Wednesday, 9 September 2015

in memory of the internets own boy

In Memory of The Internets Own Boy ... Help Stock Libraries

RIP - Aaron Swartz



Hi Folks,


We have been speaking to King Aidan, the writer of the infamous book "Dear Plonker", and have agreed, that over the next few weeks up to and including the end of September 2015, anyone who procures a copy of "Dear Plonker", will also receive a complimentary copy to lodge with their LOCAL LIBRARY, and/or any PRIVATE LIBRARY that you may have access to.


Having done this before, we know that most librarians will accept books. Please do let us know which Library you have lodged your complimentary copy of "Dear Plonker" with. We in turn will let our contacts/readers know which library you have chosen, and therefore People that do not have access to the internet can read the book too.


As you may already be aware; Public Libraries are severely underfunded and understocked, and are in danger of disappearing entirely in the near future. We do not see or perceive this as being a good thing at all. Whilst the internet may be a great many things to a great many People, when it comes to sourcing sound reference/research material(s), you may either have to pay a premium for it, and/or you cannot always entirely rely upon its source.


If you want to keep People dumbed down, closing libraries is a good idea. Over the past decade or so, "the State" have been systematically removing research papers and reference books from public libraries, and have moved more and more towards transferring this information to corporate profit making centers.

One very prominent proponent of open source data sharing was a young man call Aaron Swartz (Youtube: the Internets Own Boy).


The pressures "the State" brought to bear on this young man took its toll on 11th. January 2013, when he took his own life. He was persecuted and pursued because he had the temerity to try and make the world a better place.


All of us own Aaron a debt of gratitude, as he pointed out the obvious, and paid the ultimate price.


FINALLY: The book "Dear Plonker" can be procured here:



Thank you all in advance for supporting this work and effort.


All the best,



p.s. The CLS can be contacted on 057 868 8410.

Calls are taken between 10am and 4pm.

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