Hey Good Looking ... Some are already aware, we are facilitating the final School of Commonology 2015, as a MOCK "Court Room Drama". What we have found in recent times, in terms of People winning in Court, is that success comes from the ability and skill of the individual (singular), to put their point(s) across succinctly, to stick to their point(s), and to stand on the LAW. The Courts system/process we are all dealing with, is one of adversary, unless you have relatively finely honed your skills, knowledge and confidence, you will lose ever before the case has begun. We would like to have more and more People, in a position where they know that they have a winnable case (on paper), and yet "be prepared to fail". Yes, this does sound like a contradiction in terms. To keep what we have stated in context; if your case and paperwork are sufficiently worked upon and prepared, and on paper you cannot lose, then irrespective of what a Registrar or Judge rules, you will have sufficient grounds for a Judicial Review and/or an Appeal. In other words "be prepared to fail", as in, be prepared for the case not to go your way (all the time), but not to care either way. Get up, dust yourself off, and go at it again and all the way, to see the matter through to the end (whatever or whenever that might be). You will need to learn; to be forthright and assertive without being aggressive, in order to keep yourself out of Contempt of Court. To that end we are facilitating a one-day School, whereby you can come in and put your case to a Mock Court, and listen to others present theirs as part of the School. We will have a mock Plaintiff/Solicitor and a mock Judge/Registrar presiding on the day. They will be reasonably fair, well as fair as they can be, and will reflect the attitude and approach of the Judiciary and legal professions. In other words, they won't tolerate insubordination of any sort, and won't take prisoners. So none of that, as they say "freeman/sovereign nonsense" (sic) and that stuff. That is not to say we agree or disagree with that stuff, we just wish to relay to People the attitude and outlook of a Court per say. HINT: There is no need for you to pre-prepare paperwork, as most of the paperwork required on the day will be provided in the morning, and issued to you. These matters will primarily concern Civil/Commercial issues, but may also lead and/or evolve into Criminal matters/issues. We would recommend that you make yourself familiar with Court Rules and Orders, and review any/all notes that you may have accumulated from previous Schools, Tutorials, Books, The CLS Talks and emails that may have gone out. In other words, study whatever personal armory you feel may be appropriate for the day in hand. We will leave you to decide the rest. In so far as we know, no one has ever facilitated a MOCK COURT in this context, although as our attendees and readers have been telling us for some time now, it is very badly needed. On occasion, we do challenge People in this context, on a one-to-one basis, and sometimes at Schools and Tutorials. From the feedback it seems to have done them a world of good, and helps clear away some of the cobwebs, allusions and misapprehensions that People may have about attending Court. Court is a tough place to find yourself in, but if you can get some practice in, in a MOCK situation like this, your knowledge and ultimately your confidence will grow, and you will certainly be better positioned to handle what mud a Solicitor, Bar*ister, Registrar or a Judge might throw. You might then be able to dodge what is thrown at you, and perhaps throw a bit of mud back at them. THIS DAY should prove to be very educational and entertaining. Although not the real thing, it should still get your adrenalin pumping, and get some of those endorphins kicking in, and therefore will ultimately help you, to keep your head about you, whilst all others about you are losing theirs (in the Court context). We would hope that you would learn how to rattle the Court and the Plaintiffs Legal Representation, get them angry enough to lose their heads, whilst staying and remaining relatively calm yourself. Going by that old mantra; "when they attack you, you have won". FINALLY: We have and will be issuing some paperwork on the morning of the School, and therefore cannot facilitate anyone showing up and/or attempting to book a place on the day, or the night before. It delays the start of the School, and becomes an administration nightmare. We prefer to get down to work straight away, with People that have pre-booked places on time and in time. You/ye can book your place(s) here: www.CourtRoomDrama.eventbrite.com/ Thanks for reading, Des: of The CLS  |
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