Monday, 23 May 2016 News 05-23-2016

Update on the Spanish translation for Tragedy and Hope 101: I'm still testing different translators and trying to nail down a price. The "professional" sites want like $4,000, but I'm still hoping to get it done for $1,000 - $1,500. In case any of you actually read Spanish, here is another version of the Intro and Chapter 1 (done by a new translator) News update 05-23-2016

How corporate America bought Hillary Clinton for $21M
Ronald Reagan was severely criticized in 1989 when, after he left office, he was paid $2 million for a couple of speeches in Japan. "The founding fathers would have been stunned that an occupant of the highest office in this land turned it into bucks," sniffed a Columbia professor.

So what would Washington and Jefferson make of Hillary Rodham Clinton? Mandatory financial disclosures released this month show that, in just the two years from April 2013 to March 2015, the former first lady, senator and secretary of state collected $21,667,000 in "speaking fees," not to mention the cool $5 mil she corralled as an advance for her 2014 flop book, "Hard Choices."
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Dr. Peter Rost is a former vice president of marketing at Pfizer and a whistleblower of the pharmaceutical industry. Author of "The Whistleblower, Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman," Rost is an insider expert on big pharma marketing. 
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Court Backs Snowden, Strikes Secret Laws
In a major vindication for Edward Snowden -- and a blow for the national security policy pursued by Republicans and Democrats alike -- the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled Thursday that the National Security Agency's metadata collection program is unlawful.  This is the most serious blow to date for the legacy of the USA Patriot Act and the surveillance overreach that followed 9/11.

The central question depended on the meaning of the word "relevant": Was the government's collection relevant to an investigation when it collects all the metadata for any phone call made to or from anywhere in the U.S.?

The court said no. That was the right decision -- not so much because it protects privacy, as because it broke the bad precedent of secret law created by the NSA and endorsed by the secret national security court known as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
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Previous Week's News 05-16-2016

David Stockman: Get Out Of The Casino—-2% Upside, 40% Downside (Video)
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The Outsiders: Trump and Sanders
--Based on the information contained in Tragedy and Hope 101, I suppose it's understandable why I haven't paid much attention to this election cycle. That said, I had originally heard a few things about Trump that I found encouraging, and watching "the Establishment" attack him earned a few brownie points. I even thought: "What would happen if Trump chose Ron Paul as his running mate; wouldn't that be something?"

Considering what I've recently learned about Trump, it seems pretty unlikely that he'd ever consider a man like Ron Paul as VP. It's equally unlikely that Ron Paul would accept the offer. One thing is for sure: There is no way I would endorse (let alone vote for) Trump. I've seen too many of his type during my research over the years...they're unfit for power. 
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US Struggles to Convince Iraqis it Doesn't Support ISIS
--Despite spending more than $10 million on public outreach in Iraq last year, the U.S. government appears to have made little headway in dispelling such rumors. 

An unscientific survey by the State Department of Iraqi residents last year found that 40 percent believe that U.S. policy is working to 'destabilize Iraq and control its natural resources,' and a third believe America 'supports terrorism in general and (IS) specifically.'

Skepticism about U.S. motives is deeply rooted in Iraq, where many still blame the chaos after the 2003 invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein on American malice rather than incompetence. 
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