Monday, 8 December 2014 News 12-08-2014 News update 12-08-2014

Enemy of the State, Friend of Liberty
"--But Rome at the time of the Catilinarian conspiracy was not the Rome of two or three centuries before, when honor, virtue, and character were the watchwords of Roman life. By Cicero's time, the place was rife with corruption and power lust. The outward appearances of a republic were undermined daily by civil strife and a growing welfare-warfare state. Many who gave lip service in public to republican values were privately conniving to secure power or wealth through political connections. Others were corrupted or bribed into silence by government handouts. The republic was on life support and Cicero's voice was soon to be drowned out by a rising tide of political intrigue, violence, and popular apathy."
Read full article at:

COMMENT: A very well-written article on one of Rome's greatest defenders of liberty. 


Federal judge sentences Liberty Dollar creator 2 to probation for 2011 conviction
A federal judge in North Carolina Dec. 2 sentenced Bernard von NotHaus, creator of the Liberty Dollar private voluntary barter currency, to three years probation for his 2011 conviction on charges the Liberty Dollar violates federal counterfeiting statutes.

--Von NotHaus had faced up to 22 years in federal prison, the maximum penalty sought by federal prosecutors.
Read full article at:

COMMENT: I'm really amazed at the light sentence...I actually sent this Judge a copy of "Dishonest Money" in Von NotHaus' defense. Hope he read it. 


9 Lies About Fat That Destroyed The World's Health
The areas of nutrition and disease prevention are full of incompetence. 

We have been wrongly advised to avoid saturated fat and cholesterol, despite no evidence of harm. 

Here are the top 9 biggest lies, myths and misconceptions about dietary fat and cholesterol.
Read full article at:

COMMENT: My diet has been "low carb / low sugar" for a very long time, but I finally went "all out" ketogenic in August (High fat, very low carb, moderate protein.)

My primary interest in switching over to a fat-burning metabolism was to see how it affected my mental and physical energy (very happy with both.) Obviously, you don't have to go into ketosis to benefit from adding healthy fats back into your diet. If you're just looking to justify a little more bacon and butter, check out the "9-Lies" article above...


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Previous Week's News 12-01-2014

Utah Looks To Shut Down NSA Spying Center
Utah lawmakers are considering a bill that would severely hinder the National Security Agency's ability to work at its massive data center in the Beehive State. The legislation directs municipalities like Bluffdale, where the NSA's building is located, to "refuse support to any federal agency which collects electronic data within this state." RT's Lindsay France takes a closer look at the bill and how it would affect the secretive spy agency.
Read full article at:


A Thanksgiving Message from Ron Paul (Video)
Source: Ron Paul
Watch video at: A Thanksgiving Message from Ron Paul


Attitude & Gratitude (Audio) 
Listen to audio at:

COMMENT: I wrote and recorded this back in 2004. The time I've spent researching economic and political corruption since then has made applying these concepts that much more important...gotta remember the weight of these two words!

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