Tuesday, 16 December 2014

JoePlummer.com News 12-15-2014

StopTheLie.com News update 12-15-2014

Chris Hedges: The Myth of the Free Press (Video) 
Source: YouTube.com
"The Myth is that the press is not fettered, that there are no parameters...that it can say whatever it wants; that it can speak truth to power. In fact, the parameters are extremely narrow. Especially, for instance, on issues of national security. 

I worked for 15 years for the New York Times and the unofficial motto of the New York Times is: "We will not significantly alienate those on whom we depend for money (which is advertisers) or access (which are the powerful)."
Watch video at: http://youtu.be/tfawE9UgKpE

COMMENT: Chris covers how both "dollars and access to the powerful" are used to justify the lack of journalistic integrity within the mainstream media. (The media doesn't do its job because it needs to maintain its revenue and connections.) But as Bernstein's article points out (below), the "influence" and relationship between those who are supposed to be doing the reporting, and those who are supposed to be "reported on," is more direct. 

One thing that people get hung up on is when the media (run by the Establishment) seems to turn against the Establishment's own policies. I believe this only happens when public sentiment becomes so hostile to CIA / Corporate talking points that the propaganda instrument (the media) MUST reverse course to maintain credibility. In other words: The elite have many instruments that they use to manipulate public opinion. If they must abandon or change a policy to protect the prestige of an "opinion-forming agency," they will. 


The CIA and the Media
Source: CarlBernstein.com
--Among the executives who lent their cooperation to [the CIA] were Williarn Paley of [CBS], Henry Luce of [Time] Inc., Arthur Hays Sulzberger of the New York Times, Barry Bingham Sr. of the LouisviIle Courier Journal, and James Copley of the Copley News Service. 

Other organizations which cooperated with the CIA include [ABC], [NBC], the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps Howard, Newsweek magazine, the Mutual Broadcasting System, the Miami Herald and the old Saturday Evening Post and New York Herald Tribune.

By far the most valuable of these associations, according to CIA officials, have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc.

The CIA's use of the American news media has been much more extensive than Agency officials have acknowledged publicly or in closed sessions with members of Congress. The general outlines of what happened are indisputable; the specifics are harder to come by.

--During the 1976 investigation of the CIA by the Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by Senator Frank Church, the dimensions of the Agency's involvement with the press became apparent to several members of the panel, as well as to two or three investigators on the staff. But top officials of the CIA, including former directors William Colby and George Bush, persuaded the committee to restrict its inquiry into the matter and to deliberately misrepresent the actual scope of the activities in its final report. 

--The CIA also refused the staffs requests for more information on the use of academics. Bush began to urge members of the committee to curtail its inquiries in both areas and conceal its findings in the final report. 

"He kept saying, 'Don't fuck these guys in the press and on the campuses,' pleading that they were the only areas of public life with any credibility left," reported a Senate source. Colby, Elder and Rogovin also implored individual members of the committee to keep secret what the staff had found. "There were a lot of representations that if this stuff got out some of the biggest names in journalism would get smeared," said another source. Exposure of the CIA's relationships with journalists and academics, the Agency feared, would close down two of the few avenues of agent recruitment still open.
Read full article at: http://www.carlbernstein.com/magazine_cia_and_media.php

COMMENT: It's a very long article, but it covers quite a bit of information (regarding the CIA and the media) that most people are unaware of.


Larken Rose - Why Speak of Violence? - Porcfest X (Video)
Source: YouTube.com
In a movement whose primary goal is to achieve a world without violence, many people shy away from any discussion of forcible resistance to state aggression. This talk will explain why dodging the topic is a big mistake -- and does a huge disservice to true peace and freedom.
Watch video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYOKVTaflbM

COMMENT: At about 16:30 in, Larken briefly talks about absolute pacifism. My "hypothetical" against the philosophy of never using force has been this: 

"I understand that you refuse to protect yourself; that you would 'rather die than harm another human being,' but what if you just brought a newborn baby into the world? And what if a child rapist / murderer, knowing you're an absolute pacifist, saw an opportunity to satisfy their sadistic desires with your infant? Would you do nothing to prevent them from raping and killing your child? Would you just stand there and watch? If so, you should consider the implications: That your philosophy is so at odds with nature, that "nature" itself (using the lowest scum of the earth) would gradually eliminate it from the gene pool."


Flashback: On Torture
Source: Joe Plummer.com
"--It's important to understand that almost all of the misery Kurnaz endured at Guantanamo came after he had been cleared of any connection to terrorism. As early as February 2002, German intelligence officials had concluded that there was no "direct" evidence that he was involved in terrorism; a September 2002 memo written by a German intelligence officer confirmed that Kurnaz was among the "considerable number" of Gitmo detainees who were "not part of the terrorist milieu."

