For some People, waking up to the world around them, or "really growing up" as someone once said to me, 'can be similar to that of going through the Loss or the Bereavement of close friend, relative or loved one'. Without being too morbid about the whole affair, it is well worth spending time pondering and thinking about this whole subject matter, as some day it may actually come to us all (growing up that is), and for many it may be too late. No; we are not talking about the subject of death, although death is analogous to what we are considering. We are talking here about the subject of thinking, and not just pondering for a moment, but for giving deep thought for extended periods of time on the whole subject matter of Critical Thinking. Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think. - Martin Luther King, Jr. Critical thinking and or critical reasoning is a process or method whereby you partake in the "purposeful, self-regulatory judgment which results in interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference, as well as explanation of the evidential, conceptual, methodological, criteriological, or contextual considerations upon which that judgment is based". In other words you can make your own mind up based upon ALL facts, data, information etc. available. Critical Thinking is not taught to you in school; well not in State schools, whatever about the third tier education system. Even at that, you only hear tell of it when you begin to specialise in such subjects as Philosophy, Ancient Greek Studies and Spiritualism. It is not taught to the masses for one simple reason, if it were, then the world would be a significantly different place in its entirety. After all who wants a world full of thinkers? And who in reality wants a world full of People that can make up their own minds about the way they want to live? More to the point, who does not? Well the answer to that question will seem fairly obvious, once some simple yet critical questions have been answered and/or addressed. Who/m or what has/have the most the gain from not having People who/m Think Critically? This following list is in no particular order, and is not comprehensive or exhaustive. Please feel free to add to it, as you see fit. FIRSTLY: Perhaps for a start, and without exception, all Politicians have a lot to gain? After all, they purport to represent Peoples interests, but yet when they get into perceived positions of power, they do the very opposite of what they have promised and/or agreed to do. In other words, they lie to People's faces, and only chase their positions for power and/or money and perhaps the pension. Yet (some) People still blindly trust in Politicians and Politics as being the answer to their woes or problems. This is hardly Critical Thinking. SECONDLY: Perhaps the County Councillors their Managers and their Minions? Most if not all of these positions provide for a regular income, a permanent job/position, and a certain degree of authority, bonuses, benefits and pensions, not to mention whatever additional expenses, inducements and cash they can scam. This lot certainly do not want People Critically Thinking about things like, rates, fines, fees, charges etc. That just would not do, as their game would be up in pretty short order. THIRDLY: An Garda Siochana certainly do not want Johnny Commoner Thinking Critically about the role, the position(s) and/or the duties of a member of An Garda Siochana. No individual member of An Garda Siochana wants to go out and arrest a Banker, Judge, Solicitor, Barrister and/or Court Registrar/Officer or Politician. After all it would probably mean their job and pension, and would set a very dangerous precedent, that other member of An Garda Siochana may have to follow. Equally, no member of An Garda Siochana wants their perceived authority checked by the said Johnny Commoner, and/or they do not wish or want their own lack of knowledge of LAW challenged. Although it is quite an irony that the vast majority of An Garda Siochana are NOT trained and/or educated in the LAW, but yet they all purport to have the authority to enforce the LAW. They too have a lot to gain from you or me not being able to Critically Think, and/or challenge them on their wanton ignorance of the LAW. They have a need to save face and preserve their jobs/positions, benefits and pensions, and the Courts and Judiciary generally recognise their ignorance, and in most cases assist them in saving face and preserving their positions. A Critically Thinking Man or Woman let loose on them in a Court of LAW is a very dangerous thing. FOURTHLY: The very same can be said of Revenue, the Commissioner and their Officers. They do not wish to be challenged by a Man or Woman that can Critically Think. This perhaps is one of the biggest (scams) areas of gain perpetrated upon the People of this Island. After all, TAXES affect and effect everyone living on the Island, whether or not you decide to voluntarily declare for Income Tax. Regardless; there is Tax of some form or another on everything, including the very air you breathe. Neither Revenue nor their friends in Customs and Excise can afford to have the People of this Island challenging them Critically as to the lawful validity of what they are doing. The State (per say) would be crippled overnight, or should we say it would ruin the Persons that maintain, work for and within "the State". These Personas produce absolutely nothing whatsoever for and to the benefit of the People they are taking (stealing) from, and/or to the benefit of the Island itself. They are there to prop up and