Thursday, 1 October 2015 News 09-28-2015 News update 09-28-2015

StormCloudsGathering is Under Attack - Major Changes Coming (Video)
Watch video at:

COMMENT: I sent this guy some Bitcoin to help cover the lost revenue; I hope you can donate a little too. At the very least, watch the 5-minute video above and see how it makes you feel. 


The CIA's Torture Defenders
" one could really claim to be following a moral path if they were complicit in the death of hundreds or thousands more Americans through failure to get information that these detainees had" --John McLaughlin, career Agency analyst.
Read full article at:

COMMENT: You mean those goat herders who were sold to the US government by Afghan drug lords for $5,000 a piece? All those "terrorist suspects" that were rounded up but never convicted of any crime whatsoever? The ones that were held (some still held), abused, tortured, raped, even killed without any recourse; no opportunity to challenge their accusers, no opportunity to challenge the "evidence" against them?  

Following McLaughlin's logic, it would be immoral NOT to rape a "suspects" child and then light it on fire if the government believed that the rape and subsequent immolation might yield useful information. 

Meanwhile, this same morally-bankrupt mindset has led our "policy makers" to FUND the very terrorists that they claim to be "protecting us" from. It's all a sick joke, and yet the common man is so easily terrified, he'll happily accept any crime or criminal that offers the dishonest promise of "safety." I hope those "common men" will start considering the simple arguments presented here:


Scott Nations Refuses to Admit Peter Schiff Was Right (Video)
Watch video at:

COMMENT: Peter was laughed at and dismissed as "crazy" when he, contrary to "conventional wisdom" (Federal Reserve talking points), said there would be a major housing crash. You'd think the "experts" would have lost some faith in the FED's proclamations and omnipotence...apparently not. 


War on Citizens: Ex-Baltimore Cop Talks Police Corruption (Video)
Source: Jessie Ventura
Retired Baltimore police officer Michael A. Wood Jr. spent eleven years on the police force. He reveals the misconduct and corruption he witnessed on a daily basis, and the pressure placed on cops to make arrests if they want to move up the ladder. 
Watch video at:


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Previous Week's News 09-21-2015

EPA charges one man $40,000 a day. Who will be next?
Crime-fighting should be government's job one. But what can be done when government itself commits crimes?

This conundrum is perhaps the key flaw in all statist thinking. If government regulation is so freaking important, then how come government itself is UNregulated?

Some people claim the Constitution controls government. But how often does the government punish itself for violating its own rules?
Read full article at:

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