Another document dated September 26 of that year reported that "the U.S. sees Murat Kurnaz's innocence as established" and predicted that he would be freed within six to eight weeks." By this time, however, three governments -- those in Washington, Berlin, and Ankara -- had decided that freeing Kurnaz without forcing him to admit to something was simply unacceptable.

As one of Kurnaz's fellow detainees, a man named Nuri, observed: "Do you think they'll simply let us go, after all they've done to us?"

So for nearly four more years, this innocent man was beaten, starved, tortured, subjected to endless persecution in the form of interrogations designed to elicit perjured self-incriminating testimony. On September 30, 2004 -- two years after his innocence had been established -- Kurnaz was brought before a Combatant Status Review Tribunal staffed with officers who had access to the exculpatory 2002 memoranda. That august panel designated Kurnaz an "enemy combatant" on the basis of "evidence" it didn't deign to share with the detainee or his assigned military lawyer, who was utterly inert during the proceedings.
Read full article at: http://joeplummer.com/on_torture.html


Lawless US Policy Makers used Torture to Gain False Confessions
Source: GlobalResearch.ca
--[A] Former senior U.S. intelligence official familiar with the interrogation issue said that Cheney and former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld demanded that the interrogators find evidence of al Qaida-Iraq collaboration…

For most of 2002 and into 2003, Cheney and Rumsfeld, especially, were also demanding proof of the links between al Qaida and Iraq that (former Iraqi exile leader Ahmed) Chalabi and others had told them were there.

--When people kept coming up empty, they were told by Cheney's and Rumsfeld's people to push harder," he continued."Cheney's and Rumsfeld's people were told repeatedly, by CIA . . . and by others, that there wasn't any reliable intelligence that pointed to operational ties between bin Laden and Saddam . . .

A former U.S. Army psychiatrist, Maj. Charles Burney, told Army investigators in 2006 that interrogators at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detention facility were under "pressure" to produce evidence of ties between al Qaida and Iraq.
Read full article at: http://www.globalresearch.ca/u-s-tortured-and-killed-innocent-people-for-the-specific-purpose-of-producing-false-propaganda/5419

COMMENT: For more information, check out the documentary below. It chronicles how warlords rounded up innocent people and sold them to the United States Military as "terrorists." It chronicles the "harsh interrogation techniques" (torture) that was used to coerce false confessions from the innocent. Most importantly, it chronicles how torture became a matter of policy; proving (with never before seen documents) that authority was handed down from the highest levels of the Federal Government. 

Brought to you by the National Security Archive (George Washington University) this film makes a case for "accountability" that cannot be ignored. HIGHLY Recommended:



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Previous Week's News 12-08-2014

Enemy of the State, Friend of Liberty
Source: FEE.org
"--But Rome at the time of the Catilinarian conspiracy was not the Rome of two or three centuries before, when honor, virtue, and character were the watchwords of Roman life. By Cicero's time, the place was rife with corruption and power lust. The outward appearances of a republic were undermined daily by civil strife and a growing welfare-warfare state. Many who gave lip service in public to republican values were privately conniving to secure power or wealth through political connections. Others were corrupted or bribed into silence by government handouts. The republic was on life support and Cicero's voice was soon to be drowned out by a rising tide of political intrigue, violence, and popular apathy."
Read full article at: http://fee.org/the_freeman/detail/enemy-of-the-state-friend-of-liberty

COMMENT: A very well-written article on one of Rome's greatest defenders of liberty. 


Federal judge sentences Liberty Dollar creator to probation for 2011 conviction
Source: Coinworld.com
A federal judge in North Carolina Dec. 2 sentenced Bernard von NotHaus, creator of the Liberty Dollar private voluntary barter currency, to three years probation for his 2011 conviction on charges the Liberty Dollar violates federal counterfeiting statutes.

--Von NotHaus had faced up to 22 years in federal prison, the maximum penalty sought by federal prosecutors.
Read full article at: http://www.coinworld.com/news/judge-sentences-liberty-dollar-founder-to-probation.html#

COMMENT: I'm really amazed at the light sentence...I actually sent this Judge a copy of "Dishonest Money" in Von NotHaus' defense. Hope he read it. 


9 Lies About Fat That Destroyed The World's Health
Source: BusinessInsider.com
The areas of nutrition and disease prevention are full of incompetence. 

We have been wrongly advised to avoid saturated fat and cholesterol, despite no evidence of harm. 

Here are the top 9 biggest lies, myths and misconceptions about dietary fat and cholesterol.
Read full article at: http://www.businessinsider.com/9-lies-about-fat-that-destroyed-the-worlds-health-2013-11

COMMENT: My diet has been "low carb / low sugar" for a very long time, but I finally went "all out" ketogenic in August (High fat, very low carb, moderate protein.)

My primary interest in switching over to a fat-burning metabolism was to see how it affected my mental and physical energy (very happy with both.) Obviously, you don't have to go into ketosis to benefit from adding healthy fats back into your diet. If you're just looking to justify a little more bacon and butter, check out the "9-Lies" article above...

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