Sunday, 1 November 2015

every case is winnable

The Stuff of 2015 from

The Common Law Society



The Final Critical Thinking Tutorials (for 2015) finished last Tuesday night.  The process of Critical thinking was used in analyzing Court Letters and Court Transcripts. Everyone has learned; that most cases can be very simple when kept to certain key points. If these key points are rammed home sufficiently, succinctly and often enough, 'EVERY case becomes a winnable case'.


This year has been a massively successful year, in terms of the People (we have worked with), winning their cases in all Courts. Still for us, this is not enough. There are still plenty of dissenting voices, and plenty that will criticize what we do, at the drop of a hat. This year we have mainly concentrated our efforts with those that were and are prepared to Critically study the law, and those willing to participate in their own rescues, so to speak.


We have put out a voluminous amount of information, in all its forms and guises, with articles, blogs, books, schools, tutorials, talks, seminars, one to one private discussions and of course The CLS Talks available of youtube and podcasts. Still we have a fair share of unwarranted criticism. Yet when we challenge these critics, to demonstrate what they have done, and/or to show their results, quite unsurprisingly all the critics go silent.


What has really stirred up the hornets nest with many pressure groups, campaigns, protesters and with "the State" bodies themselves, is the growing numbers People that can Read, Write and Think Critically for themselves. This is the most dangerous thing, to all the aforementioned … a People who can Think Critically. Any Man or Woman that can Critically Think, will not be swayed or seduced into what is termed the "Group Think Dynamic".


The Group Think Dynamic: This is when a group, pressure group, campaigners, protesters, a Government/State or any other collective group/body make faulty decisions, because of group pressures.


With the "Group Think Dynamic", the Group will ignore alternative and/or viable alternatives, and the Group will tend to take irrational actions that dehumanise others. Most "Groups" are highly susceptible and vulnerable to the "Group Think Dynamic" when its members are similar in background, and when they are insulated from outside opinions.


Where there is "Group Think Dynamic", the "Group" can develop the illusion of invulnerability, which in turn may lead to excessive optimism and the taking of extreme risks, whilst ignoring warnings and not reconsidering assumptions. Members of the "Group" develop an ethical or moral rightness in their cause and ignore the consequences of their decisions.


The "Group" will identify anyone outside of the "Group" as the, or a potential enemy, and will unnecessarily discount their view, and possibly attack them for having a contrary view or opinion. Where and how often have you heard or read the words "If you are not with us, you are against us"?


Members of the "Group" will succumb to pressure, not to express views or arguments against the "Group", whilst doubts and deviations from the "Group" consensus are suppressed and are not expressed, this is turn leads to a perceived unanimity within and of the "Group". Self-appointed members of the "Group" will protect the group and their leader from information that is problematic or contrary to the "Groups" cohesiveness, beliefs, and/or decisions.


When a "Group" succumb to the "Group Think Dynamic", they are operating within the same or a similar dynamic/modus operandi to a "State" or a "Government Body", whereby Critical Thinking and/or Critical Reasoning simply goes out the door, and any dissention from "the party line" is not tolerated, the dissenters are castigated, isolated, cast out, demonized and in some cases verbally and/or physically attacked.


By succumbing to the "Group Think Dynamic", the "Group" per say are playing right into the locus of control of "the State" and/or "the Governments" hands. The "Group Think Dynamic" is a dynamic that is borne out of the individual not wishing, wanting and/or in some cases not being able to identify themselves as being remote and/or separate to that of a Collective and/or a Societal construct.


Being part of a Collective is by default a comfortable place to be, albeit on the face of it, a "Group" may seem to be protesting, campaigning and/or objecting to a perceived wrong done to them as individuals or as a group, by another group. But as some say "two wrongs don't make a right".


In this case, using "Group Think Dynamic" will not ever remedy the problem or problems face by the individual, and therefore to expand that up, it will not ever provide a solution to the problem for "the Group", as in most cases a or the Group cannot as a Group identify the kernel of "the problem", and therefore will not ever know how to provide or know what the Solution should look like.


In real time, while various Groups were (and still are) actively marching up and down outside Courts, and causing various disruption(s) with and without the Courts, we had individual People within and facing the Courts, that did win cases. Some were present in the Court on the days in question, and some did not attend the Court, and still won their cases, kept their homes, property, lands and businesses etc.


As far as we are aware, absolutely NONE of "the Groups" achieved palpable and/or measurable results to this extent. But please do correct us if we are wrong on this, and show us "the results". Whilst we do recognise the need or want that People may have to campaign, protest, march, vent, object etc. ad infinitum, it burns up a lot of energy, time and cost that could perhaps be better expended on Critically studying the LAW, and learning to advocate as an individual People.


The People that have won their cases in Court in the past and in more recent times, are now empowered far beyond the remit or control of "the State". These People in my estimation are the REAL (per say) campaigners for change, and none of them are reliant upon the faulty model of the "Group Think Dynamic", as outlined above.


In cases where individual People have won their cases, there was no one LEGAL solution or remedy we can critically point to, that could or can be used across the board. In other words, there is no silver LEGAL bullet.


Recently, one of our sources has categorically stated that "The Law Society of Ireland" have openly instructed members of their club (the Solicitors), that Judges and Registrars of the Circuit Court have been directed and instructed to NOT STRIKE OUT CIVIL BILLS FOR POSSESSION of Family Homes in the Circuit Court on foot of the High Court Ruling [Case No. 2014/88CA] of Justice Murphy. Wherein Justice Murphy did state/rule that "It appears to the Court on the evidence, that the plaintiff and others have devised and used an ad hoc non-statutory process which is devoid of legal effect, for the purpose of persuading the Circuit Court that it has a jurisdiction which it does not in fact enjoy. This is a matter of serious concern to the Court".


