Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis |
- Wealthy Flee France Top Tax Rate of 75%; Cameron Lays Out Red Carpet
- Medicine is Killing the Patient; Increasing the Dose is Madness
- What Role Does Government Play in Price Inflation? Various Charts Provide the Answer!
Wealthy Flee France Top Tax Rate of 75%; Cameron Lays Out Red Carpet Posted: 17 Jul 2012 05:25 PM PDT The higher the tax rate, the greater the length people will go to avoid it. France is a case in point. An 'Exodus' of Wealthy is underway even before French parliament has passed Hollande's proposed top tax rate of 75%. The latest estate agency figures have shown large numbers of France's most well-heeled families selling up and moving to neighbouring countries.So what's Hollande to do? Make it a crime to move for purposes of tax avoidance? Tax people for moving? Mike "Mish" Shedlock http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List |
Medicine is Killing the Patient; Increasing the Dose is Madness Posted: 17 Jul 2012 03:36 PM PDT Nigel Farage is once again making common sense arguments in European parliament while blasting the absence of European commission president Herman Van Rompuy and EC commissioner José Manuel Barroso, noting the medicine is killing the patient. Select Quotes
I agree with Farage on all points. Indeed, I believe any clear-thinking person would see that he is correct on all points. The only reason the eurozone has not broken apart already is politicians, especially German chancellor Angela Merkel, have made career commitments to the Euro. Merkel in particular would sell her soul to save it. It may come to that, and if so she will fail anyway. Mike "Mish" Shedlock http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List |
What Role Does Government Play in Price Inflation? Various Charts Provide the Answer! Posted: 17 Jul 2012 08:04 AM PDT Let's take a look at inflation from the standpoint of prices. That viewpoint puts the cart before the horse (my definition of inflation pertains to an increase or decrease in money supply and credit, not an increase in prices). Nonetheless the results are significant. Inflation Comparison - Select Components Since 1978 ![]() Inflation Comparison - Current CPI Components Since 2000 ![]() Discussion of Starting Year The above charts are from Doug Short at Advisor Perspectives. Doug creates excellent charts every month on various CPI components. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I asked Doug for a set of custom charts. Specifically, I had asked Doug to go back to 1971 for both charts. Unfortunately, data for components in the first chart only goes back to 1978, and in the second chart not even that far. The reason I asked for a starting year of 1971 is that's when I started college. Tuition at the University of Illinois in Fall of 1971 was $250 a semester for engineers (My degree is in civil engineering). Current University of Illinois Tuition is $8,278 per semester for Illinois residents, $15,349 for non-residents. Note that tuition difference: $250 in 1971 vs. $8,278 today. Note Areas of Highest and Lowest Price Inflation The least government interference is in apparel and recreation. The most government interference in the free market is education and health care. Education is rife with "no child left behind" madness, student loans, and free tuition for veterans. Moreover, the influence of public unions in raising taxes to support teachers and administrators (not the kids) is staggering. Medicare and Medicaid are behind soaring medical costs. Energy is up because of peak oil. It is also up because the US military is one of the largest consumers of petroleum products. Productivity improvements in food are nothing short of amazing. Had the drought we are experiencing now occurred 12 years ago, corn production would likely have been hammered in this heat wave. Nonetheless, government crop subsidies and preposterous ethanol regulations have pushed up the price of corn. In turn, corn prices filter through to cattle fattening operations, cereals, and high-fructose corn syrup which unfortunately is a product everywhere you look. Note that in the eight components of the core CPI (second chart), that education and communication are listed together. The rationale for that grouping escapes me. Also note that the cost of a new car (first chart) since 1978 is the lowest in that grouping. Please reflect why: Other than safety regulations and mileage requirements, government interferes little in the auto segment (ignoring the recent GM bailout). Car prices are of course hedonically adjusted. Then again, today's cars are far better than any car you could get in 1978. Housing costs (second chart) are reflective of Owners' Equivalent Rent, not actual housing prices, so that component does not reflect reality at all. In short, prices are up in areas with the most government interference and the least in areas of the least government interference (apparel, autos, recreation, communication). Housing Prices Housing certainly merits a discussion. However, as noted above, the housing component in the CPI is a measure of rental prices not home prices. Here is a chart from How Far Have Home Prices "Really" Fallen? HPI and the CPI HPI Nominal Price, PCE Adjusted, and CPI Adjusted ![]() click on any chart for sharper image Politics of Low Prices Mitt Romney is not satisfied with low prices of autos or apparel. Nor is president Obama. Nor is the Fed. Romney has even declared he would label China a currency manipulator if elected. Romney desperately needs to study history, specifically the results of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act that compounded problems during the Great Depression. Consumers like and want low prices (with the exception of home prices after they buy). Who doesn't want a bargain? The answer is Romney, Obama, the Fed and unions. All of them want to rob you blind in misguided belief that high prices are better than low prices. It's a mad, mad, bureaucratic world where cheap, plentiful goods are considered a problem. Mike "Mish" Shedlock http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List |
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