Sunday, 8 March 2015

rewatch this vid to get the context

Rewatch This Video and Remind Yourself of "the State" and "Revenue" SCAM ...


In retrospect it is easy for us to say that the "Household Charge" (HC) was always going to be defeated. And we use the word DEFEATED in its truest sense.


Last Thursday 5th. March 2015 Mayo County Council through their Solicitor Ward McEllin withdrew their case entirely against Peter Anthony Keegan. They on behalf of "the State" did attempt for two solid years to persecute, bully and force Peter Anthony Keegan into making a declaration against his will, and did attempt to defraud him of said alleged monies for the "Household Charge".


If "the State", Mayo County Council and/or Ward McEllin could have forced him to make a declaration (sign a contract/agreement), against his will they would have. Already today, we have noted that we are being lambasted on some forums, for claiming that the Household Charge was/is Defeated. We say again it is DEFEATED. A WIN is a WIN.


The TRUTH of the matter boils down this ... NO Man or Woman can be Forced to make a Declaration and/or Sign a Contract/Agreement agreement against their will. We spent many hours, days, weeks and months with Peter and some of his family members and supporters drumming this into their heads, and it is obvious now that Peter and his family and friends got this principle into their heads.


In the end Peter knew this, as did "the State", Mayo County Council, Ward McEllin and as did Judge Devins. "You cannot force any Man or Woman to make a Declaration and/or sign a Contract/Agreement against their will". There is NO LAW in existence that allows you to do such a thing, in fact both the Constitution and the Human Rights Convention expressly forbid it.


If "the State" had pursued this, to the point where Judge Devins had to make a ruling on it, then Judge Devins would have had no Legal option but to rule against "the State" and "Mayo County Council". They did not risk such a venture.


In the aftermath of this "Defeat" and/or "Withdrawal" ... ALL People that have not paid and/or all of the People that have NOT made a Declaration do not have to pay the "Household Charge", the "Local Property Tax" and for that matter the "Water Charge/Tax", and for anyone to state, infer and or suggest that they do, would be an OUT AND OUT LIE.


Equally, those that have paid the HHC, the LPT or the water Charge/Tax, are also entitled to a FULL refund of said payment + costs and + potential damages and interest. The State now have a REAL and PROPER headache on their hands.


As for Peter Anthony Keegan, he now also has the option of suing "Mayo County Council", "the State" and "Ward McEllin" for massive damages and costs etc. Equally he can have the Judgement of the now retired "Roderick Murphy" who ruled against him in the High Court, reviewed, which will re-open the said High Court Case.


This can of worms has not yet been fully opened.


Feel fr*e to share this email as you see fit and proper.


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