In other words the Judges and Registrars are wilfully and blatently ignoring the LAW, and "The Law Society of Ireland" and its members have been told and instructed that the Judges and Registrars will, do and are prepared to ignore the LAW and the said High Court Ruling. So if you ever wanted proof positive that "the Banks" and "the State" are working hand in glove, this is it. "The State" may have gotten out of bed with "the Church",  because "the Banks" pay them better for their services.


Why then have so many of the People we work with been sucessful in getting cases struck out, even when they are wilfully absent and not present in Court?   It is probably no more simple than the fact, that the People we work with have studied and learned what was or is required (to a certain extent).


Because they now know the relevant law(s), are prepared to stand their ground with the LAW, whilst not letting the Plaintiff, their legal representatives, the Registrars and the Judges railroad them on the LAW. This seems simple, but is not an easy thing to achieve, but on the flip side, marching up or down outside a Court, or having a hissy fit in the Court simply will not work against, but for "the State".


In the past twelve months, we have written extensive and comprehensive articles, most of which we know have made their way to all the "Groups" on the Island, in one guise or another. Again and again we have asked that People and "Groups" take on board the material put out, and at least take the time to critically read, argue and debate the material as individuals first, and then perhaps with the "Groups" they may have access to, or be involved with. Time and time again, the feedback from the "Groups", has been something of this ilk: "Oh, not The f**kin Common Law Society stuff again?". Perhaps this closed attitude is symptomatic of the "Group Think Dynamic"?


We research and source material we put out from a large variety of People and sources, and not just from and on this Island. ALL material put out is Critically discemenated, tried and tested. There is no guesswork involved, and that is why some of the material is quite lengthy (perhaps a bit like this one?). We don't cut corners and/or pull our punches, and those we work with know that from the get go.


Over the past five or six years, we have seen a great many campaigns, movements, groups etc. come and go. Some have miracuously transformd themselves and "their leaders" into political campaigns, movements and groups. Some have even created new Political Parties, with the invisible slogan emblazoned across their boughs "If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them".


Some time ago we did pen an article which alluded to Politics, and the FACT that it attracts the corrupt and corruptible. At the time, the article upset some individuals and "Groups", the majority of which have moved more and more towards Polititics, and espousing the virtues of their Political manifestos and agendas in a more open and blatent manner. They now seem to have codified their "Groups", and their "Group Think Dynamic".


Here is a link to those articles (Part One and Two Inclusive):


It is important to print off this article to read it, with a pen and some highlighters to hand. We know some People have the full mailing listings of all TD's, and we do not mind if this article is sent to them. It won't change them, but it might give them an idea about many more People are beginning to think Critically and for themselves, which of course is not what any political animal likes, wants or needs, to retain his/her percieved position of authority or power. Equally, why not send it to the "new emerging" political animals, and ask them what they think?


Another few articles penned this year (2015), that you may perhaps revisit/revise are as follows:


Who is the Particular Victim:




Letter to a Debt Collector:




The Greatest BS Detector:




RTE Terrorise Women:




Circuit Court on the Brink:




First WIN Against Possession Order:


We would suggest that your studies incorporate a regular and healthy dose of "The CLS Talks". The aim of "The CLS Talks" is to break down seemingly very complex legal or lawful matters, into small bite sized chunks, as a compliment to your own independent studies. This does not on the face of it, seem to have had the tracton that would we have anticipated and/or liked. There is an inordinate amount of time, work, energy and effort goes into "The CLS Talks" both pre and post production, but if the listner/viewing numbers are not consistent and/or are not organically growing, we shall not be able to justify continuing with its production and broadcasting. In other words, it needs listner/viewing numbers to be growing and not diminishing. We have also made the shows available as podcasts, which can be found via a google seach for "The CLS Talks".


Here is a link to the youtube channel:


This year we produced/published the book "Dear Plonker", and hosted a fantastic launch night. There are still copies of the book available to procure, that would make great stocking fillers here:


Equally, we now have a whole range of books that can be procured as a package; four for the price of three here:


All the Schools and Tutorials for 2015 were well attended, and we were especially happy with the progress People made with the Critical Thinking Tutorials. The quality of Peoples writing skills has improved way beyond our expectations and measure, and as a result, a massive amount of cases were won in all Courts. We have organically grown our network and reach, but this is something that we would, with your assistance continue to grow and expand.


ON to 2016:

Whilst we did get to do most if not all of the stuff that we planned for 2015, we have more stuff penned in for 2016, perhaps even a bit more exciting.  The next set of "The CLS Talks" will focus on Minor Criminal Matters, and if we get the time, we plan to do a Radio Play/Broadcast of this same material. 


Obviously, as we stated earlier, this may not happen, if we feel we are not getting the traction in terms of listners or viewers. Therefore we would ask you to support "The CLS Talks" by listening, viewing and by sharing the broadcasts with everone you may know, and on all media platforms.


We will of course continue with the Schools and Tutorials, and have planned to bring out a further two books. One on the Rates issue entitled "Rates and Pillage", which is relevant to everyone, whether you may be aware of this or not, and another book, which is a major tombe on the law, provisionally entitled "EVERYMANS LAW".


Supporting/attending the Books, Schools and Tutorials, provides the resources to produce Books and Broadcasts.


The FINAL SCHOOL for 2015 is on Monday 7th. December. We will have/run a "Mock Court". The participants will be issued with paperwork on the day, to presnt their case to the "Mock Court".  All places must be booked in advance here:



Thanks for reading. Please feel free to share this article with all your friends, and/or on all social media platforms.  


Thanking you all, in advance for your ongoing support.


The CLS. 




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