News update 02-29-2016
Pax: An Ethereum Powered Virtual Nation
--The governance 2.0 platform claims its system is a "high-trust environment" that will allow people to enter voluntary agreements with accountability and this type of voluntary legal architecture will create something that encompasses the best of both worlds when it comes to authority and sovereign autonomy.
--These types of projects have planted the seeds in our society that will transform the way we view government. Society is starting to realize that trusting in numbers instead of trusting fallible representatives, might be the better option for humans to govern themselves. Banks are not the only institutions subject to disruption. The nation state has something to fear as well.
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Anarchy VS Limited Government Debate (Video)
Larken Rose and Mark Skousen debate the need for government in society.
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Edward Snowden Speaks at New Hampshire Liberty Forum (Video)
Edward Snowden addresses a crowd of over 500 at the Free State Project's Liberty Forum.
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Tragedy and Hope 101 interview with Joe Plummer (Video)
Source: / Richard Grove
In his 1300-page history book "Tragedy and Hope," professor Carroll Quigley showed us that "representative government" is, at best, a carefully managed con game. In "The Anglo-American Establishment," Quigley went even further to expose the network of "experts" that he said "will replace...the democratic voter in control of the political system."
As a respected Ivy League historian, Quigley was given access to the secret records of this network. He supported most of its aims, but objected to the fact that it insisted on working behind the scenes; unknown to the general public. If you feel this is something you should learn more about, but you don't have the time to read Tragedy and Hope or The Anglo-American Establishment, you can read a condensed version of Quigley's work in "Tragedy and Hope 101." The 90-minute interview below also provides more details.
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COMMENT: If you're short on time, there is a 10 minute preview available here:
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Previous Week's News 02-22-2016
"We went after Iraq, they did not knock down the World Trade Center." Trump told those in attendance.
"It wasn't the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center, we went after Iraq, we decimated the country, Iran's taking over, okay." Trump continued.
"But it wasn't the Iraqis, you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center. Because they have papers in there that are very secret, you may find it's the Saudis, okay? But you will find out."
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COMMENT: Assuming the evidence of Saudi guilt is clear, you really have to ask yourself:
Why would US policy makers, while claiming to "protect us from terrorism," choose to PROTECT those that facilitated the 9/11attacks? The "cover up" alone makes them an accessory to the crime...(Maybe our policy makers don't want anyone "pulling the Saudi thread," for fear of where it will lead back to.)
Would we not shatter it to bits?
Source: NeedToKnow.News
--The contradiction in the stories in the Middle East is that it is almost impossible to tell who is fighting terrorism and who is protecting terrorism. A recurring thread is that the US is leading a great military campaign against ISIS but it also delivers weapons to ISIS, provides aid to ISIS, attacks ISIS with powder-puff blows, and does everything to prevent Russia from knocking the hell out of ISIS.
Turkey and Egypt, allies of the US, are performing similar roles. In the name of fighting terrorism, they somehow manage to do more harm to those who genuinely are fighting ISIS than to ISIS itself. If you haven't yet picked up on this consistent contradiction, this week's news will make it abundantly clear.
Whenever there is a consistent contradiction, it is a sign that it isn't a contradiction at all but that our expectations are based on wrong assumptions. That clearly is the case with the war on terrorism.
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COMMENT: A nice / short article by Ed Griffin.
Why Psychiatry Holds Enormous Power in Society Despite Losing Scientific Credibility
--All societies, communities and families coerce and control members who frighten them. However, the kinds of behavior that frightens people varies enormously, and thus what is permissible to control and coerce varies enormously. So, while it would be fairly universal for a society to coerce and control someone who is physically attacking another of its members, it is quite historically exceptional—as is done in U.S. society—to use antipsychotic drugs to subdue a bored seven-year-old who is resisting classroom controls.
In December 2012, the Archives of General Psychiatry (renamed JAMA Psychiatry) reported that, between 1993-2009, there was a seven-fold increase of children 13 years and younger being prescribed antipsychotic drugs, and that nonpsychotic conditions such as "disruptive behavior disorders" were the most common diagnoses in children medicated with antipsychotics, accounting for 63% of those medicated.
The dramatic growth of antipsychotic drugs in the United States is largely about ever-increasing societal acceptance of using drugs to control unwanted behaviors. Antipsychotics grossed over $18 billion a year in the United States by 2011, and by 2013 one antipsychotic drug, Abilify, was the highest grossing of all drugs in the United States with nearly $6.5 billion in sales. In addition to children—especially foster children—the burgeoning U.S. antipsychotic market includes the elderly in nursing homes and inmates in prisons and jails, where antipsychotic drugs are a relatively inexpensive way to subdue and more easily manage these populations.
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Cash Wars: The People Strike Back?
--Harald Mahrer is one of the people warning about the move, and he's not just your average Joe. He's a Deputy in the Economic Ministry of the Austrian government. "We don't want someone to be able to track digitally what we buy, eat and drink, what books we read and what movies we watch," he told Austrian public radio station Oe1 last week. He argues that the ability to use cash should be a constitutional right for Austrians.
Mahrer is just reflecting what an increasing number of people are beginning to realize: that cash transactions are a key to maintaining anonymity. Heck, when even mainstream propaganda outlets like are running pieces making the case that "cash is a classic privacy protection" (in direct contradiction to their earlier anti-cash propaganda) you know the would-be Gods of Money still have a way to go to convince the public to part ways with paper.
But more than just privacy protection, the true importance of cash becomes apparent in times of banking crisis. Just witness when Greece started clamping down on cash withdrawals during their banking panic and people began literally stuffing it under the mattress. It is no coincidence that we are moving into a time of global economic uncertainty being frontrun by (what else?) a banking crisis in Europe.
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