Military Gear On Police Departments
Some Sheriff's offices "just want to get rid" of "obsolete" vehicles, but they all love assault weapons
Putin's "Nuclear" Remark Checks U.S. Moves In Eastern Europe
U.S. has violated ABM and numerous other treaties
Feds warn of "imminent" terror threat on U.S. border
Sources say ISIS operatives will use vehicle born improvised explosive devices in attacks
Experts Warn of Inevitable American Fukushima Disaster
Reactors built on fault lines pose imminent danger

As men age, they may often experience a slow down in vitality, energy, sexual drive, and overall wellness. Super Male Vitality™ is specifically designed to assist the body in regulating proper hormone balance to create superior vitality in males, and has been used by Alex Jones in order to maximize vitality when working up to 12 hours a day or more in the fight for freedom.

What are the Health Benefits of Super Male Vitality™? 
Click here to learn
FBI Terror Report: Militia, Sovereign Citizens Greater Threat Than Islamic Terrorists
FBI never directly mentions threat of Islamic extremism in America
Kissinger Admits Plan for New World Order
Former Secretary of State releases globalist plan for world government
10 More Conspiracy Theories That Came True
From a fascist coup d'état to the FBI poisoning alcohol
Townhome Management Orders 86-Year-Old Woman to Remove American Flag
"I thought, after all these years, how can they make me take my flag down?"
Ex-CIA Calls For Assassination of Putin
"The only way to get him out of the Kremlin is feet-first, with a bullet hole in the back of his head"

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