Wednesday, 28 October 2015

mock court mary the council and more

The CLS Talks ... next part here:

Final School 2015 | The CLS TALKS | Stocking Fillers | The CLS Book Collection 

The CLS Final School for 2015, is on Monday 7th. December.


With this Final School, there will be a "Mock Court" set up and held. With a stand in Judge or Registrar, a stand in Solicitor/Plaintiff, with the attendees taking up the positions of "Mock Defendants".


The attendees will be issued with relevant paperwork on the day, and asked to present their cases and arguments to the "Mock Court".


Book Your Place(s) HERE:

Part 2: of "The CLS Talks" clarifies how Mary deals with a letter from the Council ... and her response.

In this, the most recent installment of "The CLS Talks" with Lionel and Des ... Mary sends a response letter to the Council, with some tough questions. The letter from the Council and Mary's rrsponse are broken down and analysed by Lionel/Des.


This series of talks and the material contained therein should be shared with as many People as possible. Take a short break or two, make a cuppa and open the biscuits, sit back and take it all in.

The CLS --- Book Collection --- Great Stocking Filler - 4 for 3
If you/ye are looking for a great gift for someone, The CLS Book Collection are available. This year we have four books available as a package. More information and procurement details available here:  


N.B.: We have a Landline number up and running, which will be manned on a Wednesday and Thursday morning (ONLY)... from 10am to 12pm.


The telephone umber is: 057 8688 410  |   The email address is: ... and if you wish/want to join our mailing list go to:


Please Feel Free to Share This Email/Mailshot With ALL Your Friends and Family

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