Monday, 5 October 2015

ninety year old victim of ignorance



FFS ... By now, most People will have heard, read and/or listened to the story of the ninety year young lady, found guilty in Court of not taking down a satellite dish, receiving a massive fine and was lucky to "escape serving a prison sentence"?  


The Judge involved in the case, was the notorious John O'Neill.  Judge O'Neill has a penchant and proclivity for persecuting People in favor of "the State".  Some of the People we have worked with over the years, have taken him down a peg or two, but in my opinion ... NOT ENOUGH has been done yet. 

In This Case:

We certainly did wonder who/m may have represented this lady in Court, and whomsoever did, certainly did not seek a Gary Doyle Order, and/or look to challenge the legal/lawful validity of what has been done to persectute her. Then again, like most of the cases that we work with People on, if the lady had been sucessful in defending herself, this matter would not have been so widely publicised, if at all. The press publicised the case, in the fashion they have, to frighten more and more People into compliance.


NONE of my Grannies or Grandads are still about, but if they were, rest assured they would DEFINATELY have beaten the County Council and "the State" in this matter, even if that meant going off to Europe for a trip. This case if challenged properly would have cost "the State" and the Council involved an absolute fortune, and would have showed them up for the complete thugs that they are.


THE VERY NEXT CASE STUDY we do, in relation to the upcoming Critical Thinking Tutorials, will initially focus on a case concerning this very same Judge, Judge John O'Neill. It's not often we make a specific Judge a centrepoint of a study in Critical Thinking, but we think that Judge John O'Neill and the way he "administers Justice", needs/requires special attention. This is the same Judge used in the eFlow scam, and the NPPR/PRTB scams. His "special skills" are obviously used quite extensively for matters concerning certain County Councils.


TAKE NOTE: Judge O'Neill is the same Judge that sets aside/ignores the LAW, when convenient to him, as discussed on at least four of "The CLS Talks" here:

and here:

and here:

and here:


THE CLS TALKS: Although perhaps fun and interesting to listen to, have a practical application that most People seem to miss, or perhaps do not wish or want to acknowledge. The application of SUCCESFULLY DEFENDING Yourself in Court boils down to your ability to "Critically Think", nothing more, and nothing less. It has nothing whatsoever to do with, where you went to School, how long you attended, what qualificaltions you have, what job you do or career you may be in. It has nothing to do with intelligence or percieved lack thereof.


Any/every MAN or WOMAN can learn to Think Critically. Age, height, gender, skin colour or origin are not a barrier. The only barrier is you yourself. With the simply guidance and direction we have to give and show, you can be thinking critically in a matter of minutes, and can continue to do so, for the rest of your days. Thus when your Children, Parents, Grannies and Grandads run aground with the likes of the County Council, you can help them turn things around.


We are sickened by what was done, and is still being done to this lady. This has ended quite badly for her and her family, and has put more fear into more People. Lets stop the rot ... and get more People Thinking Critically!!!




The next Critical Thinking Tutorial commence on Tuesday 13th. October 2015, from 6pm to 8pm, for three consecutive Tuesday evenings. More information and booking details here:






Land Line: 057 8688 410


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