Tuesday, 22 September 2015

JoePlummer.com News 09-21-2015

StopTheLie.com News update 09-21-2015

EPA charges one man $40,000 a day. Who will be next?
Source: DownsizeDC.com
Crime-fighting should be government's job one. But what can be done when government itself commits crimes?

This conundrum is perhaps the key flaw in all statist thinking. If government regulation is so freaking important, then how come government itself is UNregulated?

Some people claim the Constitution controls government. But how often does the government punish itself for violating its own rules?
Read full article at: https://downsizedc.org/blog/the-epa-steals-40000-a-day-from-one-man-who-will-be-next


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Previous Week's News 09-14-2015

50 Defense Dept. Whistleblowers Slam "Stalinist" Pentagon Officials For Lying About ISIS
Source: ZeroHedge.com
The Pentagon has erupted in "revolt" amid claims from 50 intelligence analysts that senior defense officials manipulated intelligence reports to downplay the severity of the Islamic State's increasing upper-hand in the Middle East. According to allegations made in an official complaint with the Department of Defense Inspector General, the officers in question doctored reports — among other things — in order to maintain the Pentagon and president's narrative that the war against the Islamic State, as well as Al Qaeda in Syria, is succeeding. To the contrary, the dissenting analysts — now effectively whistleblowers — have repeatedly attempted to warn that the situation is far more dismal than what authorities are revealing to the public.
Read full article at: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-09-13/50-defense-dept-whistleblowers-slam-stalinist-pentagon-officials-lying-about-isis

COMMENT: Intentional or not, the article above misdirects its readers. 

The government isn't exaggerating its "success" against ISIS because it wants to look good. It's exaggerating its success as to limit the amount of firepower directed against ISIS.

Recent government documents show that our "policy makers" knew damn well that their actions would lead to the creation of ISIS and the mess in Iraq. They pursued this seemingly "crazy" policy because they determined it would ultimately serve their interests. 

In short: ISIS, like Al Qaeda before them, is now an asset; meant to generate just enough "fear" to justify foreign and domestic objectives, but not so much fear that the asset is (through military action) prematurely destroyed. 


Beyond Misinformation 2015
Source: Scribd.com
Beyond Misinformation: What Science Says About the Destruction of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7 is AE911Truth's comprehensive, 50-page guide to the World Trade Center evidence.

Chock-full of the most accurate information and analysis, and with references to dozens of scholarly papers and videos, Beyond Misinformation is the perfect starting point for anyone wishing to understand the destruction of the World Trade Center, and a valuable resource for those already immersed in the subject.
Read full article at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/280021915/Beyond-Misinformation-2015#scribd

COMMENT: If you'd like to purchase hard copies, they're available at: http://www.shop.ae911truth.org/Beyond-Misinformation-Booklet-bkltBM.htm


Don't Assume I'm Smarter Than My Contractor
Source: FEE.org
--Whether we mean to or not, we constantly reinforce the message that only the stuff kids are taught in school counts as serious learning. Extracurriculars are fine, but what really counts is in their textbooks and homework.
Read full article at: http://fee.org/freeman/don-t-assume-im-smarter-than-my-contractor/

COMMENT: Equally important and largely forgotten: the stuff that "really counts" can also be learned without ever stepping foot in a school building.  

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