facilitate Big Commercial Interests, and to line their own individual and collective nests. No; Revenue and their cohorts cannot afford Johnny Commoner asking too many Critical questions. That just wouldn't do. In most cases when the said Johnny Commoner asks too many Critical questions of Revenue, Revenue just roll down the shutters and fade away into the background. They do not wish or want their schemes exposed in Public, and fear the Man or Woman that may someday catch them out in a Public setting and/or in Court, by asking the right or wrong Critical question(s), so to speak. FIFTHLY: The Board/Department of Education, and all that entails and suggests, do not wish or want the Children of the People of this Island educated in or with an ability to Critically Think and/or question anything whatsoever. Just ask yourself this; if you do not have the facility, ability or skill to Think Critically, why not? Was the process and ability to Critically Think passed on to you at Primary, Secondary or even Third level education? If not, why not? Were the teachers, lecturers, tutors, trainers and/or educators not trained in the simple processes and skills of Critical Thinking and Learning to Learn? Obviously only the said teachers, lecturers, tutors, trainers and/or educators reading this can address or answer that question. For the rest of us, the answer is probably a resounding NO! The said Board/Department of Education have purposefully and purposely made sure that NO Critical Thinking classes, courses, lectures, tutorials etc. have been built in the Primary, Secondary and the majority of Third level so called educational institutions. But why is this so, you may well ask? The answer is as follows. "If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime". The Board/Department of Education do not want "the young People" Thinking Critically and for themselves. After all, as they grow, they might end up Critically challenging the Status Quo of the way "the State" operate its scams. The State just might end up having to deal with a very large amount of People that do not wish or want to continue cow towing to the every whim of "the State", and where would that lead to? The Board/Department of Education gain by pumping out, year on year, a People who on the face of it, are compliant and subservient, and that will either willingly feed the coffers of "the State", or will export themselves at the behest and encouragement of "the State", like livestock. Yep we know ... it is a pretty harsh analogy to make, but as we said before, "the State" have to control the population somehow, and it is done and carried out primarily through the Mis-Education system, as we have dubbed it. SIXTHLY: The Courts and Judiciary, which in this case (pun intended) is inclusive of all Legal Professionals, Solicitors and Barristers. This lot as a collective have an almighty need, not only to NOT have Critical Thinkers deal with them, but to keep EVERYONE Ignorant of the LAW. Not only are you showing them up if you can learn to Critically deal with them, you are also directly influencing their ability to financially gain from you and latterly their prospective clients (past and present). A Man or Woman that can and/or has the ability to Critically Think and deal with all matters legal and lawful, for him or herself is the most dangerous of all to "The Courts and Judiciary". You will be robbing them of time, and more importantly you will be robbing them of the revenue that they crave and need to exist. If on the other hand, you capitulate to them, the opposite will be true, and you will pay their price, which in this writers view is too heavy a price to pay. FINALLY: "The State" themselves (whomever they are) have most to gain, by not having a People that have the ability to Think Critically. We cannot conceive of "the State" existing in its current form, guise or incarnation, if the majority of People on this Island could Critically Think. That is not to say, that some form of administration would not be required for and of the People, and for their benefit. In its current form, the sole purpose of "the State" is for financial/commercial gain, via the rape of Peoples dignity, and the pillage and plunder of the Peoples labour, property, homes, lands and territories. They are pretty good at it, and have a great many systems and processes in place to maintain their position(s), some of which were mentioned above. WE SAY: "wake up and grow up" to what is really going on, and who/m gains from your current lack of Critical Thinking ability or skills. We know that to learn such a thing may be tough in the first five or ten minutes, but that is literally all it will take to get on the right track. It does not matter to us, how you/ye develop or learn the skill, process or ability to Critically Think for yourself, so long as you/ye just do. Some of our Tutorial attendees will already know, and can attest to the fact, that to lean the actual process of Critical Thinking takes between five and ten minutes, although some People have to be told twice, but seldom thrice. The Critical Thinking Tutorials are great fun, and are carried out in an engaging way and manner. Our aim is to get everyone at the first Tutorial to learn the process of Critical Thinking itself, and to follow that by developing skill and ability in Tutorials Two and Three that follow. The next Critical Thinking set of Tutorials commence on Tuesday 13th. October 2015 from 6pm. To get more information and/or to book your place(s), go to: See Link(s) Below |
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