Thursday, 10 December 2015

we have worked a long time for this result

Protecting yourself in Court.


December 2015


The CLS Books >HERE<

Quite literally; today we got confirmation from (yet another) one of the People that we have been working with for the past four (4) years, that he got another Strike Out of a Possession Order for his home in the Circuit Court. 


The Bank/Financial Institution had put him through the ringer in the past five (5) years. After the first year of using a Solicitor and Ba*rister in the High Court, he was told by the Solicitor that he had no hope and would be out of his home by Christmas (of that year), whilst at the same time being told by the Ba*rister involved that he had some hope of keeping his home, if he was prepared to pay the Ba*rister FIFTY GRAND (in cash).


Then as he says himself, 'I found The Common Law Society quite by a stroke of luck". Someone on the radio had been taking about us, and he did a bit of research. Approximately eighteen (18) months later, and seventeen adjournments by the Plaintiff, the Banks case was struck out of the High Court, and with an Order for Costs to the Defendant. He has since been chasing the Plaintiff and their Solicitor for those same costs.


Of course ALL of the usual suspects were included in his letters, notices, correspondence etc., and as per usual, none of the parties have taken any positive and/or constructive actions to aid or assist the Man, and/or to prevent two Banks from stealing his family home.


The man now has FOUR COURT ORDERS to his credit in his favor.


One from the High Court and three others from the Circuit Court. He has beaten TWO Banks/Financial Institutions, and he has beaten "the State", the Legal Profession and the Judiciary, ALL of whom support the pillage of the People of this Island. 


That is not to say, "they" won't try to steal his Family Home again.


This time though, it is different. The man is obviously in relatively high spirits coming into this festive season, and rightly so. He has had a FIVE years plus of an all out LEGAL WAR, where the odds were massively stacked against him.


Just to clarify, when the man happened upon The Common Law Society, and we hope he does not mind us saying this, but he was ignorant of the law, as in, he had very little if any knowledge of the law or legal processes he was blindly involved in, and the Solicitor or Ba*rister at the time, in the early days, were willfully keeping him in the dark, and blatantly lying to him.


This man has since learned to fight, and latterly he has learned to throw punches and kicks without having to step into the ring with THE ENEMY. The Bank and the Plaintiffs legal council brought him into a fight, and started a war that he never asked for. They threw everything they had at him, and he is STILL STANDING. Perhaps tonight as we write this email they are reeling, perhaps they are not?


The trouble for the Plaintiff, their Legal Council and "the State" for that matter, is that the Man is now going to bring a WAR to their doorstep, the likes of which they have not ever seen before, with the intention of having all individuals involved (State Side), ultimately locked in a cage for the rest of their days.


To summarise this matter: Coming from a place of legal ignorance, this Man has battled for at least five (5) solid years with the High Court, the Circuit Court, Registrars, Judges, Ba*risters, Solicitors, Banks, the Land Registry, An Garda Siochana, the PRA, and a whole plethora of State bodies. NONE of them assisted, facilitated and/or helped him along the way. And on the contrary, they ALL connived and colluded, and aided and abetted the Banks in attempting to steal his FAMILY HOME. 


Quite simply, he has had to knuckle down to the fight tooth and nail for every small victory, and learn and gain his knowledge and confidence along the way, step by step.


We are not saying that anyone can do what this Man has done, as he has still had to provide for and maintain his family and home, under this constant and persistent UNLAWFUL ACTION, and the clandestine threats from ALL those involved. But he has persisted and stuck to his guns, and has learned the true meaning of the word determination. It is not beyond the remit of any Man or Woman to do the same, once they learn the basis of Critical Reading, Writing and Thinking.


The Man himself is unassuming, polite and pleasant in his manner, and defines the word integrity in the way he has worked with The Common Law Society.


For our part, it has been a pleasure to work with him, as over the years, we have seen him grow and evolve into a force to be reckoned with. His ability now to Critically think, write, and deliver the material that is required in his own case, is second to none. Strictly speaking, at this stage he probably does not need or require any further direction, coaching and/or support from The Common Law Society, but of course, he remains a staunch advocate of the way we work with People.


We will be having some very serious discussions and conversations with the Man and his family over the next few weeks, as he prepares his future paperwork, plan and strategy. With his specific permission, early in the new year if not before, we would like to publish for your (our readers) consumption and enjoyment, perhaps one or two of his more recent letters/court paperwork.


We will of course redact and/or remove any details that he does not wish to share, and anything that may assist "the other side". They make for some very powerful pieces, and we feel they may also assist others in their cases, be it in the Circuit and/or High Court.


If you are interested in reading such pieces, send a quick email to:


Equally, if know of others that such information may be of assistance to, feel free to share this email with them, and ask them to stick a name and email in at:    … that way they can also get our regular emails/mailshots.


Thanks all for reading.

The CLS 


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